Chapter 44

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I went into the arena a few hours earlier than usual to make sure everything was running smoothly. It was so I went into hair, and makeup. I got changed into a blazer, red tank top and white shorts. Raw started off with Roman, Seth, Dean and I in the center of the ring. We all had a microphone. "We had a discussion last night. We wanted someone smart to run us. To run Monday night raw and Smackdown." Dean says. "So, we picked the one who guaranteed us a win last night." Seth says. "The one who pinned Stephanie. AJ." Roman says. "First off. I can't mess up this time, but I had made a few matches already. Involving Dolph Ziggler vs Luke Harper in a steel cage match. You will also be seeing all these people behind me fighting for title gold tonight." I say. "I've just been wondering. How long do you think this dream of yours is gonna last AJ? You couldn't do it before. What makes you think you can do it this year?" Michael asks standing up. "I think I can do it by satisfying the WWE universe. I think putting John Cena in a match against you tonight would certainly satisfy them. Maybe it will teach you to not step out of line." I say. "I don't have any gear. I'm just a commentator." He says. "Not my problem, should have thought about that before." I say. "Well, I think you should read the rules and regulations on this so you don't get fired after a month or two." Michael Cole says. "Rules are pretty much no fraternizing with employees, don't put your hands on anyone and you are good." I say with a smirk. John's music hits and Michael says "That will be hard for you to stop flirting and having affairs with Superstars. Won't it?" "I know AJ and I always haven't been the greatest, but I will say a lot of people underestimate her. She is everything the Shield said and more. She is also your boss, and I'm not gonna sit here and suck up to her, so I can get far. I'm doing that because a congrats needs to be said when its deserved." John says. I smile. I get out of the ring and we go to commercial. I go to my office and sit at the desk. Dean follows me and sits on my couch. I put on my glasses and read a little. "Come here." Dean says. I move and sit on the couch next to him. "You look beautiful with your glasses on." He says with a smile. The smile that shows those perfect dimples. I smile at him and he leans in and kisses me. Nothing holds me back. I put my legs on his lap and just kiss. As if my life depended on it. I hear the door click meaning it shut. I quit kissing and look over. I see John Laurignitis, Roman and a camera man. Dean stands up and says "It's not what it looks like. I was helping her find her contact." "She is wearing glasses." John says in that voice that makes my brain cry. "I've gotta get ready for my match up next." Dean says running out there, but as he runs he trips over a wire and falls. He just groans as Roman helps him up. "I think it's best if you leave. I have a show to run." I say. "No, what you didn't know is if you broke a rule. I got to invite a specialist to make sure you would be able to keep this job." John says. Then walks in Dr. Shelby. "Hi AJ. Great to see you again. I hope your crazy doings won't increase the chances of losing this job." He says in that awful voice he had before. One that was supposed to be calming but never was. I roll my eyes as they go to the ring where John, and Michael are in the ring. "Get out." I say to everyone. Dean, Roman, and Shelby stay. "What wasn't clear to you about get out." I say. "I think it's best if we talk." Dean says. "No. You have a match NEXT. I have a show to run." I say emphasizing next. "There is a match now." He says. Roman leaves and Dean sits down. "I'm sorry." He says. "No. You- I just got it they did it. They got it." I say. "What do you mean?" He asks. I pull him down and whisper in his ear. "They wanted this to happen for me to end up losing the job, because of fraternizing with you." I say. "That makes no sense. If they wanted us to get together, we would've." He says. "That's the thing. One thing. One thing is always holding us back. I just say, we aren't meant to be at this time." I say. That was hard. I really like him. Love him even. "The Shield runs this yard." He says. He gets up and pats my leg. "You should stay back here. I want to win on my own." He says. "I want all of you to win." I say. He smiles. "See ya Shortstack." He says. He walks out and Dr. Shelby says "I'm here to help. Not hurt." "Well, I have to go." I say. "I have to join." He says. I roll my eyes and get up. We walk to the Shields locker room. I open the door and Roman says "Look who decided to show up." "Where's Seth?" I ask. "He should be here. He was wandering." Roman says. As if on que he walks in. "Sethie." I tease. "What do you want?" He asks. "Can you help me planning next weeks show? I have to also plan a contract signing for 3 weeks from now." I say. "Okay. I could help...but I'm not." Seth says. "I hate you." I say. Seth jumps on top on me and says "No. You love your big brother." "I also love breathing." I say. "Okay, so if Dean looses what do we do?" Seth asks. "We all do shots and buy the beer." Roman says. "Beers always on your mind isn't it?" I ask. "Hell yeah." He says. "If one looses you all loose." I say to them. "If Dean looses I shouldn't throw it because he didn't do it good." Seth says. "Not what I meant. How about we think about that when he looses." I say. "Okay, sounds great because here we go." Roman says. He walks out to the ring with a smile plastered on his face. Randy walks out there and does his poses. After the match has come to a closing. He goes for the pin and wins

Dean won!
Roman, Seth and I ran really fast to the curtain and to the ring to celebrate with Dean. We all jumped on top of him excited that he just won the United States title. Roman grabs a microphone and says "One down two to go." He rolls out of the ring along with everyone else. We walk to the back and Dean is having the best time. When we walk back there I feel people grab my legs. I look down and see Scarlet and Lela. I pick Lela up as she smiles and says Mommy. I kiss her cheek as she wraps her arms around me. Dean stops walking and picks Scarlet up. "Nothing could make this night any better." Dean says making it come off more like a question. We go into the Shields locker room. Erica joined. I can't believe that they're already 3. Dean sits down and hugs them both. "Go shower. You stink." I say to him. "Pee-yew Daddy." Lela says with a smile as she scrunches up her nose. "Thanks AJ." Dean says. "Anytime." I say with a smile. "Anytime Daddy." Scarlet says. He rolls his eyes and goes to take a shower. "How's tonight going? General manager." Erica asks. "I don't really-" "It's going awful. First night and it could be her last." Roman says teasing. "On the contrary. AJ is mentally stable, and almost ready for managing on her own." Shelby says. "Duh! I could've told you that." I say. "Yes, well. I hope we don't have to have another warning." Shelby says. "Can I have the hand book?" I ask. "Yes. You should read it so that way you aren't making out and beating up everyone." Dr. Shelby says with a smile. "What?" I ask calmly. "I said You shou-" "I heard you, and if you ever repeat it you don't want to know what happens." I say. He tosses me a book and walks out. "He kinda has a point." Roman says. "What do you mean?" I ask. "Instead of making out with Dean, why don't you make a move. Instead of fighting why don't you let water under the bridge." Seth says. Seth then gets up and says "I'll be back." We nod and I start reading the book. The part about fraternizing says we can't actually have this secret affair. It isn't a secret 'affair' though. It also said that I can't have a basis. I honestly know that rule isn't enforced. "There isnt anything I or we can do." I say. "About what?" "I knew you still loved him." Erica says. "Course I do. I never stopped." I say admitting that for the first time feels great. "Aww. That's cute." Erica says. "I know I am, but I'm off limits." Dean says as he walks in from the shower area. "Shit." I mumble. "Don't worry your secrets safe with me." Dean says. "Do we think Seth can win?" Roman asks. "I think so." I say.
He was pinned for the 1,2,3. Seth lost. "What do we do now?" I ask. "We pick him up and dust him off. Just like a-" "Wait, I think he's hurt." Erica says. My eyes stay glued to the TV as I see, she is right. He is clutching his arm. Writhing in pain. "That's not good." Dean says. "Thanks genius." I say to Dean.

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