Chapter 14

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Surprise large Time skip
Tonight's wrestlemania. Everyone of us has a match. Roman gets a chance to be WWE world heavyweight champion. Dean gets a chance to be intercontinental champion. Paige is making her comeback after having her kid who is actually here today. Paige is fighting me for my title which was months in the making. Paige had her baby almost a month ago and she had to be in the hospital for almost a month because she was a premature. Dean and I haven't seen her but Dean's match is 3rd and mine is 6th. Romans is the last but what excites me is even though the Undertaker lost last year he has a match with Bray Wyatt. Dean and I broke up onscreen the last Raw of October. I betrayed him by making him lose to Bray Wyatt in order to go into a battle royal. Everyone is getting ready tonight because whether or not they are wrestling we are all going to look our best. I put on a stay weird shirt. If I can keep my title for another month I will beat my old reign. I finish hair and makeup and lace up my converse. After deciding I look great I leave the locker room and head out to just hang out with everyone. I cried yesterday when Daniel gave a speech for Connor, he was the best kid in the world and when I heard that he couldn't fight anymore it had brought me to tears. I keep on walking and someone puts their hands on my eyes. "Guess who?" Paige says. I smile. I haven't actually seen her till now. "Paige!" I shout startling some people. She smiles and gives me a hug. "Have you given her a name?" I ask. "I've thought of some but no. I'm at the point that we won't give her a name." She says. "What about Jade?" I ask. She smiles. "I like that. Meet Jade." Paige says. She lets me hold Jade. "What did you call her for the month before?" I ask. "Baby." Paige says with a smirk. "I'm now stealing her." I say. "Let's go show Dean." She says with a smile. I nod and we walk past the Bella twins and Brie says "Oh a kid. Can I hold her?" I look to Paige. She nods and I her over to Brie. "What's her name?" Brie asks. "Jade." Paige says. Brie eventually gives Jade back to Paige. We go to the locker room for Roman, Ambrose and Rollins. They figured ex shield members can handle it. I knock on the door and Dean opens the door. He smiles when he sees all three of us. He picks Paige up and spins her around. Then takes Jade and cradles her and he's great with kids which surprises me. Until Jade burps and spits up on Dean. He smirks and says "Yeah, you can take her while I now find a new shirt." Dean says. "Where's Roman?" I ask. "With his family. His mom, wife and daughter are here. I don't know where though. Seth is in there and I have actually acquired a non hate for him for now." Dean says as he takes off his shirt. He goes into the locker room inviting us in. Seth waves. Dean changes shirts. We all go into a TV room. Vince, Stephanie and Hunter are in there. Stephanie and I are on a neutral territory with each other. "Hey! Paige great to see you again." Stephanie says smiling at Paige. "Who's watching her for our match?" I ask. "I was hoping Deanieboy would. If he wasn't busy." Paige says. "I'd be happy to." Dean says sarcastically. "Good luck in your matches tonight." Vince says. "Thanks. Good luck to you Hunter. I'm way too nervous." I say. "Why?" Stephanie asks. "I've only had one other match and my first wrestlemania I cost Daniel his match." I say. Dean chuckles. "You'll do fine." Stephanie says with a smile. "Well. I can be 2-0 tonight. I'm going after Undertaker's streak." I say. Dean was the only one who laughed at my joke. "Well, okay. Since Dean your match is rather next good luck." Vince says. Dean nods. "I'm gonna go get ready for since this match is almost over." Dean says. We nod. He gives me a kiss on the lips then leaves the room. Everyone has their eyes on the Big Show and Damien Sandow are left. That is until Big Show throws him out of the ring. Vince leaves to go to the curtain. My hand starts to shake a tiny bit. I sit down and Paige notices. "AJ relax it isn't your match." She says with a laugh. "I'm sorry, I'm nervous. This can be Dean's chance since he won the US title in The Shield." I say. "You might be more nervous than him." Paige jokes. "Alright I get it." I say. Stephanie and Hunter chuckle. Everyone goes out. Let me be honest I feel Dean can win this if Barret can't. I watch it and everyone is doing amazing. Once every 3 minutes someone was doing some sort of high risk move. Towards the end Dean got his head rammed into a ladder and still got up. He was clawing and scratching his way up and then the door opens. I look over and see Roman peeking in. "Get back here." I say. He smiles and says "I have company." I shrug and he opens the door for his mom, dad, wife and kid and lets them in. I smile at them but turn back to the match. "How's Dean doing?" "Gre-" he just got powerbombed into a ladder. "Not so great right now." I say standing up but quickly sitting down. Dean wasn't apart of that match anymore as Daniel reached for the title. He just won. "Awh. Now we all can't win." Paige says. "We couldn't anyways because of our match." I say. Roman chuckles. "Okay, so this is my mom, and this is my Dad and the rest you know. Who's that?" Roman asks. "This is Jade." Paige says with a smile. "I don't think I'm gonna watch this next match." I say standing up. "Going to find Dean?" Paige asks. "That and I need to get in the mindset so most likely I'll be meditating in a dark room." I say standing up. "Okay, well have fun. See you out there." Paige says. I nod and give everyone a hug before leaving. I go into the trainer's room and see Dean is already in there getting his head stitched up. "Hey." I say. "Hi." Dean says grumpily. They finish 5 minutes later and he hands Dean an ice pack and lets him leave. "I'm sorry you didn't win." I say. "I just thought this would be my wrestlemania moment. Instead I just got stitches or staples to the back of the head." Dean says. "There are other Wrestlemania matches." I say. "But it was my first Wrestlemania in singles competition. I wanted to prove myself." He says. "You gonna watch my match?" I ask. He nods. "Roman, and I think Paige are in this room. I'm going to the curtain. Love you." I say. "I love you too."He says and gives me a kiss on the lips before walking in. Paige walks out a few seconds later. "You ready?" She asks. "No matter how this match ends we will still be best friends." I say. She nods and we walk to the curtain to watch the end of Randy Orton vs Seth Rollins as we just start moving. I do like 5 pushups and that's when it's Paiges turn to go out there. She gives me a hug before going out there. I jump in place until I'm told to go out there. I skip out and skip to the ring and get in under the bottom rope. I kiss my title as the ref raises it in the air and the ring announcer says all the boring champion and challenger stuff. We throw punches and kicks. I go to hit her with a diving cross body but Paige brings her knees up, then She hits me with Paige-Turner and pins me. I give it everything I have to kick out but when I do it isn't in time. I just lost my title again. I put my hands over my face as I sit up. Paige grabs my title excitedly before setting it down and helping me up. I smile as more tears come out. I'm grad I wear water proof stuff. I don't think anyone can see them. I slide out of the ring and walk with my head down to the back. Stephanie, Vince, Hunter all sit there waiting for us to come back here. Hunter gives me a hug and says "You did good. It was a great match." I nod and walk to the back. I go to the TV room where Dean and Romans family is. I guess you could say Deans family too. I walk in and Dean and Roman both tackle me in a hug. "I'm sorry you couldn't retain the title." Dean says. "It's okay, because I wrestled my heart out and the better woman won tonight but that doesn't mean I've given up on this title." I say. They break from the hug and like ten minutes later she walks in. "I found you." She says. Everyone was having a conversation. "Yeah, I'm here." I say. "Great match." She says to me. "I couldn't make it happen all alone. Just watch your back because I plan on getting back my title." I say. "There's the AJ everyone knows." Roman says. "Would you be up to having this rematch tomorrow night on Raw?" She asks. "I might." I say. "Shades of last year when I beat you." She says. "How're you still friends after this?" Romans Mom asks. I shrug. "I don't know actually. We seem to not take everything in the ring personally unless we are mad at each other." I say. Paige laughs. "Very true. I gave her a black eye to the point she couldn't open her eye for like a week because we were in some fight about probably something not worth fighting." They nod and go back to the match. Undertaker vs Bray Wyatt. "I don't know if I should stay or leave. So I'm gonna leave even though I want to see this." Roman says. His family follows him out the door and Paige asks "Are we still friends?" "Like I said before the match you and I will still be bestfriends." I say. "I'm gonna go and wipe my face off." I say. "Have fun." Paige says. "Can I join?" Dean asks. I shrug. We walk out and right before we even walk into my dressing room Renee stops me. "AJ, can we get your thoughts on this match between you and Paige earlier tonight?" "Yeah, I am bumbed that I didn't come out victorious but that's fine. The better woman won tonight but I will take back my title and I'm very happy that Paige is back in the ring because she was the only good competitor that I've had." "Thank you." She says. I nod and go into the locker room with Dean. "You should let me do your makeup." He says. "Yeah, not when I have to go out in public." I say. "Fine." Dean says. I take off my makeup and turn to face Dean. "Let's hope Roman can win." He says. I nod. "Hopefully." I say. Just then Nikki and Brie walk in. I put my stuff away and Brie says "Great match." I nod and say "Thanks." I stand up and Dean throws away the ice pack. "Would you like another?" I ask as we walk out. He shrugs. "Not really. I want to touch it but I won't. I'll be a good boy." He says. We go back into the TV room with Paige. The previous match is over Undertaker won. Then Roman vs Brock is next. "Roman can do this." Dean says. "He can and will." Paige says. "Two great competitors in the ring." I say. When Roman seems to be winning this match Seth runs out there with his money in the bank contract. My heart jumps into my throat as we watch on silently. Seth curb stomps Brock, then goes for another and gets stopped by being set up for the F5. Roman comes outta no where and spears Brock. As he's getting up he gets curbstomped and pinned. 1, 2, 3. Rollins just won the WWE title. I know Roman will be disappointed in himself. He walks to the back and we all go to the curtain and see everyone hugging him. Tears on his face. He sees us and he sorta smiles before walking over to us. He wipes his face and kinda shrugs to us. JoJo walks from behind us and over to her father and gives him the biggest hug possible for a little girl. He smiles. His family comes back here and Roman smiles and gets hugged by them. "I think its only fair if I give you a hug." Paige says. Roman shrugs and Paige gives him a hug. I give him one and say "You did great out there." I go back to Dean and hold his hand. We all love Roman. He's like our big brother. The further we go into the building the more people who stop Roman and say great job or something. Dean starts unwrapping his hands. Roman says he'll be right back. Dean leans down and whispers in my ear "All the non-hate for Seth is gone." I giggle. "Anyways. I'm gonna go change." He says before heading into the locker room. "Monday seems so far away at this point." I say. "Actually its like 20 minutes from here." Paige jokes. I laugh. "No flights no nothing. It's glorious." I say. Roman comes out of there and goes with his family. Dean comes out with a red towel on his head. "Yeah, I'm gonna go to the trainer." He says. "I'll join." I say. We walk to the trainer and he stitches Dean up again. "How'd this happen?" The trainer asks. "I scratched my head but I guess I was a little too close to the stitches." Dean says with a smirk. "Well be careful." He says handing Dean another ice pack. We leave and we go back to his locker room. He lets me in and grabs his stuff. We go to the diva's locker room, which is really only for Paige, the Bellas and myself. I put his stuff next to mine. I text Paige.

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