Chapter 12

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Dean and I have just been sitting around all day on our phones laying on the couch. "We should go on a date tonight." Dean says. "Okay, I'm not wearing a dress though." I respond. "I want to see you in a dress at least once." He says. "Alright. I'll wear a dress." I say. He smiles and kisses my head. "Good. You can go tell Paige now." He says. I give a strange look. "Isn't that what you guys do?" He asks. "Sorta." I say. I stand up and say "I will see you later then." He nods and smiles. "Be ready by 7:30." I nod then walk to Paiges room. I knock on the door and Roman opens it. "Oh hello AJ." He says. "Hey. Paige in here?" I ask. "Yes she is." He says moving out the way. Paige is sitting on the couch. "What brings ya here?" She asks. "Well, Dean asked me out on a date and he wants me to wear a dress." I say. "Why?" She chuckles. "I don't know. If he wants to see me in a dress look at some pictures from old photo shoots." I say. "To the mall." She says with a smile. "I hate shopping." I say. "Too bad." Roman says. I glare at him. She stands up and says "Lets go." "Since when did you like shopping for dresses? And being so opposite of my best friend?" I ask. "I like shopping if if means torturing you." She says. "There's the Paige I know." I say. "Have fun ladies." Roman says. I flip him off as Paige pulls me out the door. We get in her car and drive to the mall. We get out and she says "Lets just check out Hot Topic. You don't have to get anything." I shrug. We walk into Hot Topic and I see tons of bands merchandise that I've heard of and haven't heard of. Some rappers and on one wall is WWE stuff. We go there and a girl sees us and she starts crying as she walks over. "You're AJ and Paige." She says smiling. We nod. "Yes, we are." Paige says. "I love you two. You are the reason I got into wrestling." She says. I smile. Paige and I give her a hug. "Well I have to go but I loved meeting you." She says before walking off as she wipes her tears. "Would it be snobby if I bought our tee shirts?" I ask. "Like you would wear my shirt." She says. "When I'm at the gym." I say. She shrugs. "Wear one another's shirt." She says. I nod and smile. I grab Paige's, and my shirt while she grabs mine. We check out. I pay for our shirts. "You don't have to." She says. "Its a shirt of me. Who cares." I say. She smirks and we go to this dress store that sells skater type dresses. She walks in and says "What color dress?" "I'm gonna say black." I say. We walk over to the section with black dresses. She finds 1 dress for me and I find another one that's a black part at the top and the bottom is plaid and red kinda like an outfit but as a dress. She makes me go try them on. I put on my dress first and look at myself in the mirror. I don't see myself liking this a lot. I feel like I'd have to do my hair like when I was on NXT. Not that I hated my hair its just not me. I walk out and Paige says "That's nice." "I'm not feelin this one." I say. "Well, try the other dress." She says. I nod and go in there and try Paiges dress. I put it on with the crop top she gave me. I look in the mirror and smile. I like this and I can wear this with my black socks and white converse. I walk out and Paige gasps "Now this is more AJ." She says. I smile. "You think Dean will like it?" I ask. "Absolutely you look hot." She says. I smile and walk back in the dressing room and put my clothes back on. We pay for this stuff and she says "You gonna make this more AJ?" I shrug. "I have a gray belt I'm gonna add." I say. "Now shoes. You gonna get out your nicest pair of chucks?" She asks. "Yeah. Now really all I have to do now is get my makeup and hair done." I say. She nods and we leave the mall. "When do you have to be ready?" She asks as we enter the hotel. "7:30." I say. "When are you starting hair and makeup. You only have an hour." She says. "It'll only take me thirty minutes." I say. "Okay, cool. Have fun." She says. I nod and smile as she goes to unlock her door and I do. I open the door and walk through. I go into my room and put my stuff in our room. I hear the water running in the bathroom in here. I check to see if the door is unlocked and it is. I turn on the water just to annoy him. He sticks his head out the curtain and says "Come join me." "Why?" I ask. "Think of it as a party in the shower." I smirk and take my clothes and hop in with him, but I won't go into details about how, amazing that was. Thirty minutes later we get out and I get into what I was wearing earlier. I start doing my makeup and that didn't take long now that I have this pen eyeliner. So I'm done in like a minute or two depending on what I want. I first start with my eye shadow and go for what I usually wear in the ring. I use the eyeliner pen then put lip gloss on and then I move to my hair which takes the second longest after my eye shadow. I just go through my hair with the curling iron giving it beachy big waves. I am satisfied I brush through it a little bit and put on my white crop top, dress, black socks and white converse. I smile at my appearance and open the door and see Dean with his fist up ready to knock on the door. He smiles at me and says "You look perfect." I smile and hug him. "Thank you." I say. "So, I decided with the help of an old ex that we are just gonna go out to eat and then I have a little surprise." He says. I nod and say "Okay cool." He grabs my hand and leads us out of the hotel. "Is it okay if we walk? The restaurant isn't that far." He asks. I nod. "That's why we wear converse." I say. He smirks and we walk down the street to the restaurant 3 blocks down. When we get there he opens the door for me. I walk through and say "You're such a gentleman." I say. He smiles. "I know." He says. He and the woman talk to eachother for a few seconds and she leads us to a table. We sit down and he says "Nice to see you dressed up in the AJ fashion." I smirk. "Thanks. Paige made go shopping. On the bright side we ran into a fan, and I got your shirt, my shirt and Paige's shirt." I say. "You won't wear it will you?" He asks. "I will to the gym or when I'm lounging around." I say. "Cool." He says. The waitress comes by and takes our drink order. She was smacking her gum and had really long blonde hair. "So what's the surprise?" I ask. "If I told you then it wouldn't be a surprise." He says. "Fine, what'd you do while I was gone?" I say. "I met up with someone to help me plan tonight." He says. "Who?" I ask. "I actually talked to Renee because she still is my friend even though we broke up. She came up with the surprise actually." He says. "Thats great." I say unsure of how I feel about him with Renee. The rest of dinner went on with us chatting and when we finished Dean tried to pay but I offered to pay. "I got it. Your my date. If it makes you feel better you can pay next time." He says. I shrug and he pays for it. He holds my hand and leads me down the block to this park and there is this blanket set up. "Is this the surprise?" I ask. "Yep, star gazing." He says. I smile and we sit down on the blanket and look up at the stars making small talk and then the rain starts pouring. He and I look at eachother and he takes off his leather jacket and raises it above us. "Now we have to go back to the hotel." I say sadly. "Or we can stay out here in the rain and I can watch that white T-shirt of yours get wet." "Who says I'm not wearing a bra?" I ask. "I do. Last I checked if you wanted me as a keeper you didn't." He says. "You know me too well but this dress isn't gonna let you see anything." I say with a smirk. "Darn." He says. "Will anything satisfy you?" I ask. "Nope babe." He says. "Well, I can do you one better than sitting out in the rain." I say. "Then lets go." He says as he plants a kiss on my nose. He picks up the blanket and puts the jacket on his arm as we walk back to the hotel. A few people are out there so we had to take pictures and sign somethings before going up to our hotel room. Dean closes the room and says "How's about you lose that dress and we head to bed." He says as if he were his character. "You're such a perv." I say to him. "But I am your perv." He points out. "That you are." I say with a smile. We go into the bedroom. I take off all my makeup and put my hair up. I go into our room and put on a sports bra and yoga pants on. Dean puts on a pair of basketball shorts and we fall asleep.
In the morning I wake up in the morning by my phone ringing. I check and see Paige is calling me. "Hell-" "AJ help me! I just went to the doctor because recently I've been having morning sickness and today I missed my period. I'm pregnant! Help!" She says as she starts to cry. "Do you want to come over?" I ask. "Please." She says. "You can come over." I say. "I'll be there in a minute." She says. "Who was that?" Dean asks. "Paige." I say rubbing my eyes. There is a knock at the door so I assume it's Paige. I open the door and Paige jumps into my arms crying. "Are you okay?" I ask. "No!" She says as she sobs into my shoulder. "Wait who's the dad?" I ask. "I'm pretty positive that it's Dean." She says. Dean walks in with a glass of water. "I heard my name." He says. I look to her. "You're gonna have to tell him." I say. "Tell me what?" Dean asks. "Dean, I'm pregnant and your the father." She says. Dean drops the glass of water and the the water spills everywhere as the glass shatters. "For real?" He asks. "Yeah." Paige says as she wipes some tears. "Well, I think you should talk about this without me. I'll be back." I say as I go next door to Roman and Paige's room. I knock on the door and Roman opens it. I honestly wanted to be strong in front of Paige but when Dean cheated he didn't even have the decency to use protection. He smiles. "Hey, what's wrong with Paige?" He asks. "She is pregnant." I say. "Really? That's great." He says. "With Deans child." I say. "You okay?" He asks. "Yeah, I honestly didn't want to say this in front of Paige but I'm pretty bumbed out." I say. "Why?" He asks. "Because She's my best friend and he's my 'special friend' " I say. He chuckles. "Well, its probably hard on them too. Paige is at the best point in her career and having to step down for this and Dean is almost at the top." He says. "I know its selfish of me but what can I say I'm a selfish gal." I say. He chuckles. "Just go easy on them." He says. "Okay, I'll try. If I can't I'll most likely be around you or the gym." I say. He nods and I go back to my room. I open the door and Dean is giving Paige a hug. "Its not what-" Paige says. "Save it. I know, your just hugging." I say. "Now here's the fun part. Asking Stephanie for time off." She says. "We can't fight at Summer Slam." I say. "I can always kick ass after." She says with a smile. "Can you come with?" She asks. I shrug. "Can I get dressed?" I ask. She nods. "Wear my shirt." Dean says. "Fine." I say. I walk into the bedroom and put on the Dean Ambrose shirt on and a pair of jeans and my converse that I wore last night. I walk out and Paige says "Oh, I saw the pictures from yesterday when you were on your date. You looked adorable." She says to Dean and I. "You ready?" I ask. She nods. "I'll see you later." I say giving Dean a kiss on the cheek. He nods and Paige and I leave. "She knows your coming right?" I ask. She nods and her hand starts to shake. I grab her hand and squeeze it for moral support. "Thanks." She says as we get off at her floor. We go to her door and knock on the door. She opens the door. "Hey Paige. Great to see you." She says to Paige. She just glares at me. "What did you need?" She asks as she lets us in. "So, I was needing some time off for a little bit." Paige says as her hand starts to sweat. "How long? A week or two?" Stephanie asks. "About 9 months." Paige says. As she looks up to keep herself from crying. "Is there an injury?" Stephanie asks. "More like little child." Paige says as her voice cracks. "Its okay." I whisper. "Well, that's great. One more to the WWE family." She says. "Okay." Paige says. "Take as long as you need to rest. What are we gonna do about this match you have?" Stephanie asks. "Can I pick her opponent?" Paige responds. "Yeah, sure." Stephanie says. Stephanie then goes on to say."We didn't know you had a husband or even a boyfriend for that matter." "Well, as a matter of fact. I don't but I don't think it's really necessary for you to know." Paige says sassily. "Well, we tend to like to give a superstar/diva more pay if they are raising a child single parent or anything like that. That way they can provide for themselves and their other." Stephanie says. Paige shrugs. "Who is my opponent Paige?" I ask. "I will announce this on Monday night Raw." She says with a smile. "I can't wait then." Stephanie and I say. "Now rooming/travel situation. Roman will be paired up with you and Dean. As of next Tuesday. We can send you home then, that way Monday night is the last you'll be in a WWE ring for a little bit." Stephanie says. We nod and walk out. As soon as we leaveand head to our rooms to get Roman and Dean. Paige says "That was the worst thing ever." I shrug and pat her on the shoulder. We go into Paiges room and get Roman. We walk into my apartment and I hear the water running. "Well, now we can wait. We have big news." Paige says. "He takes showers at the worst times." I say. "Like when?" "8 am when I'm still sleeping or at 1 am." I say. Roman chuckles. "Now he's your problem. He would do that when he roomed with Seth and I. We hated it. That is he would just sit around pretty much naked if he wasn't at the gym." Roman says. "Anyone that hasn't seen him naked?" I ask with a chuckle. "Probably not." Roman says. A few minutes later Dean comes out without a shirt and says "Hello." "Want to put on a shirt?" I ask. "Nah, I'm good." He says. Paige just laughs. "Alright, so we just talked with the boss lady." I say. "Roman you get to room with AJ and Dean as of Tuesday morning." She says. Roman smiles. Dean smirks. "And Paige gets to decide my opponent at Summer Slam." I say.

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