Chapter 11

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There is a knock on the door about an hour after after JoJo and I have been hanging out. We have been watching some kids shows playing with her dolls. I open it and see it's Seth. "Where's Deanieboy?" He asks as I let him in. "Beats me. So what plan do you have?" I ask. "Howcome JoJo is here?" He asks. "Watching her for Roman." I say. He nods. "Okay, So I don't know what we can do." He says. "Do what he planned on you." I say. "Okay. So that'll be hard playing mind games on him. He's the king." Seth says. "He's the king of mind games but I'm definitely the queen." I say with a smirk. "Just run me through it." "I charm him." I say. "Be the black widow." He says. "Then you sneak up and beat him up." I say. "Show off my mad skills." He says. "If you inturrupt me one more time I will break you." I say. "Sorry." He says. JoJo starts to curl up next to Seth. Seth wraps an arm around her. "I will take my title back and as far as I'm concerned we don't have to work together again." I say. "I think we make a great team." He says. I smile. "Thanks, but I work good solo." I say. "Even you needs a partner so how about we go on a little date and see if we make a great couple along with team." He says. That makes my head thump really really loud. "I will think it over. I don't want to do this unless I'm sure." I say. He nods. "That's cool. Since Dean should be here soon and I don't want to start a fight with him just yet." He says. I nod and he moves JoJo onto my lap. Then leaves. She curls up close and yawns. Twenty minutes later she is sleeping and the door opens. I grab my phone and text Kaitlyn.
A-Guess what?
A-Seth asked me out on a date!
K-Are you gonna say yes?
A-I don't think so
K-You texted me just to tell me you were gonna say no?
A-I don't know, I owe him for what he's doing
K-Say yes then.
"What are you doing?" Dean asks. "Nothing." I say. "Why is JoJo here?" He asks. "Watching her." I say. "Cool." He says. "Whatever." I say. "I'm going to bed." He says. "Don't care as long as you don't go into my room." I say. "Since your here I will, and I'm sleeping naked." He says. "Seen it before." I say uninterested. "Join me if you want." He says seductively. "As much as I'd love to I'm still mad at you." I say. "Suit yourself." He says as he takes off his shirt. "There is a kid in the room." I remind him. "She's sleeping." He says. "Okay." I say. He walks into the bedroom undoing his pants. Jesus Christ I guess I'm sleeping in his room or in the couch. I check my phone and see Roman texted me saying
R-Left for the date right now. Thx again.
I ignore it and I just want to talk with my friends, but Kaitlyn didn't really want to talk when I told her about Seth. Romans out on his date and Paige and Dean betrayed me. Wait why did Roman ask me to watch JoJo when he has Paige there.
P-Can I come over, I want to talk about Dean.
A-Don't care. Isn't anything to talk about.
As if she were standing right there. There was a knock on the door. "Its open." I say because I can't wake up JoJo and Dean is probably naked. She opens the door. "Okay, is Dean here?" She asks. "Yeah, he is in my room." I say. "Okay, if we're fighting over some stupid guy we need to get ourselves in check because when have we ever been so petty to fight over some stupid guy? We can say fuck him. He isn't of importance to our friendship if he is causing this." She says. I nod. "I agree." I say. "We friends?" She asks curiously. "If you promise to not win the title." "That's unfair." She says. "If you promise to let me put up a fight and make it fair is what I meant." I say correcting myself. "Fine." She says. "One other thing. Why are you jealous of Kaitlyn being my friend again?" I ask curiously. "Because I thought she was replacing me." Paige says nervously. "No one will replace you." I say. She smiles. "Thanks." "No problem. What do you want to do tonight?" I ask. "I don't know. I'm watching her." I say. "Have a glass of wine and chill out." She says. "I heard alcohol being discussed." Dean says. I roll my eyes. "I guess." I say. Paige goes into the kitchen and comes out with a two cups of wine. She hands me one. "Where's Roman?" She asks. "On a date." I say. "When do they leave?" She asks. "7 am." I say. She nods. "Cool." I shrug and take a sip.
K- I need to talk to you
K-This should be done in person.
A-Can it wait till tomorrow morning?
K-I guess but at 9 you better be up.
After 2 hours there is a knock on the door and Dean goes and opens it, almost fully clothed. Its like 1 am so I don't blame him for not being dressed. "Hey." Roman says. "Hi." I say. "Hi." Dean says. "How'd it go?" I ask. "Perfect. She said yes." Roman says. "That's great." I say. He picks up JoJo and says "Thanks. See you later." I nod and get up and go into my room. "Fine. Leave me to my room." Dean says. I change into yoga pants and a sports bra and set an alarm for 8:50. Then head to sleep.
My alarm wakes me up so I change into a pair of jeans, tank top. By the time I finish Dean opens the door and says "Kaitlyns here." "Don't you knock?" I ask. "Nope." He replies. I roll my eyes. I go out into the living room. Dean goes into the kitchen. "Hey, what did you need to talk about?" I ask. "Can you say no to Seth?" She asks. "Why?" I ask. "I like him." She says with a smile. "But I owe him because I- nevermind that's private." I say. "So you owe Seth a date for something that you won't tell me and that's more important than your best friend?" She asks before getting up and leaving. "That's low." Dean says as he walks out of the kitchen. "What is?" I ask. "You dating Seth." He says before walking out of the hotel room. I decide to leave as well to get a cup of coffee and question my life decisions as of this month. When I'm in there I bump into the devil himself. He smiles at me. I order my stuff and take it to a table sitting down. He sits across from me. "Hi." He says. "Hey." I say. "Did you think about my offer?" He asks. "I did and I can't say yes. It would be crossing too many people." I say. "Well we can be a forbidden couple." He suggests. "Seth, doing that would be like selling my sole to the devil. Dean and Kaitlyn hate me and I hadn't answered you at the time." I say. "What does that mean?" He asks. "That we can't go through with this plan. It wouldn't even work if we both wanted it to." I say looking at the table. "If you ever need my help you know where I'll be." He says before kissing my cheek and walking out. Why can't everyone fucking stop. I get up and pass John and Nikki. I grab my coffee and walk back to my room. I sit on the couch and realize Dean still hasn't come back which means I may have to ride with Dean and the awkward silence or Roman.
Time skip to Smackdown taping.
I am being put in a match against Nikki tonight. Just as I'm walking down the hall to go that match John stops me. "Hey. You and Dean okay?" He asks. I nod. "Why?" I ask. "Because we saw you and Seth getting coffee." He says. "Okay, well I have a match so I'll see you later." I say before skipping to the curtain just in time. Deans match is over. I don't know who won nor do I care. I skip out to the ring. I still don't have my title. I don't know where he hides it and its annoying me that I can't find it. Nikki walks out and has a microphone in hand. This can't be good. "Hey, AJ. How are you and Dean? I saw something that I think he would absolutely love." She says. I grab a microphone. "Oh, what's that?" I ask. "You and Seth on a date." She says. "Simply business." I say. "You don't know what buisness is by the looks of this." She says and when I look at the titantron its Seth kissing my cheek when we were out for coffee. "Care to explain?" Nikki asks. "Uhm." I say at a loss for words. This looks bad, really bad. "That's what I thought." She says. Everyone in the WWE universe is now booing me, calling me phsyco and saying I sold out just like Seth Rollins. Deans music hits and he makes a beeline for the ring with my title. He grabs a microphone and says "Alright. I know this looks bad and we should give her a chance to explain." Dean says which causes them to boo him a bit. "Thank you." I say. "I said should. We aren't gonna do that, but instead I'm just gonna give you back your title." He says as he hands me it. I take it and smile at him. "Thank you." I say with a smile. He shrugs. "You shouldn't be thanking me if you knew the reasons, one I'm tired of you going through my stuff, two I've been keeping it to have you around. Once this disappeared you did too and now I think I've realized no one really needs you around so good luck with this match." He says. The lights go out and we hear bleep bloop blop. The Wyatts. Bray comes out but Stephanie stops him. "Is there one show that can go on without you guys causing drama? Since there is enough of you we can make this a mixed tag. Dean Ambrose and Nikki Bella vs Bray Wyatt and AJ Lee." Now I should be scared. I'm working with someone 10x worse than Dean Ambrose. I don't know if this will work well or how Dean will work with Nikki. Bray and Dean start off this match and I have no interest in participating here in this match. That is until Nikki tagged herself in. I get in the ring and exchange some blows with Nikki. I end up in her corner and She tags Dean in meaning I have to go and tag Bray in but as I go into my corner Dean walks in front of me. I move to one side and he moves to the same sidside getting me angry. He smiles and moves out of the way allowing me to tag Bray. After a few seconds Dean is beating Bray right in my corner. Bray goes to tag me but I go off the apron with my hands up as Dean pins Bray and wins. Dean looks back at me the entire time. As Nikki celebrates. I grab my title and skip off. Tonight I turned heel when I didn't even want to. I walk to my locker room and I realize something. All this time spent bickering with Dean I enjoyed it because he and I were around eachother and I don't know if he'll come back. With this awful feeling in my gut I leave my locker room in search of Dean. I look around in all the usual spots and as I'm walking down to see if Dean is in Romans locker room but I get stopped by Seth. I knew making a deal with the devil was a bad idea but my career was more important. "Hey you okay AJ?" He asks. "Just fine, just stay the hell away from me." I say as I walk down the stairs. I go to Romans locker room and knock on the door. He opens it giving me the evil eye. "I'm gonna go with Dean is in there." I say. He nods. "Can I speak to him? Its important." I say. He looks behind him and after a few seconds Dean is at the door. "See ya later Romie." He says. We go to my locker room and he just looks at me. "Now you want to talk to me?" He asks. I nod. "I wanted to actually say I'm sorry. I didn't actually cheat on you with Seth." I say. "Really? That evidence in incredibly hard to not believe." He says. "Just like with Renee." I say. "That's all?" He asks. I shake my head. "I wanted to ask if you were willing to give us a chance. The us that didn't give a shit." I say. He smiles. "I thought you'd never ask." He says. He walks close to me an kisses me softly then rougher as the kiss progresses. After a while I realize were making out in my locker room at our work. I immediately stop and he gives a confused look. I just shrug and say "Not now." "Why?" He whines. I roll my eyes and say "I want a cupcake." He stands up. "Let's go get a cupcake." He says. We walk out hand in hand we both grab a cupcake from catering and sit at a table making small talk. Paige then walks over. "Hey." She says with a smile. "What's up?" I ask. "You and Dean." She says. "What about us?" He asks. "After tonight now your all buddy buddy." "Well, things happen." I say with a smirk. "Got any plans tonight?" She asks. "Nope. Not that I know of. You?" I ask. "The Divas invited everyone out for dinner tonight." She says. "That's cool." Dean says. She rolls her eyes at Deans response. "No it isn't. I don't want to go but they are kinda forcing me to today." "Who's going?" I ask. "Every diva here tonight. Too many prissy pink Barbie's." She says. I smile. "So glad everyone hates me." I say. "Yeah, well you did cause everyone to fight." She says. "What'd you do?" Dean asks. "I went a little too far with the truth." I say. "A little?" She asks. "A lot." I say. "That's my girl." "Yeah, anyways can I borrow a dress?" She asks. "What's a dress?" I ask. "You haven't worn one outside of a photoshoot have you?" She asks. I nod. "I have one in my bag, but I haven't worn it in a million years. It'll suit your goth needs." I say. She smiles. "After all you are the second most goth here." She says. "What's that make me?" Dean asks. "Grunge. Definitely." I say. "Have you heard the wonderful news from Stephanie?" She asks. "How wonderful?" I ask. "Its actually good. We get to have the title match at Summer Slam on my birthday." She says. "Super excited." I say with a smile. "I can't wait to win my title back." Paige says. "I'm excited to make you tap on your birthday." I say. Dean just chuckles. We all stand up and head back to my locker room. I hand her the dress and she goes to put it on. "You should wear a dress." Dean says. "I have to purpose to." I say. "You do now. If you let me take you out on a date." He says. I smile. "Awe, that sounds fun." I say. Paige walks out. "Looking great Gothic princess." She smiles at my compliment. "Thanks." She says. "Well, I'm gonna go find my doc martens." She says as she skips out mocking me. "Why does everyone skip?" He asks. "Its fun. I want to do something destructive." I say out of no where. There is a knock at the door. "You have to be out there in a few minutes. Stephanie needs you and Dean." He says. I nod. "Okay, cool." I say. The guy walks away. "I should wear a Dean Ambrose shirt now just to confuse everyone." I say. "You have one?" He asks. "Yeah." I say. I go in my bag and put it on over this shirt even though it's basically a bra. We go out to the curtain just as Stephanie starts talking. "Now, Over the past few weeks our shows has turned into their own personal revenge fest and Hunter and myself have decided to put an end to it and punish them. So I'd like AJ and Dean to come out here. We go out to Deans music. I skip behind him smiling as everyone is confused at me wearing his shirt. I grab a microphone and step into the ring. Dean stands by the ropes and I a few feet in front of him. "AJ, since I absolutely dispise you in every single way, instead of firing you like I tried to do on Monday I have decided to give you a match." She says. "Thank you so much for punishing me by making me do my job." I say sarcastically. "Well, I hope you like losing to Paige at the biggest party of the summer. Summerslam." She says. I smile. "Great. A pleasure doing business with you." I say with a smile as I hand Dean the microphone. "Now, this is something that I was personally considering then AJ's good buddy Seth had come up with this idea." She says. "That's great. I don't need a backstory." He says. "That's what I'm talking about your rude, and disrespectful to me, the authority and everyone here." She says. "I respect everyone here except for you and your cooperate family." He says. "Dean, Seth came up with this great idea to cut your match at summer slam. I agree with him. Happy days." She says. Just as she is leaving the ring Dean asks "So its a pay per view but the 'future of the WWE' isn't fighting like he says he is?" Dean asks. "Seth Rollins will have a match. You won't." Stephanie says with a smirk. Dean turns to me and gives a confused look. "Is that what you were talking with Seth about?" He asks. "I was talking to him about getting back my title." I say. He shrugs and we leave the ring. "Well, now there isn't any way I can miss your match." Dean says once we are behind the curtain. I smile and go to my locker room. I take off the Dean Ambrose shirt and sit on the couch. "I'm fucking pissed how is it even when I don't face Rollins he still cheats me." Dean asks. "You will get your match." I say. "When?" He snaps but then says "Sorry." "Its cool but if Stephanie is done torturing me and you I'd like to head to the hotel." I say. "Okay." He says. "Meet you at the car." I say giving him a peck on the lips. He nods and walks out. I pack everything up and change into yoga pants. Then head to the car. I ended up meeting Dean at the staircase. He was walking up the stairs. We walked to the car holding hands. "Want me to carry your bag?" He asks. "No, I got it but thanks." I say. "Suit yourself." He says with a smile. He picks me up and starts walking. "What's the point in this?" I ask. "I wanted to carry something. You wouldn't let me carry your bag so I've got you." He says. "If I give you my bag can I get down?" I ask. "Sure." He says. He sets me down and I hand him my bag. "Thanks." I say. "No problem babe." He says. Seth walks past us then stops. "Hey, uh Dean I hope you have a great time at summer slam." He says. Seth smiles at me before walking away.

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