Chapter 19

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Sunday. Elimination Chamber.
Tonight I get to win back my glorious title. I've been playing mind games with her all week. I've also gotten a week off to move from my place to Dean's. Dean and I have Monday to Friday off. Tonight I had to make Paige think I was on her side only to steal the title back. Dean had the first match and I was sitting on a crate on my phone right by the curtain. Of course this being a Chicago Street Fight Dean and Luke came backstage past me. I just watched this. Then they ended up in a car going to God knows where. A little while later I have my match. Dean, and Jimmy are both there. Dean gives me a kiss before my match and Jimmy does the same to Naomi. I go out after Naomi. I skip out then Paige goes out. Before the match starts I stick my hand out to Paige to shake. She smiles and shakes my hand. The bell rings and we both go after Naomi. After a little while Paige and I waited for Naomi to get up. I let them do their own thing. I got a chair from under the ring and watched. Paige went to Pin Naomi but I slid in and pinned Paige for the 1, 2, 3. I smiled at her as I leave the ring. Dean greets me first. Picking me up and spinning me around. I kiss him on the lips and he sets me down. A few seconds later Paige comes backstage. "I thought we had an alliance." She says. "I told you I would end up winning. Its a triple threat. No way in hell I would keep an alliance for this match. Don't worry, its all apart of the game." I say before skipping off. I won. I can't believe it. I go into the locker room and take a shower. I put on another love bites shirt on and jeans. I put the title around my waist. I get congratulated a ton. Dean says "You ready to leave?" "Yeah. Just one second." I say. I grab my stuff and we leave. We have to leave for the airport in thirty minutes. We head to the airport and get on the plane from Chicago to Newark. When we get there we take a cab to my house. I unlock the door and see my sisters fiancée. "Hi." I say. "AJ. What are you doing here?" Erica asks. "I'm packing. Didn't you know I was moving?" I ask. "No." She says. "I told Robbie to pass on the massage." I say. "Oh, that. I forgot." He says. "Well, Dean's here too." I say inviting him. "Boxes are in the attic." My mom says. I nod. We head down to the basement/my room. He sees all my converse first. "Damn how many shoes do you own?" He asks. "Too many. The ones in the bags are dying, but I won't get rid of them." I say. "Okay." He says. We head back upstairs and grab boxes before traveling back down stairs. We back everything up that's mine. Dean gets to one shelf which has WWE action figures and all of my titles. "Why?" He asks. "I don't know. I get them of all my onscreen boyfriends and yeah." I say. "I don't see me." He says. I chuckle. "I haven't been able to find you." I say. He shrugs and we put it in the box. We lift every box upstairs by then the truck and driver are there. I lift 3 boxes and Dean is still in the house on first one. "Come on. Knees up." I say. He nods and brings it out. "I'm tired. I had a match tonight." Dean complains. "I had one too." I say. He shrugs. We set everything in the van. We go downstairs and Dean asks "Can we bring the pool table?" I shrug. "Sure." I say. We took it apart and brought it upstairs. We head upstairs and sit for an hour or so. Then we leave for Las Vegas. We decided to book the flight the same night and everything thinking I'd be easier. We head out. Erica driving us to the airport. We didn't have any luggage. Dean and I left it on the van. The contents of the van would be flying to Las Vegas. It should be there the morning after we arrived. Around the time the filming would begin. We get on the plane and land. We get to Dean's house and he says "Welcome to your new home." I smile and he shows me the rooms. His house is not small but it isn't large. There are 4 bedrooms. The smallest room holds WWE memorabilia like titles and what stuff I brought. The second largest is his bedroom, the second smallest is the guest room and the largest room is a game room. He has ping-pong, a table for poker and card games. He has a pinball machine and he will soon have a pool table in here. We went into his room and fell asleep in his bed as soon as our heads the pillow. At 7 am the van is in here. Dean and I move every box into the house and pay. We split it 40/60. I payed 40%. Stephanie cut me from Total Divas after she realized I didn't have a good relationship with anyone of the Divas. She did tell me I would have to at least be on the show because the contract expires when the season is over. Dean and I put the pool table together and he puts my shoes in the attic. Everything else starts falling in place. Dean then gets a call from Paige. "Hi." Dean says. "Hey, can you watch Jade this week? Samantha needs time off." Paige says. "Yeah, when will she be here?" Dean asks. "Tonight." She says. "Fine." Dean says. Dean and I end up sleeping again. We sleep till about 1. I wake up and go into the kitchen where I see Dean already is. "Hey babe." He says. "Hi. What's up?" I say. "Just got a call from Stephanie." Dean says. "What about?" I ask. He shrugs. "I don't know." He says. I give a confused look. "I have a meeting with her when we get to Canada." He says. "Okay." I say. "Well, Diva's champ I think we should celebrate." Dean says with a smirk. "Okay." I reply. We go into the game room and he says "You ready to play?" "What are we playing?" I ask. "Anything, We got ping pong, pool, pinball, and a deck of cards." He says. "I'd play pool but I'm not very good." I say. "I can teach you." He says. I nod and pick up a small stick. He sets the balls up. "You know what to do right?" He asks. "I know how to play but I don't know how to hit the ball." I say. He shrugs and says I can first. I show my form and everything. He adjusts everything then wraps his arms around me and demonstrates how to do it. He moves then lets me do it and I hit the ball having one go in the hole. He checks it and sees its the 8. After our game of pool we play ping pong then order pizza. After pizza he says he has to pick up Jade from the airport. I stay home. I like Dean's house. It's clean. I go into the room with wrestling stuff. Deans title is mounted on the wall. Mine are sitting on a table. He said he was ordering a glass case for them. He has 17 belts in here while I have 9. I have 3 slammys in here. He has one for faction of the year with The Shield. Both Roman and Seth got two. Dean wasn't credited much for being in the shield. Everyone assumed he would break them up, he wasn't useful. Really no one gave him a chance. Dean was actually my favorite member of The Shield. We have tons of merchandise in here. He showed me the glass showcase. We had to get 3 of them. We have 26 belts between the both of us. It had 10 cases to place the belts. Which gives us some space if we earn more. If I lose the belt we can put it in there. Stephanie calls me. "Hello?" I say. "Hey AJ. I have the belt for you. It was just finished being made." Stephanie says. "Okay, great." I say. "We can have Dean give it to you when he comes in. We have modified the title a tiny bit. We placed your logo where one of the WWE logos was." That actually sounds pretty neat. "Okay, sounds awesome." "Yes. See you this Friday." She says. "Okay. Bye." I say then hang up. I go into the living room and turn on the TV. Raw should be on any moment. The door opens and Dean walks in with Jade and two bags. "Hey." He says sitting on the couch. "Hi. How's Jade doing?" I ask. "She's doing amazing. It's weird having responsibility." Dean says. Kaitlyn calls me. "Hey." I say. "Hey. Guess what?" She asks. "What?" I say uninterested. "Seth asked me out on a date." She says. "That's great?" I say questioningly. "Yeah. How's crazy?" She asks. "Crazy is right next to me." I say. "Bye." She says then hangs up. That was quite odd. Paige comes out then every diva in the locker room. It results in a battle royal. Brie wins. Hunter calls me. "Hello?" I say. "Hi AJ. We have a meeting on Friday to discuss the divas division." "Okay." I say. "Show up." He says before hanging up. "Why?" Dean asks. "I didn't go to one." I say. He chuckles.

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