Chapter 34

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Sorry no update on Tuesday
A two toned power ranger. Seth is my brother?! "Seth?" I say. "AJ?" He says. "Your my brother?" I ask. "It's not certain. We would have to run a DNA test. The latest the results would be emailed to both of you would be a week or two." She says. I look to him with a confused look. "Do you know each other?" The other woman asks. "He's only a two toned power ranger that makes coming to work a living hell." I say with a smile. "Well, sweetheart you aren't the easiest to work with. One of these days you will push me off a ladder." He says to me. "Yes, well. We just need a spit sample, we have blood already." The other says. We spit on a slide thing and one says "Alright, just remember tomorrow take it easy you might be a little out of it." We nod. When we walk out of there he says "Alright, I guess we should talk about this, so we aren't two strangers that are related." Seth says. I shrug. "How about we head to my hotel room?" He asks. "Sure. Just let me get changed before we go to your room." I say. He nods and we get in our separate cars. I get to the hotel first. He tells me the room number and I go to my hotel room and change into a crop top and super skinny jeans." I go to Seth's room and knock. He opens it with his shirt in his hand. He gives me an awkward hug before letting me in. He closes the door. "Alright, whenever we interact it goes wrong." He says. I nod. "Yeah." I say. He puts on his shirt and says "Are you cool with everything going on?" I shrug. "I'm pissed off my mom never told me." I say. "What about your dad?" Seth asks. "He died. You?" "My mom is still alive, and my dad died a while ago." He says. "Wait, is it possible my dad is yours? Instead of moms." I say. "What's your mom's name?" He asks. "Miranda." I say. "Mines Liza." He says. "Dad?" I ask. "John Liam Rollins." He says. "John Liam Mendez." I say. "Well, I guess we have a little while before I want to hurt my mom." He says. "We should call them." I say. He smirks. He takes out his phone and I take mine out. I call my mom. He calls his. "Hey, mom." I say. "Hi! AJ I haven't heard you voice in a while." She says. I put it on speaker phone and so does Seth. "I have a question." Seth and I say. "What is it sweetie?" My mom says. "What do you need to know Sethie?" His mom asks. "Momm." We say in unison. "Alright, do we have another sibling that you are hiding from me?" I ask. "Uhm," there is this long pause while Seth asks. "No. Why?" She asks. "Who are you hiding?" I ask. "No one. I have to go. My knitting class and knives are here." She says before hanging up. "Can you tell me about Dad?" Seth asks. "He was incredibly generous and sweet. He didn't have a ton of money, but he tried to provide. I brought home the bacon. He brought home a quarter." She says. "What else? Have a family or anything like that." Seth asks. "He was all about family. It was just incredible." She says. "No. Mom. Did he have another family?" Seth asks again. "He messed up, after us." She says. Wow. I think she just called all 3 of us mistakes. 4 if you count my mom. "That's bad." Seth says. "We all make mistakes. You make mistakes. Like when you sent nude pictures of yourself to that ex future wife. Then cheated on her posted a naked picture of her then your ex posted that picture of you." She says. I ignore that last part. I've heard it all before. "Alright, I've got a new girlfriend anyways. That's the past." Seth says. "What's her name?" She asks. "Kaitlyn." He says. "Awesome." She says before hanging up. "I guess we will find out in 2 weeks." I say. He nods. We walk to the door. He opens the door and he puts on shoes. I grabbed my purse and he asked. "Hug?" I shrug and give him a hug. I put on my leather jacket from Dean. I walk to my room and Dean is there. "Hey, where were you?" He asks. "Uhm, not important." I say. I don't want to tell him about this when we don't know and he hates Seth more than anyone will ever know. "Okay." He says.
One week later
I walked into the building through the back door. I put on a simple black cut up shirt and a pair of grey skinnies and red converse. I put my phone in my pocket. The show opens and I get an email. I go to find Seth, but I don't see him. Nikki is out there. She has 2 others in the ring. She calls me out there. I skip out with a smile on my face. "Who the hell are these people?" I ask. "They are here to expose you and your lies." Nikki says. I say "Alright, so I've put on makeup. Big deal. Not a crime. Obviously if you look like that with all that clown stuff on." She says. "No. I want Seth Rollins and Dean Ambrose to come out here." Deans music hits and he slides into the ring. "This better be important. I have an important match here tonight against Finn Baylor." He says. Seth comes out in red and gold. Fucking power ranger. "So, AJ you want to take a look at some pictures and videos." She asks before playing one. From outside Seth's hotel room. The first night I went there. "When you went to visit Seth wearing basically nothing then, oh look Seth. Is he shirtless?" Nikki says. I glare at her. She shows more videos of me going into his hotel room. "What do you want to say before we move on?" Nikki asks. "One question. If I wanted to see Seth shirtless let me watch one of his matches. Two, that proves nothing." I say. "Oh, well. Does this picture say nothing?" She asks before showing a picture of us out at dinner with Becky and her husband. "Okay. What else 'incriminating' evidence do you have?" I ask. It's a video of Seth and I on the phone. "Have you told Dean yet?" Seth asks. "No. Why tell him." I say. "I just thought to be the nice guy and tell him." Seth says. "That's only gonna make him hate you more." I say. "Too bad. Anyways, I love you." He says. That last part never happened where he said he loved me. "What do you have to say?" She asks. Dean just stares in confusion. He is about to go after Seth, but I stop him. "Okay. I want to ask who did you pay to do all this, but I'll just spill my information with the world." I say. I take out my phone and open that email. "Hey, more texts between you and Seth." She says before showing something on the screen. "We had to censor inappropriate pictures." Nikki says. "That never happened. I haven't texted Seth at all. Now listen to this email from the hospital." I say. "What? Your pregnant with Seth's kid?" She asks shouting with an evil smile. "No. Listen instead of opening that big mouth of yours." I say. "Dear AJ and Seth. We have the test results and we have learned that you two are half siblings. If any questions are brought to your attention don't hesitate to call." I say. "That isn't possible." She shouts. Dean goes after Seth. I stop him yet again. I turn to face Seth. He smirks. I smack him in the face and let Den go after him. I lunge to get Nikki. I throw punches at her. Eventually people start to try and get us to separate from one another. Dean finally picks me up as I struggle against him. Seth holds Nikki back. Stephanie comes out here and thanks Nikki. She says that there is an inter gender match up next. Seth and Nikki vs Dean and I. I step in the ring first. The Bell rings and Nikki goes after me but I dodge it and jump on her and punch her and punch her. She throws me off and hits me with the rack attack. I kick out at two and a half. I drop kick her and slap her in the face. I tag Dean in. Nikki cowers back in fear, but quickly recovers it and tags in Seth. Dean and Seth exchange blows. Dean goes for a elbow off the top rope. Then pins him. He kicks out at 1. I am about to tag in when Nikki runs in and forearms me in the face. I go off the apron and onto the floor. I lay there for about a minute and get back on the apron. Nikki comes by in an attempt to pull me off the apron. I kick her in the face. She clutches her mouth as she rams me into the steel steps and she goes back on the apron on her side as I slowly get up there and to my feet holding my back. Dean tags me out of breath. I step in the ring and go right after Nikki not even letting her in the ring. Dean goes after Seth. I hit her with a diving elbow and throw her in the ring, where I hit her with the black widow. She doesn't tap at first until I twist her arm to the point that I could break it if I pulled any longer. She screams it pain the longer it's on. She just then falls back causing me to break the hold. I hit her with a tornado DDT. She goes to tag Seth and Dean is on the floor. He smirks at me. "No grudges. Go dirty." He says. I nod and shake his hand. Dean distracts the ref as I go for the low blow. I smirk at him as he grabs his crotch area. I tag Dean in and he hits him with Dirty Deeds. He goes for the pin but Nikki interferes. I clothesline her out of the ring. When I turn around I see Dean hitting dirty deeds on Seth. 1, 2, 3. We won. He grabs my hand and raises it in the air. We go to the back and Stephanie hands me a shirt and tells me it's my new merchandise that I've been dying to see. I shrug and unfold it. On the front if says kissing booth and on the back it says everyone I've kissed.
•John Cena
•Daniel Bryan
•Dolph Ziggler
•Brie Bella
•CM Punk
•Cody Rhodes
And lastly Dean. I love it. It's adorable. It's got a green heart on the front of it. I smile and walk away. I go to the divas locker room and change. I put on a pair of converse, jeans and a blue shirt. Renee approaches me with a camera and microphone. "AJ, do you want to comment about your match tonight with Dean?" She asks. "We won, which is something we both know how to do. Losing is not in our vocabulary, with that said. Dean and I both will win in two weeks time. Dean will retain his title and I will be the 7 time divas champion. I will also be the longest reigning divas champion. Passing my old records and Nikki's new record." I say. I then skip off. I get stopped by Bayley. "Hey AJ." She says. "Hi." I say back. "Stephanie wanted to see you in her office." She says. I smile. "Did she say what about?" I ask. "No, but after this you want to grab a bite to eat?" She asks. "Sure." I say with a smile. She smiles back then walks away. I go to Stephanie's office and knock on the door. She lets me in, there sits the authority. Seth, Kane, Hunter, J&J, and The Big show. I sit down confused. "Hey AJ." Stephanie says. "Hi." I mumble. "We have a business proposition for you. And if you still are that woman of business we are thinking you will like that." Stephanie says. "Alright." I say still nervous. "We think you would be a valuable asset to the Authority. Everyone here made the right decision and joined, now you." Hunter says. "Why do you want me to join a power ranger, a giant, you two and two body guards?" I ask. "Because you could have anything you've ever wanted. You get to work with your brother and something a hell of a lot better." He says. "I never said I wanted to work with you two toned. What's in it for me?" I ask. "Ass hole." Seth mumbles. I glare at him. "We aren't turning this into a petty, childish discussion between kids. You get the dives title, or the NXT title. Maybe even both." Kane says. "I love having the title, but I'm loyal and I'd like to stay that way." I say. "Not what your ex-boyfriends say." Seth says. "Shut the hell up." I say. "Someone's in a bad mood." Seth says. "Knock it off." The Big Show says. "Alright, but pain will be coming your way, to yours and Deans way until you say yes. You can stop it before it even comes, if you join us." Jamie Noble says with an evil grin on his face. "I'm fine with pain. Why don't you ask the barbie doll of the divas division?" I say as I stand up. "Because, we know you are much smarter than her, and the only one who is strong and up for it in the end is you." Stephanie says. "I'll pass." I say. "Tomorrow you will definitely join." Hunter says. I shake my head and leave.

The Sky Is Looking Great For April - A. Lee / D. AmbroseWhere stories live. Discover now