Chapter 40

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Next Monday Night
I won my match against Alexa. Back on top, now it was time for the contract signing. I was sitting at the table with my feet on the table with my title on my lap. The Authority walked out there and got in the ring. "Congratulations on this win tonight. I hope you have that luck on Sunday." Stephanie says. "I don't need luck, its called talent something you are lacking." I say with a smirk. "All this is too familiar, just like what? Any contract signing with CM Punk. Feet on the table, title displayed proudly, trash talking. Well, its funny. You act like Punk, and you talk like Ambrose. You loved Punk, now you love Him." Hunter says with a smirk. "I feel, you should watch this before you sign it." Noble says. On the screen it's my conversation with Dean, last week with parts from Smackdown. Little bits of flirting. "You've worked with the Shield it never worked. You've worked with Dean and it never worked. Plus, you seem to be forgetting that I. Know your weaknesses. Poor thing got her heart broken by me, yet you still helped me win." Randy says. "Broke my heart? Not even close. I know what I'm doing." I say. "We know why. Randy dumping you didn't hurt you, because you are focusing on Dean, and his new gir-" Hunter starts saying, but gets cut off by Dean saying "What? My new girlfriend? Not so much the issue at hand." He's dating Paige, he keeps going back and forth with Paige and Renee. "You need to understand. Dean and AJ, whatever they are has nothing to do with this match." Roman says. I smile. "Want to know why you were chosen to be in the Authority? To stab your husband in the back?" Kane asks. "No. I don't." I say. "You should know. Seth came up with the idea, to break you guys up. He also wanted to see how far he could hurt you." Stephanie says. I look to Seth as he looks down at the ground. Dead silent. "I don't care. The past is in the past. You bring up AJ and I's past because you have nothing." Dean says. "We have something. A match for AJ. At Money in The Bank you will face Alexa Bliss for that title of yours. So, two matches. Back to back. How will you handle that?" Hunter says. I smirk. I write my name down and pass it to Seth, who writes his name, Dean writes his, and Roman writes his. We wait until Hunters name is finished before we all go after our other opponents. Stephanie and Randy roll out of the ring. Dean and I look from one another and nod. We both suicide dive into Stephanie and Randy. He gives me a high five and we hop into the ring. Alexa runs down to the ring with a look of Vengeance in her eyes. I cock my head a smile at her. She glares at me and goes for a tilt a whirl head scissors take down. I do a back flip and surprisingly land on my feet. I almost fall backwards though. She goes to grab my title and I go to kick her in the head, but she grabs my foot down and I sweep her off her feet and toss her out of the ring. The Shield guys and I raise our hands before going to the back. I smile at my title. I can't wait for this Sunday. I walk with Dean, Roman and Seth to the locker rooms. They leave me and Dean. Dean wanted to take my CD of Fall out Boy. We walk and before we even get to my locker room. He says "AJ?" Kinda hesitantly. "Yes?" I say in response. He makes me turn to face him. He smiles at me. He pulls me close and kisses me passionately. I kiss him back for just a few seconds before I remember. "What about you and Paige?" I ask. I wanted that to go on. Three years of nothing with this man, I'm pretty sure I fell in love all over again. "Shit." He mumbles. "I wanted to see how it felt to do that again. I gotta say. I want to do that again." Dean says. "It's not right for Paige. I know what it feels like to be cheated on. It's not fun." I say. I stand on my tip toes and kiss his cheek. "You aren't getting that CD." I say before walking away. I change my clothes and shower. I pack my stuff and head to the car. I know I did the right thing, but my heart says other wise. It took me almost 5 months to get rid of any feelings, or memory with him. I got to the hotel and walked into my room. There is a knock on the door and I open it and see Bayley, and Sara Lee. I let them in and Bayley says "Hey, you want to hang out with the Shield and Alex Riley?" "Why is everyone trying to get me to hang out with the Shield?" I ask. "Well, I want to talk with Seth. He's super cute." Sara says. "Why don't you talk with him? Without us?" I ask. "Because. I get nervous. I just find him super cool. I don't know if I want a relationship, or a friendship." Sara says. "Fine." I say rolling my eyes. We walk to The Shields room. I knock on the door and Roman opens it. He lets us in and I sit on the couch. "What are we doing?" I ask gesturing to a white board and Dean standing in front of it. "We need a plan to get A-Ry to help us out in the match on Sunday. They have J&J, we need at least one other." Seth says. I nod. "Awesome." "We wanted them to spy, seduce or whatever J&J. See what they know." Dean says. "Which ones?" I ask. No way I was doing that. "Bayley, and Sara." Roman says. "Thank god." I say. "Off we go." Bayley says. Sara and Bayley walk away. "What's this plan?" I ask. "We need to plan based off what they tell us." Roman says. "That doesn't help us now. We need something, they won't stop after Money in the Bank." I say. "We know. They seem to enjoy causing suffering for you and Dean, targeting you." Seth says. "Wait, if they target us. Why don't we have something planned for them. Target Hunter and Stephanie. Simple." Dean says. "Couple vs couple." Alex says. "What do we have?" I ask. "Destroy something that they treasure." Roman suggests. "If AJ was still with them, we could pretend to mess with her." Seth says. "You are such an idiot. If I was still with them, we all wouldn't be in this situation." I say. "Relax we can't turn on one another. That's what they want." Roman says. "I love proving that I'm the best but this planning is going nowhere, and it's going there fast. We're just waisting time." I say. "I hate saying that she's right, but what's the purpose of keeping us here?" Alex asks. "I can plot on on my own. I have my ways I think best. This isn't one." I say. "How do you plot best?" Roman asks sitting next to me. "I shower and come up with an idea. I put that idea into action shortly after." I say. Everyone looks to Dean making the situation awkward. "I'll be leaving." I say motioning to the door. "Get a plan. That's the plan right now. We will come back tomorrow, and figure the first stages in the plan." Seth says. Alex and I leave. Alex walks me to my room. I hop in the shower, I just hope to have a plan. After a few minutes of cleaning myself and staring at the wall. I realize that they put me in this situation because they want Stephanie to win the match for them. Why else would they put me in two matches, they want to have Stephanie make bragging rights. I can't loose either match, but how do I get out of competing a first time. Maybe if I fake an injury, I can use it to my advantage in both matches. Took me an hour of sitting in the shower to come up with that. I get into my pajamas and fall asleep. In my dream I was with Dean, we were in love then divorced. Just like now. I left for the next city, Roman had rode with me. I checked in and he said "Guess what?" "What?" I ask. "We get to room." He says faking happiness. "I'm super excited." I say sarcastically. "Boo." Dean says in my ear and my reaction is to go down. He scared the crap out of me. "Awe, babe. Someone had a little tumble." Dean says. I glare at him. "I've never hated you more." I say. "Hate isn't nice." Seth says. "I hate all of you." I say. Dean helps me up. "Anyone have a plan?" I ask. "Meet in your room in 5 minutes." Seth says before Dean and Seth walk away. We walk into our room and One bed, one couch. I take the couch. I sit down and say "Romie." "What?" He asks peering over his phone. "Can you get me water?" I ask. "Why? Your not broken." He says. "No, but you could be." I say with a smirk. "Fine." Roman says. He gets up and as he's getting me water. There is a knock on the door. "Get the door as well?" I say. "Fine." Roman says. Dean, Seth, Bayley, Sara and Alex all come in our room. Bayley, Sara and Dean sit on the couch. Alex, Seth and Roman sit on the bed. "Ideas?" Sara asks. "They want Stephanie to pin me." I say. "Why?" Alex asks. "Because, why else would she put me in a match right before the one." I say. "J&J told us that they are going after Dean and AJ, because they want a reaction. Whether it be a break up, or anything else." Bayley says. I give a confused look. "Reaction." I say to Dean. "What's it matter about them?" Roman asks. "Maybe Break good the needs." He says. We skip some words sometimes. Usually when its this relationship we have, that is non existent "What in the hell did you just say?" Seth asks. "AJ understood." Dean says with a shrug. I'm pretty sure he said maybe we break up its what the storyline needs. "We can't break, when we aren't together." I say. "You sound like fucking cavemen." Roman says. "Pretend. Hasn't stopped us before." He suggests. "Yeah, this plan is awful." I say. "You and Dean are the masters at coming up with plans and schemes." Seth says. "Typically I have more than a week." I say. Almost shouting, I kept calm though. "Anything we can use against them?" Dean asks Seth and I. "No." I say. "Did you even work with these people?" Bayley asks. "They don't include me. I don't include them." I say. "This isn't adding up. We can't have a precise plan because they do. Simply doing what they want us easy. I think it's our only option." Dean says. "That means we are screwed." Alex says. We all agree. Everyone breaks off to spy. They told me to spy on Randy. I found him getting coffee and I walked over. "Hi." I say. "What do you want?" He asks. "To just talk." I say with a shrug. "We broke up. I'm done talking." He says. "Why did we?" I ask. I know the answer. Maybe he can slip up. He sits down, and I sit across from him. "You really want to know why?" He asks. I nod. "The Authority. They are telling me, I can't date someone who is opposed to us." He says. "But, we can keep it a secret. Why does it have to be that way?" I ask. If he can't slip up this way. He can slip up if we are together. He smirks. "You aren't interested in me. You never date twice. We both know what you are doing." He says. "I'm not doing anything." I say. "What? That's a lie. You want to win on Sunday. I'm your ticket." He says. "Fine. Your right." I say. I hate that, but he was a ticket. "Great, now if you do choose the Authority. I think you'd be perfect for me." He says. "If you think that I'm sorry, I'm not turning on the Shield." I say with a smirk. "We know why. Because of... Oh never mind you will find out Sunday. Maybe tonight if you are lucky." Randy says. "I hate you." I say. "That's why you dated me." He says. "That's why I won't make the same mistake twice." I say. "Show up to Smackdown, with a smile so I can be the one to wipe it off your face." He says with a smirk. "All I have to do is look at you to wipe the smile off my face." I say.

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