chapter 1: The concert

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Scarlets POV:

"Mom I'll be fine! I am going to a One direction concert, not a club!" I said as I walked to the front door.

"Okay, love you. Text me later." my mom said as one of those super worried moms would.

          Scarlet had it made. She was a beautiful 20 year old girl; her skin was sun-kissed, she had long golden/ brown hair, eyes the color of dark blue topaz, and the most outstanding smile. She was one of those girls that was obsessed with fashion and style. Her outfits were always perfectly matched and she had a hairstyle to go with every outfit. Scarlet had an amazing boyfriend named Jay as well... He had the cars, the looks, the amazing house, the muscles, and was also an amazing surfer. Scarlet was truly in love with him.

When I got to the concert I pulled out my phone to text Jay.

To Jay: At the concert. Love you, call you l8tr:)

He responded instantly saying "K"

Something was so odd about him, I thought. He has never answered with just "K"

To Jay: You okay?

From Jay: Ya?

I put my phone away and 5SOS came out. The girls went wild. I wasn't a huge fan of them, but they were pretty good. I stood up on my chair and clapped. A couple girls followed and stood on theirs until we got yelled at. 45 minutes later the light when down and the crowd rumbled. Just then, the 5 of them rose from the stage and started singing "Best Song Ever". The girls were crying, screaming, reaching their hands out... as if they thought they could actually touch One Direction. I laughed at the thought. Niall was the first one that caught my eye; and I felt a tear drip down my cheek. "Are you crying?" I thought to myself. Why are you crying? Stop! He's just a boy, he'll never notice you.. You have a boyfriend!

After they sang Best Song Ever they went straight to their new album. They sang Night Changes and Irresistible, which were my favorite songs. I really was having an amazing time. I imagined what their lives must be like; traveling the world... They're brilliant, cute, and could get any girl in the world. they could be total dirtbags and still get any girl. Suddenly, my phone vibrated and I got a text from my mom.

From Mom: You're grandma has passed away. Im so sorry honey. Stay strong, I love you and so does she.

I stood still and it seemed as if the world has just stopped. I heard no girls screaming, and no music playing. My grandma and I were so close. She's always been there for me. I told her everything. She knows everything I have been through and no she's gone. I can't trust anyone except her. I walked out of the aisle  and outside in the rain and heard my phone vibrate again. It was a text from my friend Hannah.

From Hannah: Are you and Jay still together?

She sent a picture of Jay kissing another girl. I dropped to the ground in the pouring rain. My first boyfriend, my first relationship, my first love, my first everything. We had gone on vacations together, snuck out at night when everyone was sleeping to go to the city and walk around with constant laughs and smiles, cuddled and watched movies, talked 24/7 about crazy goals and our future. He just made me feel so comfortable... He said we would be each others first kiss. So this is what a relationship is like... I sent a text to Jay, so furious.


From Jay: Im not interested in you anymore. Moved on, were breaking up...sorry

Hes not sorry! He's a dirtball! He's just a stupid little-

"Hello?" I heard a voice say. I couldn't look up. I was covered in rain and mud and tears.

"Hello?" the voice said as a hand touched my shoulder. I looked up and saw....

NIALLS POV: "This is gonna be a concert to remember! I can just feel it in ma bones!" I said to the group.

"You say that about every concert." Harry said as he rolled his eyes.

"No, but-"  I couldn't finish. The stage rose and before I knew it, I was singing. We sang Best Song Ever.  I scanned my eyes around the arena just like I do at every concert and my eyes seemed to guide me to a beautiful girl. 

She was flawless and looked so pure and innocent. She wasn't paying much attention but she was still smiling. She had the most alluring smile i had ever seen. She was the one...but she will never know it. I had to find her later, but I just kept singing. We sang 2 other songs and I took my eyes off of her for a second. When I looked back her way, she was crying , her face so red, but still so beautiful. She started walking out.. I had to go after her. 

But my band, the song, the concert, the fans; I can't leave. I had to sneak out. I walked back to the curtain on the side and snuck out. The crowd got a little quieter and I thought I was going to get mobbed. I ran as fast as I could, opened several doors, and before I knew it, I was outside in the pouring rain. I had to find her. 

I looked left, right, and left again, then I saw her and felt my stomach drop.

"Hello?" I said soothingly, but I didn't think she heard me. I walked towards her and put my hand on her shoulder. "Hello?" she looked up and scanned me

"Its okay. You're going to be okay" I said. I crouched down and pulled her into a big hug as rain poured down on us. She stopped crying.

"The one"  I said...... Shoot, why did I say that?

"What" she said, as she wiped her face.

"Nothing.. Are you okay?" Why did I just ask that. Of course she's NOT okay. What the-

"Yeah yeah I'm alright" she curved the left side of her mouth up a little to form a smile."You need to get back and finish your concert. Don't worry about me" she said.

"Im staying right here" I said right away.

She laughed as I pulled her up and took her backstage. A single tear came out, but I wiped it. When I came back with her, the crew was in complete shock. I ran off and changed into dry clothes. I ran back to her before going on stage and whispered, "Its okay". I winked and ran on the stage. 

This was the night everything changed.


First chapter! AH, many more to come and they'll get better and better! Thank you so much for reading:)

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