Chapter 22: Woes

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Scarlets POV:

I woke up to knocks on my door over and over. They were loud, but Niall didn't wake up. He was probably still woozy from yesterday. I bet he had about 20 drinks and even more shots. I climbed out of bed and opened the door to find Louis, Liam, Zayn, and Harry; giving me the death stare.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"What's wrong? Are you serious? Have you not seen the news, all social media, talk shows, magazines...Niall is all over the place, pictures and videos of his drunken self. I went on my phone to see so many notifications.

"What is wrong with my man?" A girl said.

"How could you do this to my baby? He looks terrible" another said.

"You don't deserve him. None of this would have happened if I were with him" by now I was feeling heavy and hot and I slid down the wall to the floor with my face in my knees. I scrolled down my feed and saw pictures of Niall kissing random girls. They kept coming. He probably made out with at least 10 last night. I felt someone next to me, so I looked up. And there he was. Niall. He looked confused.

"Why are you crying?" He kneeled down and asked me.

I just gave him my phone and he looked at all the photos. He started panicking.

"Scarlet, I'm so sorry. I didn't know what happened. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry" he put his hand on my shoulder.

I moved my shoulder so he wasn't touching it and I stood up.

"It's all my fault. This could ruin your career. I did all of this. I was supposed to be with you. It was my idea and-" I started saying until I felt a hand turn me around and lips on mine.

Niall always shuts me up by kissing me. I let him kiss me but then I backed away.

I put my forehead on his and said, "Niall what are we supposed to the the media, everyone as a matter of fact"

"Scarlet, don't worry about it. It's going to be okay. I'll explain everything. I don't want you to worry, okay" he said and I looked at him.

"Okay?" He said again.

"Okay" I kissed him once more.

The boys just looked at us.

"That's it, that's all? Your just going to NOT worry about it?" Liam said.

"Lad, this is bad for our band. It makes us look irresponsible. What if they make us take a break. Or take us off our tour. Or split us apart?" Zayn said.

"Niall, what if they split.......US apart?" I said looking at him.

Niall looked as if he was in so much stress. I hugged him, saying nothing. He said nothing.

"Don't worry okay?" I said and he nodded.

"What about all those girls I..kissed?" He looked at me and said.

"Niall, I'm not mad. And I forgive you. I know you didn't mean to okay?" I said to him.

"I'm sorry lads, it won't happen again" Niall said to the band.

"It better not mate, or our career is ruined." Harry said and they all walked out

"Scar, I'm scared to walk out. What might happen?" Niall said to me.

I touched him, "don't worry about them. They all just want attention and something to talk about. Shhh okay?"

"But, what about us?" Niall asked

"If the media makes us break up...then I don't know what will happen...they can't break us up though. You did nothing wrong. You didn't hurt anybody or say anything. You were just drunk Niall. And it's okay. Now, let's go get breakfast" I told him so softly, taking his hand.

We stayed in a beautiful hotel, but it wasn't allowed for fans, or just anybody; so we could easily go anywhere in the hotel without getting trampled by fans.

We went to a small pastry place and sat down. A man a couple years older came to take our order. He look like Zach, with a few differences.

"Hello miss" he looked at me as if Niall wasn't even there. I smiled though, to be nice.

"Hello" Niall said and he looked at him, then back at me, rolling his eyes.

"Can I get you something to drink?" He asked, not even paying attention to Niall.

"A caramel iced coffee please for me. And for him a-" I said

"The same" Niall said right away.

The man left dropping a piece of paper in my bag, but Niall didn't notice. I took the paper out and read it.

You look beautiful. Call me if you're ever alone. ~Cameron.

"Gross" I whispered.

Niall lifted an eyebrow and I looked at him out of the corner of my eye. He put his hand out and signaled me to give the paper to him. I shook my head and put it away.
He pulled it out of my pocket and I but my lip...
He shook his head reading it and I laughed

We quickly ordered a breakfast and I put money on the table.

"Scarlet" Niall said and grabbed my hand.

"Yes?" I smiled. I knew he never let me pay for anything, but i had to pay for something!

"What are you doing?"

"Niall, I'm paying this time. It's breakfast, and it's on me. Okay?" I gave him a huge cheesy smile and he shook his head.

He leaned over the table and kissed me.

"Oh Niall wait! Before we go, I bought you something when I was with a couple friends last night." I pulled a bag out of my purse.

"Wait, did you leave this hotel last night?" He asked. I looked at him strangely and shook my head.

"Course not" I looked up and tilted my head, raising my eyebrows.

I handed him the bag, and said "Open it!"

He took the bag and pulled out the tissue paper. He then took out a case and unzipped it. His eyes widened and he looked at me, no words coming out.

Inside the case was a pair of black ray bans with a gold rim on the top.

"I know your glasses broke, so I thought I'd get you a new pair. If you don't like them, the receipt is in the-" I started saying.

Niall stood up as I was saying that and kissed me with full force.

"Is that always your way of shutting me up?" I laughed.

"I love them." He turned around and I jumped on his back, kissing his neck.

We walked outside the hotel and of course, fans were screaming, crying, and throwing things; Anything to get attention. We quickly met the boys in the car.

"I thought we were meeting like 20 minutes ago. What were you guys doing?" Zayn asked.

"A half hour of making out probably" Harry snickered.

Niall laughed in his cute way he always does, and we drove off to where their concert was this evening.


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