Chapter 74: Will you marry me?

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Scarlets POV:

We arrived at the airport and boarded the plane. Hannah grabbed my hand and pulled me into the seat next to her. Niall looked at me, and sat down a couple seats ahead of me. Harry walked past Hannah and shook his head. I looked over at Niall and watched as he looked out the window... I looked down.

"Hey! Whats wrong?" Hannah asked.

I looked up at her and shrugged my shoulders, looking over at Niall.

"Oh, Scarlet! You should have just told me you wanted to sit by him!" She said to me and I let out a snicker.

"Its not that, its just that I feel like he thinks I am trying to keep distance from him," I said to her.

"Well, were not going to let him think that then!" She said and pushed me out of my seat. 

I stumbled forward and plopped down in the seat next to Niall. I watched as she didn't turn his head. I put my feet up on the seat and rested my hands on his shoulder, then placing my head on my hands.

"Niall?" I whispered and he didn't look my way.

I grabbed his cheek and turned his head my way, making him look into my eyes.

"Scarlet, dont you think you deserve better. I haven't given you enough and want you happy" He told me.

Is he kidding?! What has gotten into him?!

"I dont care if anyone thinks I deserve better Niall, I want you. Niall, I am nothing without you. Out of the 7 billion faces in the world, yours is my favorite. Out of the 7 billion smiles, yours will always be the one I want to see every day. I love you and theres no going back" I told him and he smiled.

"You just deserve to be happy, thats all I want" He said to me.

"And I want to be happy with you, forever and always" 

He kissed my forehead and I glided my hand along his jaw, pulling it in to kiss me. His lips felt so soft and I was madly in love.

When we arrived in Bali, we were driven to a large hotel, right on the beach. We walked inside and checked in. It was so peaceful. All food and drinks were unlimited. I could get a free massage whenever I liked. This place was amazing. We walked up to the 8th floor, and I opened the door. I immediately saw a large kitchen, with a big glass window, granite countertops, a white sofa, with different pillows, a TV that took up the entire wall, and a bathroom with marble counters. 

I walked into the bedroom and there were rose petals leading to the bed. I jumped up on it and started bouncing and twirling. Niall ran towards me and  pushed me down, my hair falling perfectly around my shoulders. He climbed on top of me and looked into my eyes. They were sparkling. 

We laid there, looking at each other, saying nothing. It was the kind of nothing that meant everything.

"I love you" I finally whispered.

"God, I love you." He whispered back.

He kissed me once more and I rolled out from under him, pulling his hand outside on the balcony. White silks blew in the wind on each side. He turned me around, and spun me into him, our faces inches apart. Music was playing quietly. I danced around the balcony, smiling.

"Scarlet" He said to me quickly

I stopped and looked at him, grabbing my hair and twirling it. "Yes?"

"I want to take you somewhere." 

"Wow, already! Where?" I asked.

"Just follow me" He said and I smiled. I had no idea where we were going.

We walked downstairs to find the group already at the buffet by the pool. Hannah and Harry were staying in their own room and Louis, Liam, and Zayn shared another room.

"We're going lads" Niall said across the pool and Harry winked at him.

Niall took my hand and pulled them to a small hut, where a man stood there behind the counter.

"Hello, reservation for 2 please" Niall nodded.

"Ah, yes! We've been waiting for your arrival." He said to us.

I titled my head as the man left.

A few minutes later he came back with 2  white horses, the color of snow, large and muscular.

"Niall!" I squealed, jumping onto him and wrapping my legs around his torso. I kissed his cheek multiple times.

The man brought a horse to me and I mounted it, my white dress hanging to the side of me. Niall got on the other horse and walked it over to me. He picked a white flower crown off of the horse and placed it on my head.

"My princess" He smiled and said.

I followed him along the beach for many minutes. We arrived at another beach hut, with candles leading to it. We got off and tied the horses up.

He took my hand and we walked to the middle of the hut. 

I watched the water for a few seconds, then was turned around by Niall, on his knee, a silver ring with a diamond in his hand.

"Niall" I started crying. Tears were rolling out and my heart was beating faster than it ever has.

"Scarlet, I've loved you since the first day I saw you. You have saved my life, brought out the better in me. I never want to wake up with you not beside me. I dont want to see you ever cry, and I want to live my life forever with you. You mean so much to me, and in my eyes, you are perfect in every way. I couldn't possibly think of losing you. I am lifeless without, Scarlet and any second away from you is way too long. Who knows what will happen in the end, but all I know is I just want to end up with you. So Scarlet....Will you marry me?" He asked.

I wiped my eyes as I nodded, watching him slide the ring onto my finger.

I smiled, letting out those sobs people make when they are so happy. I never knew what true happiness felt like until now..... I was spending the rest of my life with Niall Horan. Starting a family, and loving him forever. I wanted to cry so much harder. I wanted to squeal, and just kiss Niall for hours on hours. I was the happiest girl alive.

He picked me up and sat me on the railing of the hut. I pressed my forehead against his, smiling as I closed my eyes.

"I lah-o-ve yo-uu" I tried saying, but tears were messing me up.

"I love you princess" He told me as he slid his hand up and down my back.

I Scarlet, was marrying Niall James Horan. 


So guys! I tried writing this chapter and it got deleted when I pressed published. So heres the new one I had to write!

And this is just the beginning to Scarlet and Niall :) I'm so happy internally and can't wait to start another book soon as a sequel to this one. Yay yay

BTW, I love you all so much hehe


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