Chapter 97: Kiss me and feed me please

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Scarlets POV:

When we got home, Niall brought my stuff inside, the boys went into the kitchen to make food, and I slowly dragged myself upstairs to get in an extremely hot shower. I just stood in there, naked, the water running down my back. 

I looked at my stomach, then closed my eyes. I pictured poor, innocent, helpless Niall and shook my head. I would never want to lose him, and I could... at any minute. 

A tear rolled down my cheek, until I heard the knob of the door click. I moved myself to the corner of the shower and covered myself with my hands. I saw a body through the glass shower door and watched as it slowly opened. I bit my lip as I saw Niall look at me, another tear rolling down my cheek.

"Niall" I whispered and he closed the shower door.

I wrapped my arms around his neck, crying into his shoulder, the water drizzling down my back. I did not find any second of this weird or uncomfortable. All of me belongs to all of him.

"Are you okay?" He whispered back to me.

I nodded and back off of him. He took my hair and started twirling it.

"Its okay that everyone will know I'm pregnant. Right?" I asked

"Of course. If you think about it this way, they're gonna see that beautiful child sooner or later" He said and made me laugh.

He looked into my eyes, his sparkling. 

"Can you just kiss me already?" I giggled and he bit his lip as he pinned me against the shower wall, pressing his lips against my neck. I was completely in love. 

My home, my safety, my everything.

He moved his lips up closer to the side of my lips, kissing my jawline, then making his way to my lips, the water rushing down in between our lips, making his lips so smooth. 

He looked into my eyes and grabbed my butt, making me gasp a little. I put my head back on the wall as he kissed my neck more.

He stepped back and gave me room, putting shampoo in his hands, then washing my hair. After he washed it out, I turned the shower off and rang my hair out. He wrapped a towel around his waist, then wrapped one around me and rubbed my body to get the water off. We stepped into the room and I threw on a pair of underwear and a bra. Niall looked at my stomach and raised an eyebrow.

"You're moving along fast, Scarlet"

I smiled and threw on an oversized shirt. 

"Im glad the media knows now.... its not a secret I have to hide"

"Scarlet, have you told your mom?"

I looked down and shook my head.

"I havent spoken to her in weeks..."

"Scarlet, baby... she's your mother..." He said softly to me.

"I know, but-"

"Scarlet, she needs to know"

"Later, Niall. Lets just get our mind off of everything right now." I said to him, pulling on his shirt, begging for a kiss.

I felt tears coming for some reason, and Niall could definitely tell.

"Please tell me not EVERY girl has mood swings for the whole 9 months of pregnancy..." He said and I laughed.

"Hopefully not..but definitely food cravings...." I said and he put me on his back, walking downstairs. 

He sat me on the couch and covered me with a blanket. "The finest of the finest 3 course meal coming right up" He told me and I rolled me eyes, laughing.

Harry and Liam came to sit by me. They turned the TV on and Harry wrapped his arm around me, giving me strength and support these next several months.

"Hey, hows you and Hannah?" I asked, looking into his bright brown eyes.

"I uhhh.... think I'm gonna propos-"

My jaw dropped and I tackled him with a giant hug before he could even finish.

"HARRY!!" I squealed and he laughed.

I got off of him and couldn't stop smiling.

"I'm just nervous." He said.

"Harry, she's completely completely in love with you. Theres absolutely nothing to be nervous about. Oh my gosh, I can't believe it. That means our kids will be best friends, and they'll be the same age, and go to the same school, and go shoppi-" I started saying but he pressed his finger to my lips.

"Shhh" He said with his cute accent and I just shut up and turned my face, watching the TV, smiling.

"DUN DUN DUNNN" Niall said bringing out a large tray

"Oh no" I whispered.

He pushed Harry to the side and took his seat, setting the tray on my lap. It was filled with a plate of a very cheesy grilled cheese sandwich, with a tomato soup, a glass of sweetened iced tea, and 2 mini cupcakes which were probably stale...

I laughed as he put his arm around me and pulled me in for a kiss on top of my head. I rested my head as we all watched TV and I ate my grilled cheese.

I could definitely get used to this....

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