Chapter 60: You came back for me

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Scarlets POV: I arrived back at my place, in Florida. My parents weren't home. 
"I sent them off. Don't worry about them" Jay said as he led me into the house.

"Why would you-" 

"Give me your phone" He demanded.

"What! No, you can't h-" I started saying.

"I said give me the phone, or I spend the night here. And I don't think  you really want that, do you?" He asked.

I looked down.  Thank god he wasn't gonna be here 24/7. . 

I picked my phone out from my pocket. I had a missed call from Niall. I whimpered when he snatched it from my hand.

"Oh, look who it is... He won't be here anytime soon. He heard it from you, you dont want him anymore. Now isn't that right?" He told me and wrapped his hands around my waist. 

I pushed him off of me.

"You stay off me and I dont cause trouble. I dont turn you in, and I dont try to run away," I hissed.

 "You're  a good girl Scar" 

"Dont call me that"

"Oh, baby I can do whatever I want"

"Im going to my room" I said and started walking upstairs.

"Make me something" He said and pulled me into the kitchen.

I sighed and rolled my eyes. I hate him, I thought to my self.

I pulled out stuff to make a grilled cheese, while he sat down on my couch. His disgusting self on my couch. I reached in the cupboard and saw sleeping pills. 

YES. I would dissolve them in a drink when I need to and give it to him. Then would be my chance to get out.

I made a grilled cheese and put bacon and tomato inside of it. I put it on a plate, poured a glass of milk, and a napkin on a tray and walked to the couch. I put the tray down and pat his shoulder.

"I'm going to make some cookies." I said innocently.

"Good girl." He said, not paying attention to me. 

There was a wall separating the kitchen and living room. I walked behind the wall and pulled out ingredients to make cookies. I put them out on the tray and stuck them in the oven. 

I then searched through all my drawers, looking for a spare phone to text Niall. I couldn't find one.

I wondered what he was doing.

"SCARLET!" Jay yelled and I walked into the living room, shaking.

"Y-yes?" I said softly.

"I'm not gonna hurt you. We made a deal. Its time for your second video" He said pulling out my phone.

I took a deep breath. I had sent Niall a signal for him to come find me, but it was vague; and chances are he believed me that I had moved on.

I sat next to Jay and he held three fingers up, advising me to start talking.

"Okay this is what you're going to say:

 Hi, Niall, as you can see I'm back here and having a good time. I made cookies, and Jay and I are watching some TV. I'm sending you this video because I want you to know again, that I dont want you to come find me. Bye." He said and I nodded.

"Hi, Niall, as you can see I'm back here and having a good time. I made cookies, and Jay and I are watching some TV. I'm sending you this video because I want you to know again, that I dont want you to come find me back here. Bye" I repeated.

I emphasized the "here" to tell Niall that I was back at home and this is where he could find me, if he was smart enough to realize. 

Jay sent it and I closed my eyes. I stood up to check on the cookies. Why me? Why can't I live my life? 

I sat up on the counter looked out the window. Tonight, I was going to give him a sleeping pill right before he went home. Maybe he would crash his car, maybe even worse. I didnt want to hurt him; I just wanted him gone. 

It was about 3 pm. He turned on a loud movie and demanded me to sit by him. I pulled out the cookies and put them on a plate. They smelled delicious. They reminded me of Niall.

I sat next to him, very uncomfortable. 

"Delicious, baby" He told me and looked at me. 

I didn't look at him, just nodded.

I made ugly faces, I farted, burped, and picked my nose. Anything to make him see me differently. I had to, I didn't care anymore.

When the movie was finished, Jay was starting to fall asleep in my lap. I got up and made him a cup of tea, adding to pills which dissolved right away. 

I brought it to him and smiled.

"Whats this?" He asked.

"A little tea before you have to leave. I drink this all the time before school; it keeps me awake. I can tell you're getting tired." I said and smiled again.

"Well, thank you Scar"

I looked at him. 

"Scarlet" He said and took a sip. 

"Thank you" I said.

It was about 8 pm and I brought him to his car. 

"Well, you'll find me here tomorrow" I said and looked down, sadly.

"Hey, dont be sad. I'm not that bad," he said, and I could tell he was starting to fall asleep. 

I walked back inside and went up to my room. I walked to the bathroom, brushed my teeth, and got in bed, listening to the radio. 

I fell asleep fast, thinking what would happen next. Just then, I heard a thump on my window. 

Then another one...

And another...

Should I get up? 

Is it Jay?

I stood up and slowly walked to the balcony window. I looked out, no one. A rock hit my window and I jumped back. I slowly crept forward again and there was a body, standing on my balcony.

He looked me in the eyes, blue eyes sparkling. 

It was Niall.

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