Chapter 43: Talking to Maura

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Scarlets POV

We walked downstairs to the dining room. There were candles spread across the room and soft music playing. I looked at the table and saw plates and dishes full of food. It smelled divine. They made me feel so comfortable. Niall pulled out the chair for me. He is such a gentleman.

 I thought about Jay. Would he ever have done that for me? No way. I wonder what he is up to. I was scared to look out the large, glass window I was sitting by. I thought I would see him staring me down. It gave me chills and I started freaking out. Niall noticed and sat down next to me, placing his hand on my thigh.

"Everything alright princess?" He said quietly to me.

"Yes, of course!" I said to him. I lied.

Greg walked in and immediately looked at me.

"Woah there Nialler, looks like you caught yourself one nice fish in the sea" He said and gave him a fist bump. 

I laughed and shook my head. Greg shrugged his shoulders and sat down. Their parents came in right after Greg and sat down on the opposite end of me. We held hands and said grace. Their family was beautiful. 

Plates of food were passed around the table. I put chicken, sweet potatoes, an Irish homemade bread, rice, and cranberries on my plate.

"This is amazing. Thank you so much Mr. and Mrs. Horan" I told them.

"Oh please, call us mom and dad! You're a part of the family now" They said in their Irish accents. I laughed.

"So...Ni, whats new?" Greg asked Niall.

"Not much, not much, the boys and I leave for our biggest tour yet in a couple days." Niall said; I didnt want to think about it.

"Nice, nice. Are you excited to travel with the boys Scarlet? Its Scarlet right?" He asked.

I looked up at him, then at Niall. I wanted to cry.

"Well...actually..I'm not going." I told everyone.

"What? Why!" Maura asked.

"I don't know if you know, but I'm going on my tour. I sing as well. They want us to go on our separate tours, start my career, let Niall and the boys do their thing. You know" I said to her.

"So how long is this tour?"

"About 4 months, maybe more" I said, looking at everyone.

"And do you get to meet up with the boys at any point?" Bobby asked, while putting food into his mouth.

"Actually, no, not that I know of..." I said, looking down.

"Hey, dont be sad, you're going to have a blast on your tour. You'll make friends, go out, do whatever you want. A little time away is healthy." Greg told me. I looked at him and nodded.

"You're right. Niall just keeps me going. Something that just makes me believe in myself" I said and looked at Niall.  His face was being stuffed with food. I laughed at him.

"Don't worry sweetie, everything is going to be peachy. I believe in you. Niall believes in you and he will always be right there, even just a phone call away" Maura said and I smiled.

After dinner, I went into the kitchen to help clean up. The boys were watching TV, so I joined Nialls mom.

"May I help? Please?" I asked her. She turned around and smiled.

"Well, of course! Only if you want to though."

"I want to" I said to her and walked to the sink.

I started putting soap on the dishes, scrubbing the food, the washing them.

"So, how are you and Niall? I heard about that accident. What happened?" She asked.

"No one told you?" I asked and titled my head.

"No, I didnt find out Niall was in the hospital until much later."

I was surprised.

"Well, I used to date this guy, he was amazing, I thought he was the one. Until I got a text of him with another girl. He then dumped me over text.I was at the concert and I ran outside in the pouring rain. I was crying more than I ever have before. I suddenly heard a voice, I turned around and it was Niall. He had followed me out. He saved me. He brought me back in, backstage, and sat me down. I had to go though. I had left my wallet there and Niall saw it and called me. We met up and from there, something just instantly hit me. I had fallen in love with everything about him and he had done the same. We kept meeting up and eventually Niall asked me to be his girlfriend. We went through a couple rough times, but always fixed them. Niall has bought me so many nice things, and I want to find a way to repay him."

"Thats so sweet. I didnt know he had that in him" She replied. I laughed.

"Well, anyways, Jay got jealous, wanted to kidnap me, wanted me back, but Niall protected me from him. Niall and I went to New York together to spend my birthday and Christmas there. We went to Madison Square Garden and I had gotten a text from Jay. He was stalking us. I ran with Niall outside, Niall told me to stop, but I didnt listen. Then all I heard was a slam and saw Niall on the ground. Blood everywhere. I thought he was dead. I hated Jay for it."

"Thats terrible. Did you call the cops?" She asked. 

I felt so bad. I hurt her son, badly and he still loves me.

"No I did not. We took him to the hospital and from there  I wasn't allowed to see him. He forgot who I was. He didnt remember anything about us. I helped him though. He got his memory back, and he still loves me. I can't believe how strong your son is. Mrs., I love him with all of my heart, and I would never even imagine hurting a hair on him" I said to her, letting a couple tears fall from my eyes.

"Scarlet, sweetie, dont cry. Niall loves you so much and knows you didnt mean for that to happen" She told, wiping my eyes.

"I just can't imagine anything happening to him. And I dont want to go on tour. I dont want to leave him. I dont want to not be able to see him every night before bed, I can't touch him, or hold his hand. I can't kiss him"

"Scarlet, I dont think you can see the way he looks at you. Its a way I've never seen any man look at a woman. You truly have made him a better person. He is 100 times happier with you and I can just tell that he wants you every moment of his life. But, things happen for a reason, and sometimes things we wish the most not to happen, have to happen. Its not forever. Its a few months. And who knows, maybe you'll overlap each other and be in the same place! You just need to be positive, okay?" She told me.

I felt so much lighter, like weights were being lifted off. I felt as if she were my mom, and this was my family. I felt comfortable. I wasn't scared of anything now. The tour will be amazing, I know it, and I know Niall will always be right there with my, like my guardian angel.

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