Chapter 47: Stupid boys vs Niall and Scarlet

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Nialls POV:

Ive never gotten more emotional. I didn't want to go on the tour, only because I didnt want to have to always be wondering where Scarlet was, what she was doing, or if she was safe.

She told me that I have to go, and I always listen to her. If only there was a way I could see her, secretly go to her at night, bring flowers, stay up laughing, watch a movie, something.

"Come on, lets do something now" She said and we walked off into the room.

She jumped onto the bed and I raised an eyebrow. She sprawled her body out and closed her eyes. I jumped on top of her and started kissing her everywhere. I stopped and looked into her eyes.

"Not that Niall. I meant, lets go somewhere, do something we've never done before." She told me and I just looked at her.

"Oh." I said as I got off.

She giggled.

"That didnt surprise me" She said, smiling.

"What didnt?"

"I knew you were thinking something else" She said, but I didnt make any emotion. She looked at me ad sat up. I was on the edge of the bed. She crawled over to me and put her legs on each side of me, resting her hands on my shoulders and her head on my neck.

"Niall. Whats wrong?" She said softly.

I put my hands on her legs and moved my fingers along her knees. I knew that tickled her, but she wasn't focusing on it.

"Scarlet. How will I know you're safe, and having a good time. Doing what you're supposed to. You're my first princess to come in my life, my one and only love I have. I wouldn't be able to live if something happened to you. I just can't go -" I started saying and she covered my mouth with her hands.

"Niall, I've lived many, many years, and you're know worrying about a 4 month tour. Come on, babe, you need to let yourself go sometimes, you need to let me go." She told me and I froze.

Let her go? I thought to myself. I really needed to let her do what she has to, and I need to finish what I have started.

"Scarlet, its just hard to let something go. Something you love so much."

"Niall, we have mutual feelings. I love you more than I love anything else in the world."

"You are my brightest star in the sky. You're the only one I notice. I just won't be able to hear your heartbeat every night."

"And I won't get to feel you, but its okay. Lets enjoy ourselves, now, on the tour, and in the future. I believe in you and all the good you leave in the world"

She said this and I wanted to melt. Ive never felt this before. I was so soft hearted today. It shouldn't be like this. 4 months better go by fast. She stood up and changed into a pair of jeans, a black v neck shirt with a large sweater and scarf, along with a pair of black leather boots. She threw her hair up and looked effortlessly flawless.

"How did I get so lucky?"

She shook her head and blew me a kiss. She walked out and I followed, getting into the car. I wanted to take her out to somewhere she wanted. She loved shopping, but wanted to do something new.I decided to take her to a large street, with many attractions, as well as small restaurants and shopping stores.

"Today is all about you, Scar" I told her.

She looked at me fast.

"What! No way! I-" She started saying but I covered her mouth.

"And whatever I say, we do" I told her.

"Ohh, mhmm" She laughed and said.

We arrived to John Roberts Square. It was huge . I hadnt been here since I was little. It was beautiful. We got out and walked down the street.

I pulled her into a store that sold everything. I picked out a pair of boots, a gray sweater, and a silver Necklace with a small diamond heart.

She was already at the other side of the store, talking to a group of guys. I checked out and put the stuff into a bag. I watched her as she smiled, but looked uncomfortable.

I walked over to her.

"What are you doing?" I asked and the guys stared at me, they looked about our age.

"Oh, is she yours? You better take care of her, or else I will." One said and Scarlet looked at me.

"I'll have you know that you dont know how amazing this man is. Better than you will ever be. Thats not how you talk to someone, especially not about a girl. I didnt ask for you to talk to me. I'm in love with him and obviously you dont know who we are." Scarlet stood in front of me and barked.

The men backed up a little as she stepped forward.

"This man behind me, is the most respected man on this earth, and in my heart. So dont say those words, and what you told me eariler is not how you should talk to a girl. Lets go Niall." She said as she grabbed my arm and pulled me.

One of the guys grabbed her hand and pulled her into him. He kissed her. I was heating up. I pulled him off of her. She was wiping her mouth and spitting. She stood in front of me as we walked out.

She turned around once more, "Get a mint" She said as she rolled her eyes.

She grabbed my hand and apologized. I kissed her and the bag hit her.

"Sorry" I said as I smiled.

"New clothes for the tour?" She asked.

"Nope! Open it" I told her.

"Niall! No, you shouldn't have! I dont deserve-" She started saying but I close her mouth and handed the bag to her.

She opened it and widened her mouth.

"Niall! I love it so much!" She said as she threw her arms around me and kissed me several times.

"I wanted to get you something to treasure. To remember" I said to her.

She grabbed my hand and squeezed it tight.

"Im a very lucky girl Niall" She told me.

I kissed her cheek.

"Im luckier" I said to her.

She shook her head.

"Not possible" She laughed and I nodded.

"It is" I said, and we were silent, admiring everything around us.

Our last day.

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