Chapter 94: A painful video recording

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Scarlets POV:

"You need to leave me alone!" I said struggling, as the man I had no idea who he was, forced me to go with him after my first meet and greet.

"You need to relax, you immature child" He replied as he pulled me into his hotel room in the hotel we were both staying at.

"WHAT did you just call me?" I grunted and curled up my fists.

"Oh please" He said, shoving me onto the bed, "You wouldn't know the first thing about raising a child. You just rely on your husband for everything."

By this point I wasn't even scared anymore. I was furious.

"I'll have you know, that is NOT what I do. Do you really want to talk about being immature. YOURE A FUCKING CRIMINAL" I said at the top of my voice. "And dont you ever make me post something like that last night on social media EVER AGAIN" I demanded.

"Feisty, aren't you?"

"What do you fucking want from me? Why does this always happen to me? Why can't I just live on my own and away from all of this...all of this.....CHAOS. I have a baby growing inside of me and I dont need this right now!" I yelled.

"How would Niall like to hear that you want to live 'on your own' "? He said and pulled out his phone.

"Stop. Thats not what I meant....and you know it. Delete all of those videos right now" I demanded.

"Oh, dont worry, of course I will....after I rearrange your wording and post it" He said and smiled.

"What do you want from me! Please!" I said and collapsed onto the floor, crying.

"Scarlet, everyone in the world wants you. You're sexy, intelligent, nice, and not to mention....can easily be manipulated. Do you not realize how many guys would love to just fuck you."

"Stop. I dont deserve this. I've done nothing and all I keep doing is struggling, getting away from people like you!"

"Thats perfect! Thats the last thing I needed for my video" He said and walked towards me, pulling my shirt, making me wince.

"Now, be a good girl while its uploading" He told me and I pushed him away from me.

"I HATE YOU. Niall..... please.... help me if you're watching this" I tried saying but the man just laughed.

"Its uploaded, on your page... all those 14 million followers.... would you like to watch it?" He asked and I just bit my lip, tears rolling down

Nialls POV

My phone buzzed and it was an upload from scarlets twitter.

"I HATE YOU Niall. Why can't I just live on my own? I've done nothing and all I keep doing is struggling, getting away from you" The recording said and I paused it..... a tear rushing down my cheek.

What did I do? I played it more.

"You need to leave me alone. I have a baby growing inside of me and I dont need all this....all this.... CHAOS. me if you're watching this"

And it stopped there. I looked down at my plane ticket, voices around me whispering and snickering. I've done nothing.

And it all made sense. The picture she posted yesterday about how everything was perfectly fine. The text she sent me about not worrying about her anymore.

I lost her.

My phone rang and I answered to all the boys yelling in my face.

"I- I, didn't do any-th-ing" My eyes flushed with anger and redness, my cheeks turning as hot as lava....and my tears, one rolling down after another.

I saw a flash, and the paparazzi. I covered my face, walking back to the front of the airport, walking outside, pouring rain on my head...more pap....

I walked home, 2 hours in the pouring rain. When I got there, I filled up the bathtub, then climbing in with my clothes, I put my head under water, not wanting to hold my breath any longer.

My eyes closed after 40 seconds, all I could hear was my heart filled with life...

Hands grabbed my shirt and pulled me out... It was Harry.

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?" He yelled in my face.

All I could do was close my eyes, and cover my face.

The rest of the boys came in, their phones out.....

"Niall...what is this?" Liam asked, showing me the video.

"I dont understand whats going on." I said slowly.

"Niall, you idiot...she didn't say those words." Louis said and took a deep breath.

"Thats her, thats her voice. Dont tell me otherwise"

"That's her talking, but put in a different order" He said, and played the video again.

"You need to leave me alone. I have a baby growing inside of me and I dont need all this....all this.... CHAOS. me if you're watching this"

"She's been kidnapped. We need to" Louis said and pulled my downstairs and back to the airport.

Scarlets POV

My phone buzzed. It was on the other side of the room.

"Okay, you sent the video, now just give me my phone!" I demanded.

"Gladly, now that I deleted Niall's contact and blocked you from sending and receives messages!" HE said and handed it to me

I went online and pictures of Niall, his face flushed with tears popped up. NO! I scrolled down and photos of him, soaking wet, walking down the road appeared. No....

All I wanted was to be with him.... away from danger.... how did I let this happen. I should've canceled my tour... stayed with Niall, like he told me to! Why did this have to happen to me....

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