Chapter 50: Game day

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Nialls POV: 

Today is the day. The day I leave. The day Scarlet leaves. For better or for worse. For what ever comes next.

Scarlet wasn't laying next to me and I felt a shoot of sadness and disappointment. I looked to the right to see her bags packed and by the door. I looked at the clock. 7:00 AM.

SHOOT! Plane leaves in 2 hours!

I got up and hurried into the bathroom. I took a quick, cold shower, and put clothes on. I threw most of my clothes into a bag, but left Scarlet my sweatpants and her favorite t-shirt of mine. I put a photo of us on top of her bag. It broke my heart. 

I walked to the front door with my bag to set it down. I imagined Scarlet being there, but I didn't see her. I looked outside and saw her sitting on the dock, watching the horizon. I walked to the sliding glass door and just stared at her, running my fingers through my hair. My beautiful girl. I slid the door open and she turned her head my way, the breeze blowing her hair behind her. I reached my hand out and pulled her up into a hug. I swayed back and forth and rubbed her back. She wasn't crying, moving; I could barely tell if she was breathing. She backed away a step and put her hands on my shoulders.

"Niall, this is a big step, but I'm not gonna cry. This is an opportunity no one else in the world gets, except you. I want you to really know that its okay. Okay?" She said to me and looked straight into my eyes.

Her beautiful, blue eyes. Her pink, luscious lips.

Her silky, brown hair.


"O-o.....okay" I nodded my head and tried to get the words out.

She pulled me into a short hug, and we walked back inside. 

"Morning sweetie" My mom said.

"Morning" I said and looked at her, smiling.

"I was talking to Scarlet" She said and they both laughed.

I shook my head and rolled my eyes. Typical Maura.

"Niall, honey, your cab will be here any minute now. Are you packed?" She asked. I shook my head.

I walked up to her and gave her a kiss, then went to find my dad.

I walked to the office and put my hand on his shoulder.

He looked at me.

"Well, this is it" I said.

"I'm proud of you son. Your career, the goodness and goofiness in you, and Scarlet. Keep her and never let her go." He told me. I nodded, kiss his cheek and walked out.

I would never let Scarlet go. Ever.

Scarlet opened the front door and took my bag to the cab. She got in and buckled herself. 

I walked to my mom once more and kissed her cheek.

"I love you Ni. Always." She said.

"I love you more" I said to her.

" I need you to support Scarlet and love her as well. She loves you, I can tell by the way she looks at you. I can see her heart skip when you look at her." She said and I smiled, letting out a laugh.

"I'll hold on to her forever"

"Good luck baby" She said and I walked out.

I got into the cab and held onto Scarlet. 

We arrived to the airport 20 minutes later. The ride was silent. So silent, I could hear the skips of Scarlets heart beat. I held her the whole time.

We got out and I checked my bag. I got onto the jet, where the flight attendants introduced themselves to Scarlet and I. I saw very nice furniture, a table, speakers, and a selection of snacks. 

"Ready?" Scarlet turned to me and nodded.

I kissed her. "I  hope I'm ready." I said to her.

"I know you are" She smiled.

We stared at each other for a couple seconds. 

"I guess this is like 'Game Day'" She said and smiled. I nodded. 

She kissed me once more. The last one for a long time.

"Till whatever comes next" She said to me as she backed up slowly/ 

I didnt want her to walk away, I wanted to squeeze her body and kiss her cheeks. She  waved and blew me a kiss.

"Till whatever comes next" I said back as the door closed, a single tear falling.

Scarlets POV:

I got into the cab. I didnt want to cry. I didnt want this to be the end for us to see each other for a while; I didnt want it to be the beginning of something new. I sniffled and put my face in my knees, turning my phone on to see Niall and I. I cried more.

"Hey" The driver said. I looked up and wiped my nose.

"Its going to be okay. This isn't forever and you know it kid. You have a long future to live with him. But he needs to do his stuff and you need to do yours. You guys will only fall in love more and more. Everything is going to be okay." He said.

The words he said, got to me. This wasnt the end. This was a beginning to do something I had to do. Niall and I will be together until day 1 million. In love every second. 

I pulled out a ticket and handed it to him.

"Whats this?" He asked.

"A ticket for my concert. Just something to do id you're not doing anything else, you know" I said to him.

I noticed I had stopped crying. It WAS going to be okay. 

"Well thank you" he said back.

I arrived back to Nialls house 20 minutes later and got out, thanking the driver.

I opened the door and walked into the kitchen to find Maura. She smiled and pulled me into a hug.

"You're a strong girl Scarlet. Im glad my baby has you. He looks up to you" She said to me.

I smiled. That was amazing news.

"I love him, more than you know" I said.

"Oh, I know. Your love is strong. I can tell; I see it. I love you too Scarlet. You're like my daughter I never had. Now what do you say we go get our nails done, then head to the airport?" She asked me. I smiled. I was paying this time, I said to myself.


Okay, so I cried when I wrote this chapter.  Niall and Scarlet will only get happier and better.... And Maura! I want her as a mom hahhh! I love you guys xoxo.

So close to 1k!!

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