Chapter 32: A night for some princesses and princes

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Nialls POV:

Today was the day. We set up everything yesterday and sent out over a thousand invites with "yes" from every single child. I had never been more excited and never felt better until now.

Liam called to tell me that we were meeting at the station in 20 minutes.

We got in the cab and drove there. There was a gate that we had to enter. We parked in the lot and got out. The building was huge, like some kind of mansion. It was beautiful. We walked up the 3 flights of stairs that were lined with a red carpet. The inside was even more beautiful. There were big paper machete lights, disco lights, lights that showed different designs on the floor. A whole side of the place was filled with every food imaginable. There was a photo booth, a large screen to play games and movies on, and the dance floor seemed as if it was filed wide. The colors matched perfectly. I turned to Scarlet and kissed her lips, and cheeks. She laughed and went to the back to get help with her dress and makeup. Louis, Liam, and I went the opposite way and got our outfits and hair done as well.

We came out an hour later. I turned around to see Scarlet walking down some stairs. She was sparkling. She had on a long purple dress. It had one strap and rained down her body like a waterfall. Her hair was done in a braid to the side of her. She had on a little purple eyeshadow and her cheeks were glowing. I had no idea what to say. The boys all looked at her too.

"My princess" I finally said.

She wrapped her arms around my neck and leaned in for a kiss.

10 minutes later, hundreds of children arrived at the door. They ran in, hugging all of us. Some were crying. I felt like a million dollars. I looked towards Scarlet to see her down to the kids level. The girls were hugging her and making her laugh.

A little girl in a wheelchair arrived. She looked very sick. She looked strong though. I walked to her and bent down.

"Hello" She tried saying, but I could tell it was difficult for her. There was a machine hooked up to her, helping her breathe. She had lost her hair due to some kind of cancer probably.

"What is your name?" I asked her.

"Maddie" She said, smiling. It seemed as if she didn't even act like there was anything wrong. She looked so happy.

"Well, Im Niall. Im so glad you could come." I said and she turned a small smile into a huge grin.

"Thank you" She said and I hugged her.

I went to the middle and put tiaras on several girls' heads. We danced. I watched the boys dance with their own groups of children. Scarlet was by a table, crying.

I walked over to her and tapped her back. She turned around and hugged me.

"Niall, how is this possible. How can so many small, innocent children be sick, or left alone? How do they go through their lives everyday like this? How am I okay, but all these hundreds of kids aren't?" She cried in my shoulder.

"Scarlet, these kids are happier than ever. They are tough. They can handle their lives like this. Its not the end of the world for them. As long as they're here tonight, they will have an amazing time. Now, you look beautiful. Enjoy yourself with these little angels!" I said and walked her to the middle.

We danced for a while, then sat down for food. The kids were little, but sure ate a lot! It made the boys and I all laugh. The lads and I all talked for a while and thanked them for coming. We want to help them as much as possible. We handed out leap frogs to every single one of them and showed them how to use them. They were all laughing and sharing with each other the different games.

After we ate, we had cake and danced a while more. We played different games, and talked also. The kids had constant laughs and smiles. I could tell Scarlet was emotionally broken, seeing all the kids this way. I wanted to just kiss and hug her and tell her its okay. The kids were happy, and thats all that mattered.

We eventually had to say goodbye to the amazing kids. Scarlet cried as each one of them hugged her and walked out with their tiaras. Before we knew it, we were all over the internet. Videos and pictures of us with the kids were everywhere, and this time, I was happy. I was happy to know that people knew what these kids really deserve; so they can do something similar!

There were notifications that made me want to pull hairs out as well:

NiallHoran: I wish I had cancer so I could meet you.

NiallHoran: I wanna be sick.

NiallHoran: Not fair, can I be there

NiallHoran: Wheres my invite? They don't deserve to be there.

I couldn't believe this was said. I gritted my teeth and put my phone down.

Scarlet looked angry too, she must have seen other things.

We cleaned up, packed up, and drove back to the hotel. The boys flew to New York for this, so they decided to stay in our hotel. They got a room and we drove back. We unlocked our rooms and said goodnight.

"Thank you guys. For coming and supporting the band and kids." I said to them

"Niall, it was amazing. I really enjoyed it" Liam said and they all nodded.

Scarlet immediately undressed and climbed in bed. She started crying. I got under the covers and rubbed her leg.

"How can these little kids go through this everyday. They deserve better; not to be sick. To be home, with their families, not ill. How did I get so lucky?" She cried harder.

"Scarlet, these kids are stronger than they look. They are happy. This night just made their year amazing. Because of you. They're grateful and are okay. Don't cry. There is a plan for everything." I said rubbing her.

"Niall, you amaze me" She looked up at me.

I kissed her cheek.

"This was an unbelievable experience. I love you princess" I said kissing her forehead.

I turned the lights off and smiled. The children are going to be okay. We just made hundreds of kids happy. And It couldn't have been any better.

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