Chapter 20: love song and a dinner date

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Scarlets POV:

We walked inside a shop and my eyes went straight to a dark blue long champ bag. Ive wanted one of them forever, but could never afford it. Niall signaled the manager of the store over and pointed to the bag. He scanned it and before I knew it, the beautiful dark blue bag was mine.

"Wanna go back to the room?" I asked and Niall nodded.

When we got the the room, Niall pulled out his guitar...Of course, he had to bring his guitar, instead of clothes. He knew Id be wearing his long comfy shirts he doesn't have much to wear.

"Im going to help you find your inner you. As in your voice. Im going to help you with when you should hit certain notes, or whatnot. Maybe we can even write a song." Niall explained to me and I nodded my head. I laid back on the bed and rested my legs on his lap, just listening him for a couple minutes.

"Okay first, were gonna warm your voice up a bit. Oh, and make sure you don't have dairy right before going on stage. Trust me..." He said and I laughed hysterically.

"Starting with the vowels. Repeat after me" He said and I nodded

"A-a-a-a-ahhhh" He sung

"A-a-a-a-ahhhh" I repeated. He smiled.






"Niall Im not gonna sing tha-" I started saying



"U-uuuu-u-uuuuu-uu. I love uuuuuuu" He finally sung. I was still laying back and I let out a small chuckle

"You have to repeat that.." Niall squeezed my leg.

I laughed and kicked and repeated, "U-uuuu-u-uuuuu-uu. I love uuuuuuu tooooo"

"Alright now lets write a song. You could come out on stage and sing it with us!"

"But Im not a part of One Direction Niall."

"Well, you're a part of me and thats all that matters" He said and I could resist but sit up and kiss him. I rolled on top of him and he tossed his guitar to the side.

I sat on him. "Orrrr we coulddddd...." I started to say and he looked at me.

"Were writing a song. Play time later" and I made a puppy face.

"Okay, its going to be a love song. Lets make it hot like fire" Niall said and I agreed.

"Lets make it about our memories and thoughts we had before we met, during, and in the future." I suggested.

"Brilliant!" He said kissing me

"Do I get a kiss every time I say something brilliant?" I laughed. He rolled his eyes.

"Do you remember summer 09, wanna go back there every time. Just can't lie was the best time of my life" I said

"Summer 09? We didnt meet till this year" Niall looked at me

"It just rhymes silly" I said and he nodded.

"Lying on the sand as the sun went down" I said again

"How about... Lying on the beach and the sun blew out?" I smiled and he wrote the lyrics down.

"Playing his guitar by the fire too loud" I sang

"Oh my my, they could never shut us down" He finished.

"Its perfect!" I said and squeezed Niall.

We wrote a couple more lines, and then got ready for dinner.

"I really had a great day Niall, even though we did nothing" I said and smiled.

"It was great because we spent it together" He looked me straight in the eyes.

"I never noticed those two little Irish dots in your eyes. I have them too. Its rare, I feel like there are certain people who get these special types of beauty marks" I said. He pushed my hair back.

"You are a very special girl, Scarlet, to many people. YOU are a very rare girl." He kissed me.

I then stood up and picked out an outfit for tonight. We finished our song, and it was wonderful. It was called "Rock Me" and it couldn't describe us more perfectly. We would be singing it together, my first time ever on stage...

I went in the bathroom, and put on my favorite white dress. It was made of a sheer material and went just above my knees. It was long sleeved and fit my tan skin perfectly. I put on bronzer, mascara, and filled in my eyebrows. I walked out and Niall was tying his shoes. I walked up to him and fixed his collar. He looked up and his face was still as water.

Nialls POV:

I waited for Scarlet to be done in the bathroom. I started fixing my shoes, and she came up to me and assembled my collar. I looked up and didnt expect to see what I saw. She was effortlessly beautiful. I had no words. Her dress was amazing, her makeup was like an angel, she was just a little bit shorter than me.

"You are truly an angel sent from heaven" I said before smashing my lips on her.

I didnt let her go. We kissed non stop for a while until she backed away and looked down and smiled. I put her hair behind her, grabbed her hand, and walked down to the restaurant. I had never seen anyone as beautiful as her. It was some kind of miracle.

We sat down at the table. I ordered steak and lobster and Scarlet ordered salmon. There was live music and dancing... Scarlet looked away from me.

"Is everything alright?" I asked, grabbing her hands.

"Ya its just... Zach.. he took me to a restaurant similar to this and it reminded me of him. And i don't want anything to remind me of him...This just does." She sad. I was furious still about him but I wasn't mad at Scarlet.

"Scar, its okay. You don't have to forget about him. But that I have you, I don't want anything else to change. Zach is probably with another girl already, okay? Just focus on the present." I said to her

"You're right.. he's no one to me anymore." She sad and I beamed with a smile. After we ate, we got fro yo and got dressed for the party.


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