Chapter 29: Louis news and Nialls plans

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Nialls POV:

I woke up the next with Scarlet against me, her hair covering her face all the way down to her chest. The snow was falling outside and I watched as couples ran together, hand in hand. 

Scarlet woke up within the next 5 minutes and stretched her arms out, grabbing my face and smiling. She brought them back to her chest and laid her head on me, watching the window. I grabbed my phone and saw a notification from the local news station.

"LOUIS TOMLINSON IS GOING TO BE  DAD" I read and sat up within .1 seconds.

Scarlet jumped.

"What?" She asked but I didn't answer. I called up Louis.

"Hello?" he answered

"Explain! Now!" I said and Scarlet just kept tapping me. I pushed her away from me and slapped her hand. I didnt mean to, I was just frustrated. 

Scarlet got off the bed and threw her hair in a bun. She slid on her sandals and ran out the door.

"Scarlet!" I yelled and opened the door but she was already far ahead.

"Niall, lad, it was an accident. I have no idea what to do. I got a girl pregnant and now I'm gonna be a dad." He said and I just froze.

"What?" Was all I could get out.

"I don't know. I mean its not like were even dating or getting married. But this is my child now and I need to take care of my baby"

"Louis, does this mean you're done with One Direction?" I asked


"Well, I just hit Scarlet and now she's gone." I said watching the door.

"Niall, you need to be gentle with her. She is your future wife; your everything. Go find her" He said and hung up.

I ran out and threw on a hat. I called her cell but she didn't answer. Shit. 

I ran to the lobby and asked if they've seen her, but they said no.

I turned around and there she was, sitting in the cafe, her knees to her chest and head on her knees. 

"Scarlet" I yelled and a few people looked at me. She looked up and wiped her eyes.

"Scarlet" I ran over to her.

"Niall, its okay. Don't apologize. Just go back up to the room. I know you didn't mean to. It just hurt me." She said looking down

I held her tight and turned around.

"Jump" I said and she looked at me. 

She stood up and got on my back, her head resting on my shoulders.

I opened the door to the room and threw her on the bed. I jumped on top of her and covered her body in kisses. She laughed a little but not much. She then pushed me off and crossed her legs, holding a pillow. 

"What happened?" She asked, fixing my shirt and touching my cheek.

"Scarlet. Louis is gonna be a dad" I said and she jumped up.

"WHAT?" She gasped.

"Everyone found out today. And its true."

"So does this mean bye bye One Direction?" She looked at my eyes without blinking.

"Oh, of course not! We're not gonna let a girl and her baby drag us down." I explained and smiled

"You should write a song about that" She said and brought one side of her lip up, smiling.

"About Louis and babies?" I tilted my head.

She threw her head back and laughed. "No Niall! About not letting anything drag you down" She said and I had a lightbulb in my head. 

I already had the perfect melody, beat, and lyrics. I pulled my guitar from the desk and wrote some lyrics.

"Ive got a fire for my heart, 

Im not scared of the dark, you've never seen it look so easy.

I got a river for a soul

And baby you're a boat, Baby you're my only reason" 

Lyrics were flowing. I made the chorus and the words fit perfectly:

"All my life, You stood by me

When no one else was ever behind me

All these lights, They can't blind me

With your love, nobody can drag me down" I sang and Scarlet smiled. 

I crawled on top of her and kissed her.

"Scarlet" I said to her looking at her lips.

"What" She smiled

"When are we going to have a family?" I asked, and I didn't have any butterflies or doubts about saying that. I knew I had to say it.

Scarlets POV:

"When are we going to have a family?" Niall asked and it hit me. 

I forgot about all that. I forgot that we were dating. I forgot about having a family. I forgot what having a family was like. 

"Niall" I started saying.

"Scarlet, Im so sure about this. I love you and I want you forever. I love you" He told me.

I looked at him.

"Niall, when the time is right, we'll have this all figured out. You and I will not when its time. When One Direction is settled in and we both are ready. I promise" I smiled.

"How will you know when the time is right?" 

"Niall, you will just know. I love you" I said and kissed him crazily.


-The chapters  are gonna get so much better but Ill write more tomorrow:)) 

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