chapter 14: Bad News

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Nialls POV:

I was sent to the hospital. This whole time, josh was trying to help scarlet and me. Josh I heard was put in jail, and scarlet was still not at the hospital. I couldn't imagine what other things he had done to her, but I felt like breaking into a thousand pieces.

The doctor came In and explained what was wrong

"It seems you're fine. You have internal bleeding which we can fix... As far as your ribs, you broke all of them. This will take a couple months to heal, maybe more. I recommend you not doing anything that involves running, or moving fast or hard." He said.

Thank god I could still sing.

"Your friends are here to see you" he said and all the boys walked in. They high fived me and pretended like nothing was wrong.

"Where's scarlet?" I asked

"She... Wanted to see you separately. We'll send her in now lad" they smiled and walked out. Scarlet walked in. Bruises and cuts all over. I smiled so hard that my mouth hurt. She laughed and came to lay beside me on my bed.

I hugged her. I hadn't done that for a while and she curled up into me.

"Niall" she said and looked at me

"Yes." She had an awful look.

"Do you think that this relationship is unhealthy?" She asked and I felt hot and heavy

"What do you mean?"

"You know. Us. I feel like all that's really been happening to us is we can't have a normal relationship. Something without problems... Jay will do anything to keep us from being together, and some fans hate us together. I get hate every day and I can't take it anymore."

"Wh-what are you trying to say?" I asked as I didn't touch her anymore. She got up

"I think we should stop seeing each other" she said and my stomach dropped

"Scarlet wh-"

"Niall it's not what I want either. But it should probably be done. I think it's best"

She gave me one last kiss and walked out saying, "I will always love you horan" and that was it

The boys came in running

"What just happened!?" Lou said

"Scarlet is gone. She said it wasn't working" I cried a little

"Lad, she'll be back. Girls will always be back. We'll talk to her. She'll be back before you know it. Don't panic, okay?" Louis said. I smiled and nodded.

I really hope he's right... I planned on marrying this beautiful girl.


ooh this is getting exciting.... xoxo

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