Chapter 10: Hazzas crush

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Harrys POV:

It was the day of boating and I was so nervous. What if she wasn't really my type, I wasn't hers. What if it was awkward and I didnt even want to be around her. Or what if she was beautiful and perfect. I would probably get in my little shell. I don't even get nervous, but for some reason my heart was pounding so fast and loud.

Scarlet snuck up behind me and jumped on my back. 

"Ready HAZZAA?" she said 

I did all these strange faces and she said, "Oh you'll be fine!"

We all got in the car and pulled up to Hannah's house. It was beautiful, with a fountain right in the front. Hannah walked outside. She had long blond hair, and I could see her blue eyes pop right away. They matched her bathing suit perfectly. Her skin was so tan. She put her sunglasses on her eyes and Scarlet jumped out and gave her a big hug. I wish I was Scarlet at the minute right now. She was the definition of beauty. Both her and Scarlet looked like the best of friends. All I could see was Hannahs smile, glowing white teeth, and her radiating presence. 

"Don't drool Harry" Louis said

"Shut up" I punched his arm lightly. They both got in the car. Scarlet sat by Niall and there was only a seat next to me, for Hannah. They did this on purpose. Hannah stuck her arm out to me and I shook her hand. 

"Hi, Im Hannah" she said and smiled

"Hi, Im uh-" I lost my words

"Harry?" she laughed

"Yes sorry" I got red

I saw Scarlet laughing at me and she nodded her head which made me feel more comfortable. We arrived at the dock. Hannah got out and I followed. We rented a huge boat. It came with drinks, snacks, tubes, and water sport stuff. Hannah climbed on first and I was right behind her. I was very close and as she was climbing on, her butt was literally at my eye length. I started staring until Scarlet punched me

"Harry!" She said

"Whattt?" I smirked. 

We sat on the seats and good thing Scarlet knew how to drive a boat, because the rest of us just stared at all the buttons and shrugged. We got in the middle of the canal and headed towards a bridge that was abandoned. We went far off from any people, so we didnt have to worry about the pap and people. 

"So, who wants to jump?" Niall said

"You mean off the bridge?" I said

"Ya!" Scarlet said as her and Niall jumped off the boat and swim to the bank. They jumped and waited in the water for a little. They started to kiss, and I was jealous. That could be Hannah and I, but I need to make my move. She probably doesn't have feelings, escpecially not yet; but I did. The boys were at the bridge before I knew it, and jumped off. It was just Hannah and I.

"Wanna jump together?" Hannah said. Im smiled, looked at Scarlet and she smiled too.

"Sure" I replied. I had no idea if i should've said, ya, yes, of course, obviously, duh, yep; so I just stuck with "sure" and smiled. We got on the bank and climbed to the top. She took my hand and said "ready?" 

"1, 2, 3" and we jumped. When we landed in the water she swam over to me and grabbed my shoulders. She wrapped her legs around me and I swam over to the boat with everyone else. 

"Drinks anyone?" Niall said

"Underaged drinking? Niall.... You know its wrong" Scarlet said.

He pouted and put the drink down. 

"Not for me!" Louis said and took a drink. We laughed. He gave one to his girlfriend. She was 21. 

Hannahs POV: 

Im falling for Harry... 

Scarlets POV: It seemed like Hannah and Harry had a connection and I was so happy! The whole time we talked. Then we decided to play Truth or Dare. 

"Niall, truth or dare?" Louis said

"Dare" He said.

"I dare you to throw Scarlet in the water" Louis said.

"Oh, how daring" I said as i laughed. Niall picked me up and threw me into the water and I screamed and started laughing.

When I got back on the boat I was soaked and Niall gave me a towel and kissed me cheek. 

"Harry, truth or dare?" Niall said 

"Dare" Harry said very worried

"I dareeee you to kiss Hannah" Niall said, and I giggled.

Harry took Hannahs hand and kissed it.

"Come on Harold, a real kiss. Like you mean it" Louis said.

Harrys POV: 

"Come on Harold, a real kiss. Like you mean it" Louis said.

Oh great.... Well here it goes. Hannah looked at me and smiled. I waited a couple seconds, not sure about it; just then she pulled my head her way and kissed me. Our lips were so in sync. We kissed for probably 10 seconds. 

"Okay jeez, I said kiss, not suffocate each other." Niall blurted out. 

I could tell Hannah liked it, and it made me happy. The rest of the day we relaxed silently  while Niall and Scarlet drove us back. Hannah sat next to me and put her head on my chest. I finally find someone. 

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