Untitled Part 26: Christmas, birthday, New York

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Nialls POV:

I woke up and rolled my head Scarlets way. She was sound asleep, her hands under her head, like she was praying. She was some kind of angel. Today was her birthday....

I poured some coffee and took out a plate of breakfast scones. Scarlet moved around in the bed, until she opened her eyes. I jumped on her.

"GOOD MORNING  LOVE" I said as I pounced on her. She laughed.

She stood up and went to the bathroom. 

She came out 5 minutes later, her hair brushed, and her face had a little tint of pink on her cheeks. She was adorable. She came and sat on my lap. She smelled like vanilla and coconut.

"Oh! I almost forgot!" She jumped up and walked to get something. She brought back several presents wrapped, and put them on top of me.

I looked at them and laughed.

"Well, what are we waiting for?" She asked as she took a scone.

I picked up a present I wrapped and handed it to her. She looked at me and smiled; her cheeks stuffed with cookies. She unwrapped it and opened her mouth. It was the laptop. 

"Niall! I don't even know what to say! I am so thankful for this" She sprung up and kissed me a million times. 

"Theres more!" I nodded and she kissed me again.

"Your turn!" She handed me a small box, but it was heavy.

I unwrapped it and pulled out a pure silver watch. I was speechless.

"Wow" I whispered

"Do you like it? The receipt is in there if you wanna g-" she said and I shut her up with a kiss.

"I love everything about it" I said and smiled.

She then opened all her clothes, shoes, and the bracelet. She put it on.

"I will never take it off" She said and smiled.

Scarlets POV: 

Niall spent hundreds for all this and Im so thankful. Everything is beautiful.

He opened the rest of his presents; the watch, underwear, and picture of us...He finally opened the one with the guitar pick and just smiled. 

"Lets sing a song" He pulled out his guitar and used his new pick.

I just listened to him and closed me eyes, he was beautiful.

I crawled on top him and grabbed his head, pulling it towards me and kissing his lips like crazy. He picked me up and rolled over so he was on top.  I put my hands up by my ears and he came in lower on my body. I put my hands around his neck and kissed him more. I rolled over and sat on him, my legs on each side, staring into his blue eyes.

I loved staring into his bright blue eyes. There was no smile, grin, smirk, or anything. Just staring. I traced my fingers on his arm and down his muscles. 

Nialls POV:

I watched Scarlet as she followed her fingers down my arm. She was physically flawless and she didnt know it. 

"Scarlet" I mumbled.

"Yes?" She asked quietly.

"I love you" I told her. She looked at me for a couple seconds, processing my words.

"I love you more"

"I love you the most" I finally said. She came down to my lips, but didnt kiss me. I closed my eyes and she got off of me.

"You make me mad when you tease me like that" I gritted my teeth but smiled.

She looked back at me as she was walking to her bag and winked.

"Lets go into the city" She said as she put on her new clothes from me. 

I nodded as I watched her take her clothes off. Her figure was perfect, her skin so smooth and tan. She put on a sweater, leggings, and boots. I got dressed and we left.

Hand in hand, heart in heart, lips on lips. 

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