Chapter 70: misinterpreation

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Scarlets POV:

I woke up the next morning, tired and feeling like crap. Its been four months exactly and I honestly didnt know when I was going home, where I was going today, or when I would see Niall.

There was a knock on my door.

"Whatttttaaughhh" I moaned.

"Lets go, we have a plane to catch" It was Ed.

"UGHHH". I didnt want to do this. I loved singing, I loved fans, meeting new people, but its been 4 months and I haven't really smiled once.

I got up and threw on a pair of Nialls sweatpants. They still smelled like him. I brushed my teeth, packed my bag and walked to the car. I got in and collapsed in Ed's lap.

"Morning Sunshine." He said.

I threw my hand in the air and put it back down. He put his hand on my back and rubbed it.

"Lads, I haven't seen her smile or laugh more than 1 maybe 2 times" Eddy whispered.

"Its been 4 months. She needs Niall." Ed said.

"If this is what love and missing someone is like, I dont ever want to experience it" Eddy said back.

"She'll be okay. I hope" Ed said and I shook my head.

We arrived to the airport and I got out of the car. I was sick to my stomach and stressed. I scurried to the back of the car and threw up out of no where. I started coughing and the boys ran over to me.

"Scarlet! Are you alright?!"

"Do we need to take you to the hospital?"

"Whats the matter?"

"Guys I'm alright. Lets just get to this show and do it. Okay?" I announced and they followed me.

"At least its a short ride" Ed said.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"Well, we were supposed to go to England again for another couple months, but its not safe to enter there right now. Thats what we were told." He said.

Thats where the boys were. They were in London for another couple weeks then coming to the US last.

"So where are we going now?" I asked.

"Well Scarlet....We weren't given many details but we're going to Rose Garden in Colorado."

"How random" I said as I walked onto the plane.

"Good morning. We will be arriving to Colorado in approx. 1 hour and 52 minutes. Snacks and refreshments are provided. Relax and enjoy the ride" The pilot said.

I shut my eyes again. Niall popped into my head. Us. Nobody sees, nobody knows how close we really are. When the sun is shining, when the moon is rising. We are two and two, that will never change."

"We have reached the destination. Have a good afternoon" The pilot announced as I was woken up.

"Nooo" I moaned.

"Come one Scarlet" Ed shook me.

"Scarlet, you can't be like this forever." Eddy said as he walked off.

Ed grabbed my hand and pulled me up. He walked me off and turned around. I jumped on his back and put my head on his shoulder. He placed me in the car and I watched out the window. It was beautiful. Trees everywhere. The leaves were changing colors and the sun was shining. I started smiling.

"Theres that beautiful smile of Scarlets' we know of" Ed said and I squeezed his hand.

"Alright, so guys. Were gonna do this show, and were gonna make the best of it." I said to them.

"Maybe something great will happen here. You never know" Eddy said.

We arrived and I got out. The arena was huge and made out of concrete. A woman quickly greeted us.

"Hello, I'm Juliet. Nice to meet you all" She said and shook our hands.

I smiled. She was short, and so cute. She walked us inside and I saw how big the stage was. It was already set up for me. It was bigger than big. Could fit hundreds of thousands. I wonder what event they had going on before me?

She took us to the back and by then it was already 3 pm. I met with a makeup artist and clothing designer. They brushed my hair and fitted my waist. The makeup artist sat me down and started spraying my hair like crazy. She gave me a dark, dark smoky eye and highlighted my cheek bones. I looked very striking and great! The designer came back with a pair of skinny, black jeans a pair of black boots, and a velvet maroon top. It looked so perfect. I looked at myself in the mirror and smiled.

"You look beautiful." Ed said to me. I smiled and looked at him in the mirror.

"You haven't eaten all day. Want half of my turkey sub?" He asked.

"No, no you go ahead!" I told him.

He shoved half of it it my mouth and I laughed.

"I know you did" He said and I rolled my eyes.

I heard the crowd start shouting.

"That was fast!" I said.

I looked around and saw another area of the arena. It had another door and a stage. There was a walkways from the main stage to the one on the other side.

"Whats that?" I asked the makeup lady.

"Oh thats another section of the arena" She told me.

"Is it in use right now?"

"I honestly have no idea." She said and walked away.

"Well, thanks" I said.

"ITS SHOW TIMEEEE" Eddy ran over to me. They ran on the stage and started playing music. The crowd went wild. I ran out and started singing.

There were so many screams I could hardly hear myself.

After the song I sat down.

"Well, as you may know, this is my last concert for the tour...So I want to make it special. You all mean the world to me. And its been a long journey, that sadly has to come to an end. So this next song Im going to sing is the first song I ever sang, called Little Things.

The music started playing with a weird melody though. I started opening my mouth, when I felt a body wrap around me. I laughed, thinking it was Ed, ED, or Eddy. I turned around and my heart dropped.

It was Niall

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