Chapter 15: fools gold

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Scarlets POV:

It was over. Everything that has happened to us. All the times we've laughed until we cried... All the times we touched and just was so peaceful. He made me feel safe; and now.. its over, and I don't feel safe anymore. I had to do this. I couldn't take the hate and terrible people anymore. Niall deserves someone better, someone who he can do even more things with. Im just a girl who knows nothing. My career with singing was never anything.

I walked to the nearest little diner in the pouring rain and sat down by myself. A man, a couple years older came over to me.

"Hello miss, are you alright?" He asked an smiled at me. He was so hot. The way he stood, talked and smiled.

"Yes, I'm a-alright" I said trying to get the word "alright" out of my mouth.

"What can I get a beautiful girl like you?"

"Just a coke please" I smiled, looking away.

He came back with my coke and sat across from me.

"Have I seen you somewhere?" he asked.

"Not that I know of" I replied.

"Your...youre Scarlet. Nialls girlfriend!" he said excitingly.

"ex" I said right away.

He looked at me with a strange face. "Im so sorry. It must have been hard for you" He said.

I shrugged my shoulders and a tear came from my eye. He took my hand and wiped my tear.

"Well, Im Zach. Im always here, so feel free to come if you ever need a drink or a talk." He said and smiled. I smiled back. He was so simply beautiful and perfect. Just then, I saw Niall walk in, still bruised; inside at out. I lowered in my seat and put the hood of my jacket on. Niall didnt see me.

Zach looked at me and removed his hands. I grabbed his hands again.

"Don't make it obvious Im here" I whispered. I laughed for no reason. Niall looked my way and noticed it was me. He looked hurt, and not because he was in a car crash. I looked at him then looked away to pretend I was talking to Zach.

"I really have to go. This isn't right" He said.

I nodded my head and he walked away with my finished coke.

Niall walked my way and sat at my table. I looked away and he took my hand.I flinched and moved my hand away.

"Niall, I can't be seen with you anymore. I can't live with hate." I said.

"Scarlet, you're not. I can't go on in my day without knowing I can't hold, touch, and kiss you anymore. I can't stop thinking about you. I just can't" He said with the most adorable accent I've ever heard from him.

"Niall, stop. You have to. You deserve to live your life how you should be" I tried to not studder

"Scarlet, you are my world. You are what I go to bed thinking of, and wake up thinking of. You are what gets me through my day."

"Before I came in your life...You didnt know me. I wasn't your world, and you were getting through your days fine"

"Thats the thing.. I've waited and waited for my princess. And now that you're here...My life is complete. Now, its not put together properly with all the right pieces.

"Niall...You have to expect ups and downs, twists and turns..."

"But I love you"

"Stop. Those words shatter me Niall. Why are you here anyways??" I was now crying

"Scarlet I always come here. Its so quiet and the people here are my friends. I come here when I need to be alone."

"You should be home though. Resting. You're hurt"

"Im only hurt emotionally Scarlet"

"Niall. Stop this. I can't love you anymore"

I stood up, walking out, and a hand tugged my arm. It turned me around and smashed our lips together. It was Niall. They moved softly, perfectly. I missed him. I loved him. We broke apart and I hugged him.

"You are my life. How can you not understand this Scarlet?" He said putting his hands on my cheeks.
"Niall, I hurt you. Even when I could never hurt you in any way, shape, or form...I hurt you inside and out. I can see it and I can't take it anymore." I whispered
"Scarlet...never. I love you. I love you so much."

Why.... why did it have to be Niall who I was so in love with? I wasn't done yet... falling for him.

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