Chapter 42: Meeting Nialls Parents

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Nialls POV:

We arrived at the house a few minutes later. We got out and tipped the driver. 

I grabbed Scarlets hand and squeezed it.

"Well, this is it" I said to her.

"Niall, what if they don't like me? What if they think-" She starting saying but I took her face and kissed her hard.

The house was light with white lights along the walkway.

We arrived at the  door and I rang the doorbell.

"Im not that nervous, Im kind of excited actually Niall. Meeting your parents, staying in Ireland."

"Good, they are going to absolute-" I started saying until the door opened.

"Niall!" My mom ran up and hugged me. I hugged her back; I've never hugged her as hard as I just did.

"I missed you so much" I said into her shoulder.

"And you must be the famous Scarlet. We've heard many great things about you" I heard my dad say. 

I looked at her as they shook hands.

"Oh yes! Whenever we talk to Niall, you are always immediately brought up for the rest of the call" My mom said. 

Scarlet laughed as I gave my mom a look.

My dad walked up to me and gave me a big hug as well.

"Seriously though, you're all her thinks about" My mom whispered to Scarlet, but I could here them.

Scarlet let out an adorable laugh.

"Well, come in! Its freezing out!" My dad said.

We walked in and my mom  closed the door behind us.

"You're home is beautiful." Scarlet said to my parents.

I put my arm around her waist and pulled her close.

"Scarlet, you're room is upstairs if you want to go put your stuff down. Please make yourself feel at home!" My mom said to Scarlet.

I watched her walk upstairs and I didnt take my eyes off until she turned the corner.

Scarlets POV: 

I loved Nialls parents. They were perfect and loved him so much. I could tell they were very proud of him.  I walked up stairs and stopped as I turned the corner, listening to their conversation.

"You really love her. I can see it in your eyes, its the same way I looked at your mother when I loved her" Bobby said.

"Well, yes, of course I do. I don't know what I would do without her. She makes up every part of me. She's my best friend" Niall said.

I put my head on the wall, and closed my eyes, shaking me head and smiling. I loved him more than anything.

"Niall, do you plan on having a future with her?" His dad asked.

I opened my eyes, wondering what Niall was going to say.

"Dad, mum, she's my life. I couldn't imagine going through any of this without her. She's my forever and always. I know it" Niall said and I wanted to run downstairs and kiss him.

"I'm proud of you Niall. She's a beautiful, intelligent, and kind woman" His mom said in the cutest way.

I walked to the room and opened the door. The room was beautiful. The walls were a light gray and the furniture was white. There was a picture of Niall and his family on the wall. He was about 16 years old. He has changed so much. I looked around the room and suddenly felt strong hands grab my waist. I laughed and turned around. I kissed Nialls cheek and wrapped my arms around his neck. I stared into his blue eyes. They get more and more beautiful every time I look at them.

"Niall, I don't think you realize that you're an inspiration to millions of people. Do you ever think to yourself and see that you keep many people going and motivated. They know you love them so much, even if you don't know them. You are an amazing guy Niall, and I can't seem to bring myself to the fact that I am actually here with you, in your life, and you love me." I told him, whispering.

He scanned my face, and shook his head.

"You're mine because of a reason. An angel guided you to me. My princess has arrived." He said and I laughed.

"If beauty were mine, you'd be eternity" Niall said to me seriously.

I looked down.

"Never look down, you'll miss many things" He said bringing my chin back up. I slowly kissed his lips.

"NIiall! Dinner!" It sounded like an unfamiliar voice.

"Thats Greg. Hes a crazy lad" Niall said to me. 

"How long as it been since you've seen him?" I asked.

"Couple years, maybe more" Niall told me.

I wondered what it was like to have a sister, a brother, someone I am close with in the family, someone to look up to, someone to protect me, a best friend for eternity.

"Niall, what is it like to have a brother?" I asked curiously.

"Having a sibling is so on and off. Some days you want to be with them all day, laughing and making jokes with other, messing around with each other, then other days you just want them gone, you need time away from them. But only a sibling really gets your jokes, the jokes no one else could possible understand. You just have a different way of speaking to them; they are there for you even when you want them out of your life. Its a great experience" He told me.

I looked down. Before Niall, I did have an amazing life. Im beautiful, smart, and kind, but if I had a younger sister, someone who would look up to me and love me, someone I could protect and mess around with. If only...

"Hey, its okay! Look at me" He said and I looked up.

"You're life is perfect Niall. You are blessed" I told him; I didnt want to cry, but why did I feel like the only good thing in my life was Niall?

"Scarlet, you're life is amazing. You have me and I have you. As long as I have you, I need nothing else in life. Now, lets go down for dinner, okay?" He pushed my hair back and kissed my nose.

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