Chapter 91: Revealed

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After the party, everyone left, a few passing out on my lawn because they had too much to drink. I walked upstairs to my room and opened the door. Rose petals were sprinkled all along my white carpet, with a present and a box of chocolate covered strawberries sitting on my bed.

 Rose petals were sprinkled all along my white carpet, with a present and a box of chocolate covered strawberries sitting on my bed

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I grabbed a strawberry and popped it in my mouth, closing my eyes and smiling.

I opened the present and pulled out a sheer lingerie dress, revealing the part where the chest fits. I slid off my clothing and put the dress on. I slid my hands down the back side, and was stopped when a pair of hands grabbed my hands, gliding their hands across my butt.

I turned around and smirked.

"Niall" I whispered.

He stared at me, his eyes going from my chest all the way to my hips. He pressed his lips along the nape of my neck, forcing quiet moans out.

"Have the boys left?" I asked and wrapped my arms around his shoulders.

"Yes, everyone is gone. House to ourselves tonight" He told me and I giggled.

He kissed my lips and I bit his lip, then moved my lips along his again.

"You taste like chocolate" He told me.

I backed away and walked into the bathroom, closing the door. I looked at myself in the mirror. I looked beautiful in this...

I reached for the perfume in the corner of the counter, when I noticed a box I had bought a few days ago.

It was a pregnancy test.

My heart started beating so fast, as I walked towards it and picked it up. I locked the door and opened the box. I took it out and peed into it, my skin starting to stand up.

I closed my eyes and looked at the results...



I let out a yelp and Niall came rushing to the door, trying to open it.

"Scarlet? LET ME IN" He yelled.

I started crying and ran out the door and to the bed, hiding under the sheets. Niall ran towards me and pulled the covers off from the top of my head. I crinkled my nose and smiled, looking at him.

He got under the covers with me and put them back over our heads.

I looked at him and he looked at me.

"I'm pregnant!" I squealed and he freaked out, throwing himself over and getting on his hands and knees on top of me.

All I could see was his sparkling smile, as he started kissing my stomach a thousand times.

He stared at my stomach. "Hey little squirt." He said and I laughed.

"You're gonna have such a beautiful life. And an amazing mother" He said and nodded.

A tear fell from my eyes and down my cheek, as i smiled with so much joy.

"I love you already and i dont even know you! " He added and I shook my head, shrugging my shoulders.

He looked into my eyes as he grabbed my waist and pulled my hips into his. He slid his hand along my underwear, and kissed a soft spot down there. I nodded, giving him the cue to go ahead and do what he pleased.

He slid his hand down my underwear and pulled them down, throwing them to the floor. He took his shirt off, and I felt his chest, gliding my fingers along his ribs.

"How are you so beautiful?" He asked.

"I guess I could ask you the same question" I said back to him.

"This child growing inside of you right now is going to be the luckiest person on this planet. Having you as a father." I said again.

"But I'm already the luckiest person on this planet. Because of you"

"Niall, you've turned me into someone I never knew I could be. I don't know how you did it"

"And this little baby is going to turn into someone so beautiful as well one day" He said to me and I laughed.

He laid next to me, putting his hand over my stomach.

"I love you Scarlet" He whispered to me, in the accent I have fallen in love with.

"I love you more"

"We need to tell the boys."

"Well, not just yet....." I told him and he looked at me.

"Don't tell me you just played a joke on me"

"NO! Of course not!" I said and laughed. "It's're supposed to wait a little before telling anyone...You know, just in case"

He nodded and rubbed my thigh. "Okay"

"Niall" I told him with uneasiness.


"I have to go back on tour... for another 3 months" I said to him.

"What!? Thats too many months away from you" He said to me.

"I have my contract for another 3 months. I have to. And I was with Simon the other day....Your contract is up in 5 months. Im sorry"

He shook his head and threw his head back.

"Hey, its okay, Niall" i said and grabbed his hand/

He nodded his head and looked into my eyes. "5 months of not seeing you?"

"Niall, it'll go by before you know it. I promise. And the 4 months after that, you will get to watch this child grow. And you'll be there for her or him. Okay?" I said and kissed his hand.

"When do you leave?"

"The morning"

He froze and I could hear his heart beating 1000 times per minute.

I crawled over to him and laid my head on his chest, curling up my knees. He wrapped his hand around my waist and played with my hair. I stroke my fingertips along his chest and told him it would be okay.

I fell asleep to his heartbeat. What he didn't know is that I actually dreaded this career path. I wanted it all to be over. Only 5 months left.


OKAYYYY sooo, let me know what you think about this chapter!

And also, should I stop my story at 100 chapters, or keep going? I dont know!


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