Chapter 84: Maldives and some love making

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Nialls POV:

I grabbed Scarlets arm after the wedding and drove her back home. I sent her upstairs and pulled her suitcase out for her.

"You have 10 minutes." I said to her

"What?" She replied

"10 minutes to pack. Stuff for somewhere tropical. That is your hint. SHHH" I said and she smiled.

I watched as she threw many swimsuits and dresses and leaned shorts into her suitcase. She threw on her hat and a pair of sunglasses and ran to the kitchen.

"What are you doing Scarlet. We need to go" I told her

"Im hungryyyyy"

"We just ate though. Like an hour ago" I told her again

"And?" She said back to me in a feisty way.

"Someone is on their period...." I whispered.

"Heard that. And no. Im not, thank you very much" She stuck her tongue out at me.

"Thank god because we-.........nevermind" I was about to say.

She put the jar of nutella down and walked over to me, holding the collar of my shirt and tugging on it.

"What" She whispered in my ear and tugged on it.

She was really turning me on.

"I guess you just have to see when we get there" I told her,

"Ugh, Niall. Tell me now" She groaned.

"Turn me on again when we get there and you'll see exactly what I was talking about" I told her and she looked at me and smiled.

I pulled her hand out the door and we drove to the airport. The plane was awaiting us and we quickly boarded, sitting down across from each other on the white chairs. The table in front of us was filled with different cheeses, nuts, and crackers. I popped open a beer for myself as the plane took off and I closed my eyes.

I felt a hand touch my chest and saw it was Scarlet. She started climbing on top of me and kissing down my neck. I swung her legs around me and she wrapped her body around mine. I lifted her up and set her down on the couch now, climbing on top of her. I kissed her down her chest and grabbed her body, bringing it closer to me. I started grabbing her shirt until I heard the door open.

"Oh! Uh sorry, I was just going to ask if you needed anything...but it looks like you're good. Oops" A flight attendant said as Scarlet quickly sat up.

She laughed and moved her hair out of her face.

2 hours later

"Niall, where are we going" Scarlet whined.

"Shh, we're almost there" I told her.

A couple minutes after I said that, the plane landed and we got off and into a car. We drove along a large hill, looking down on the blue ocean. We arrived at a large resort, on the crystal blue waters. It was all light up with bug huts, each having 2 rooms, a kitchen, a bathroom, a hot tub, and a deck, with a bed and tables. The room had flower petals going to the bed, with a note on the bed and a bottle of wine.

Scarlet ran to the bed and immediately smiled and she sprawled across it

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Scarlet ran to the bed and immediately smiled and she sprawled across it.

"Niall!" She squealed.

I jumped on top of her and looked her in the eyes.

She stroked my face and bit her lip.

" you know what I was talking about?" I asked and winked.

She nodded and smiled, blushing a bit.

I sat her up, slowly removing her shirt and bra. She kicked her underwear off and pulled my shirt off. I took the rest off and she smiled

"Are you sure you're ready?" I asked her.

"I could never be more ready." She whispered and pulled me in.

I pinned her down and spread her arms out, kissing her from her neck, then down her stomach and on her thighs. She shifted her hips upwards and let out a small moan. I worked my way back up to her chest, then did what I had to do.

She let out a yelp and I looked at her.

"You good?" I asked.

She closed her eyes and nodded, making me laugh. She grabbed my back and dug her nails into in.

I moved slowly, then fast, then slow again, listening to her let out breathless moans every time.

After a while, I rolled over next to her and she bent her knees up, resting and closing her eyes again.

"Niall" She said quietly.

I grabbed her waist and pulled her close.


"That....was amazing" She said and I smiled.

"Are you ready to be a mother?" I asked her and she opened her eyes.

"Are you ready to be a father?" She said back to me.

"I dont think either of us could be more ready" I said and she smiled.

"Soo, that was your first time" I said to her and she let out a laugh.


"You were amazing." I said to her and she grabbed my face, pulling it into hers.

"You too" She said, and kissed me.

"Well, what next?" I asked her.

"We eat!" She said and smiled, making me laugh.

She stood up and threw her swimsuit on.

She walked to the counter and leaned forward, trying to reach the cereal. I walked to her and grabbed her butt, squeezing it, making her jump a bit. She grabbed the food and walked to the couch outside, lighting a candle and turning on the outside speakers.

I grabbed her hand and stood her up, and we danced to the music. She kept laughing and twirling.

So beautiful... everything about her.

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