Chapter 93: Pure Tragedy

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Nialls POV:

I woke up the next morning, with the bed already made next to me. It was 8:07 and I sat up to find a note on the side of the bed. 


I know the next several months are going to be completely horrendous, but knowing you, knowing me....and knowing us, we'll make it just fine. I had a super early flight and couldn't bear any tears this morning.... but dont worry...I made you breakfast downstairs (: Just know that there's no one else I'd rather be with, and I love you like crazy. I'll see you soon... :*


I just stared at the letter. I rolled out of bed...her house completely silent... I dont even think her own mother knows anything Scarlet is doing. I walked to the kitchen and sat down. A batch of sticky, glistening cinnamon buns sat right before me. I let out a small snicker and sat down at the bar. I pulled my phone out to see my wallpaper of Scarlet that I had taken of her eating cotton candy and laughing one day when I took her to the Santa Monica Beach Pier. 

As I stuck my fork into the food, the door busted open and Harry, Louis, and Liam came crashing in.

"What are you lads up to?" I said and looked back away quickly

"Scarlet told us she made food..." Louis said and took my fork from me.

"No, Louis." Liam said and pulled Louis back.

"We heard Scarlet is gone for 3 months....Thats not so bad Ni-" Harry tried explaining.

"Yeah, and we're gone for 5 months mate. At least you get to bring your girlfriend."  I fired back.

"Niall, five months is going to go by so fast. You're not going to be missing out on really anything." Harry said again and sat down.

"That's the thing" I said standing up and shaking my head.

"We get it. You're a married man and you want to be with you're wife. But Niall. You have tens and tens of years ahead of you. And-" Liam said.

"And what about the fact that she is pregnant" I said and took a deep breath.

Louis spit his food out and Harry and Liam just eyed me, not moving a muscle. 

"I know and I want to be there for her. I need to be there, bringing her whatever she needs, buying her anything she wants, holding her and the child every night. She can't do it on her own" I said and rolled my head, closing my eyes.

"And we're gonna be on tour while she's growing a child inside of her!?" 

I nodded...

"Oh my god." Well, we have to be there for her too then" Harry said silently.

"We can't leave our fans in the dust. We can't bail out now. We made a commitment" I said back.

"It'll be okay lad."

I smiled and just looked at them. "So, when do we leave, I guess?"

"Well, we also came here to get you. We have to head off the the I hope you packed." Liam told me and I shrugged.

"Let's just go" I said and crumbled up her note, sticking it in my pocket.

I got in the car and just stared outside, thinking I would just see her walking. I wanted to squeeze her, hold her hand, brush my lips against hers, and watch my child grow. 

"Lad, just breathe." Harry said and tapped my shoulder.


As what seemed months later, we arrived in the UK, with girls screaming and holding signs and running to our car like complete psychos. I started smiling  when I saw them. Its crazy to be so in love with one person... and thats what those fans are like....Thats what I am like with Scarlet. 

"There we go mate." Louis said and roughed up my back.

When we got to the hotel, I climbed into the bed and pulled my phone out.

"Niall, lets go get food" Liam said immediately.

I shook my head and waved them along. "Just bring back something please."

I went onto Instagram and the first thing that popped up was Scarlet, standing with a man, about her age, smiling with his arm wrapped around her. They were standing at a hotel, fans surrounding them.

"All is well here in Australia:*" 

I stopped and tried calling her, but there was no answer.

I couldn't stop here and was dying to know who that man was.

"Scarlet, are you doing alright? Whats new with you?" I tried texting her to start a conversation.

"Niall, I'm fine. Go have fun, see you in five months" I got a reply.

That was not Scarlet texting me.

"Please call me" . I sent and got a call.

"Scarlet!? Please... where are you?" I struggled to get the words out.

"Niall... are you okay?" It was her voice.... I slumped to the ground, putting my head in my hands.

"Why are there so many pictures of you with that guy. And dont try to  tell me he's some kind of security. Scarlet, what is going on?"

"Niall... I have to go. He's gonna catch me."

"Scarle-!" I couldn't finish her name.

"SHIT" I said, standing up and throwing the TV remote at the  wall. 

I sat, thinking what could be going on. Someone so beautiful as her. She could easily get pressured or forced into doing something to save herself or someone else. That man probably told her to act as if she was with him. And who knows what he'll want with her. What he'll do with her baby. I wonder if she told him she was pregnant. 

I had no idea where she was in Australia, but all I know is that man wants her far away from me as possible. 

And I couldn't deal with that...I had to leave. 


And heres a quick picture I took of Niall at the concert I went to in 2014 :( I was soooo closeeeee.

And heres a quick picture I took of Niall at the concert I went to in 2014 :( I was soooo closeeeee

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