Chapter 33: Talking to a hero and almost dying

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Nialls POV: 

We were still in New York and Madison Square Garden. I always loved the name "Madison." It was just so unique and beautiful.

"Scarlet" I said as I shook her little body. 

I saw her hip bones right above her underwear. She never wore pants to bed. She always just wore long shirts and lately she's been wearing all of mine it seemed like.

"So theres my shirt" I said.

It was a large shirt with a golf ball and silhouette of a man. 

"Eh, it looks better on you" I said as I looked at her and she smiled. 

I turned the TV on and it went straight to the news. It was us from the ball. Scarlet dancing with the kids. Harry and Louis letting the girls play with their hair. Liam and Zayn singing. And me...well I had no idea what I was doing. I shook Scarlet and she sat up and watched the TV. She laughed.

"What?" I asked.

"Niall, you look lost" She giggled and I punched her. 

She tackled me and ended up in my arms, me hugging her. Her and I smiling and laughing.

"How are you feeling?" I asked and she looked confused at me.

"Fine?" She replied.

"I didnt ask how you looked, I asked how you were." I said and she laughed, putting her forehead on mine.


A couple  minutes later I said , "Scarlet, were going to Madison Square Garden. We can go to the arena and sing our hearts out."  She looked at me like I was crazy.

"Right now?" She asked.

"Yes, lazy bones!" Lets go.

We got dressed and quickly found a cab. It was pouring so I put my jacket over her head and we climbed inside the warm car.

"Scarlet" I said.

"Mhm" She replied as she was watching the buildings pass us.

"When we have our child, can we name it Madison?" I asked, grabbing her hand.

She giggled and raised an eyebrow.

"Why Madison? I mean, I love it, but why that name?" She looked at me.

"Its beautiful. It reminds me of sun, and light. Its just precious." I said.

"What if its a boy?"

"You pick."

"Sonny" She said and I smiled.

"You two love birds seem very positive about your future" The driver said and we looked at each other.

"We are" Scarlet replied.

"I thought that too. I had it going. 4.0 GPA, an amazing girlfriend. We were engaged. Though we were gonna have kids. A beautiful family. I had an amazing job. Then, all of the sudden, it was gone. Claire, my girlfriend, died, in a plane crash. She was coming home from a trip to visit me. It crashed. I lost my job. I lost hope. I was stressed. Cherish every moment; you don't know whats gonna happen" He said.

I looked at Scarlet and tears were streaming down. I didn't know what to say and neither did she. I thought about what it would be like the lose something you love more than anything. I would die inside.

"Im so sorry. I couldn't possibly imagine anything so traumatic." Scarlet said whimpering. 

I squeezed her hand.

"Don't worry about it. I know she's watching me from above. She was an angel. Claire and I talk everyday. I feel her presence with me at all times." He said and Scarlet smiled.

The rest of the ride was silent. We got out of the car when we arrived and I gave the driver an extra tip.

"You're a good man. Don't forget it" I said and he nodded.

I picked Scarlet up and kissed her so hard. I just let all my emotions out on her and felt me tearing up. 

"Niall, I love you" She said and for some reason I couldn't process it.

I felt as if  this was all just a dream. I loved her more than life itself. She changed my life. She made me realize that life is such a beautiful thing. I couldn't imagine living my dream without her.

We walked inside and were greeted by an amazing lady. She led us to the stage and set up the microphones. I pulled up a stool for Scarlet and she moved her hair behind her. I tapped her shoulder and stood by my microphone.

"Hello New York! How are you? What a beautiful day to be alive!" Scarlet said into the microphone, looking at me and smiling. 

"Whats that? You want us to sing now? Well of course! Little things? I agree, that is my favorite" She laughed and I picked up the guitar next to me.

"Your hand fits in mine like its made just for me" I started signing and Scarlet smiled.

"But bear this in mind, it was meant to be

And I'm joining up the dots with the freckles on your cheeks

And it all makes sense to me..." Scarlet sang.

We sang the rest of the song.

"Thankyou, thankyou!" She said and bowed. I laughed.

"Madison Square Garden" She said.

"Amazing" I whispered and she nodded, walking over to me, kissing me. 

"I never want to lose you" She said.

"There must be something wrong with my eyes, because I can't take them off of you" I said and she laughed.

"What a knuckle head" I said, roughing up his hair.

Scarlets POV:

I couldn't imagine life without Niall honestly. It was perfect to have someone in your life care about you so much; I sometimes forget who I really am.

My phone went off. It was a picture message from Jay. It was Niall and I singing on the stage. I grabbed Niall and ran. I ran so fast, my heart thumping, my brain beating, my skin shivering.

"Scarlet!" Niall yelled. 

I ran outside, I ran to the side walk, looked for a cab. I ran across the street. 

"Wait!" Niall yelled. 

I didnt look back. I heard a screech and a boom. And there was Niall, lifeless, on the street. 


I ran to Niall. All traffic was stopped. I crouched down to him, shaking him.

"Niall, wake up! Niall, stay with me! Help!" I yelled and was covered in his blood.

A group of men ran to me, picked up Niall and ran off to their car. They threw him in. I fell to the floor. In the pouring rain, there I was. The men came and tried to walk me to the car. I just laid there, not moving. They picked me up over their heads and threw me in the back seat with Niall. I could look at him. His head was brushing and covered in  blood. I put my head to his chest...

He was breathing.....but I was the one who felt dead inside.

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