Chapter 81: Wedding rings, soccer tickets, and Niall's adorable DEEP convos

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Nialls POV:

A couple weeks passed and Scarlet had been planning the wedding. I have to admit, she was going crazy, and all day she was planning seating, music, placing, food (lots and lots of food), people, bridesmaids, etc. I had no time to spend with her and I was trying to find my own things to do. 

I left the house to go out into the city. I ended up at Tiffany and Co. and found the most beautiful ring. It was silver and had a small diamond, sparkling with every movement. 

"Hello, sir, would you like any help?" A man had asked me.

"Yes actually, I would like to buy this for my fiancé, how much?" I had asked him/

"Ooh, you picked one of the most expensive ones. That diamond in there is one of the most rare diamonds in the world" He had told me.

"Well, sir, its one of a kind, just like her" I told him and nodded

"She must be very special...and lucky I may add"

"She's the most beautiful woman on the planet, I would do anything for her of course"

"Well, that ring will cost $26,000" 

"Done, and can I engrave something on it please?"

"Of course, what would you like it to say?"

"How about....something simple like..... today, tomorrow, always"

"Alright, the ring will be ready in 2 days."

I stood up, paid, and drove home.

I opened the door and Scarlet was playing music and dancing. I laughed and she turned around, running up to me and jumping onto me. I put her against the wall as she wrapped her smooth legs around me and kissed me. It had been a few days since I had felt a kiss so good as this one.

Her hands roughed around my hair and she pulled on my ear as a signal that she wanted more. I kissed down her jawline and on her neck as she grabbed my hair and gave it a tug. 

She was doing something new..She smiled through the kiss and broke it. I put her down and she pulled my hand, bringing my body into her. My hands reached their way down to her bum and grabbed it pulling her waist into my hips. She laughed and put her forehead against mine.

"Niall" She whispered.


"I love you" She said so gently.

"I love you more" I told her and she looked at me... something was off.

"Whats wrong Scar?" I asked and she looked down.

I brought her chin back up and she shut her eyes.

"Niall....I wish I was smart. I wish I was naturally beautiful. I wish I was likable by everyone, and talented, and I wish I could just-"

"Scarlet? What  are you even saying? This isn't you. You know you are beautiful, amazing, talented, and most of all, you make lives so much happier, just by you smiling."

"But Niall-" she said but  I cut her off again.

"Scarlet, there is NO other girl on the planet I would want to be with. You make my day 1000 times better, just by waking up next to you every morning. Im crazy in love with every inch of your body, every feature of yours, the way you walk, talk, laugh, and the way you make me feel." I told her and she reached up and rubbed my cheek.


"You're so beautiful. I dont get tired of looking at you. I never worry if I'm smarter than you because I know you are. You're so funny, everything you do and say, and you're never mean. I love you. God, I love you, and I'm so lucky to love you" t I told her finally before she planted a huge kiss on me.

I kissed her forehead and carried her to the couch.

"I got you something today" She said to me and I smiled.

"What is it?" I asked.

She pulled out a box and I opened it. It was a sweatshirt that said "Derby County Football Club" on it. 

I smiled so much. They are my favorite football (soccer) team.

"Reach in the pocket" She said and I did, pulling out two tickets.

"Scarlet!!" They were 2 tickets to a soccer game.

"Now Niall, you dont have to take me. Feel free to bring whoever your heart desires, okay?" She said and I shook my head.

"Are you crazy!? You're coming with me, love" I said and she put the biggest grin on her face. I kissed her and she crawled onto me, hugging me. 

"You make me so happy Niall. I can't imagine anything differently" She told me. He simple words meant so much.

"I got you something today also. But you're not going to find out until laterrrrr"

"Niallllll" She moaned.

"Sorry love"

"Can we get married already?" She asked and I laughed.

"Of course, but when?"

"How about... next week? At the rose garden. I have everything planned out already and can send invites tomorrow!" She squealed.

"Sounds perfect" I whispered and kissed her once more. 

She laid on me until she fell asleep, her soft heart beating on my chest as she breathed in and out. I carried her up to the bed and put her into her pajamas. I curled up right next to her and she wrapped a  leg around me. I smiled and fell asleep.

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