Chapter 88: I was drunk and you picked me up

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Scarlets POV:

I sat on my couch by myself the next morning, shoving myself with chocolate chip waffles drizzled in syrup. I stood up and walked to my mirror. I looked at myself, wiping the mascara off.

Today, I decided I was going to go out. Explore. Meet new people. I got in the shower and shuffled my music. Of course, Little Things came on. I rolled my eyes and ended up just listening to it.

After all, Niall was STILL my husband and I loved him. I just wanted to know what was going through his head. And what he was up to now.

I got out of the shower and applied a dark eyeshadow, making my eyes pop. I put on a dark red lipstick and threw my hair is a long french braid. Next, I put on a long sleeved sweater, a pair of jeans, and high heeled boots. I was surely one to stand out.

I got in a cab and drove to the nearest place which was meant for people to go and gather and talk and drink. I walked inside and there were groups of so many people. I looked around and went up to the bar, grabbing a glass of white wine. I sat down on a couch and a group of girls, around my age came over to me.

"Hi! We couldn't help but notice how stunning you looked tonight." One said and smiled.

I smiled back so hard and said thank you.

"And those guys over there are definitely checking you out!!"

"Oh well, thats great, but I actually am married..." I said, showing her my ring.

"Oh! Where is he?" Another girl asked.

"Well, we are kind of in a fight at the moment. You see, its Niall Horan" I told them.

"No...way....OHMIGOD" She said and widened her mouth.

"Shhhh!" I said and laughed.

"Well, it wouldn't hurt to talk to them. We'll go with you" They said putting down my glass and taking my hand.

"Hey guys! I'm Madeline, and this is Alexis, Abby, and Scarlet" Madeline said, already knowing my name.

All the guys put their eyes straight on me and smiled. I felt slightly uncomfortable and Niall was sure to kill me if I did anything with any of these guys.

"Well I'm Matt, and this is Spencer, Nick, and John" Matt said and I smiled, nodding my head.

It was silent for a couple seconds until I said, "Well, I'm gonna go get another glass of wine..."

I started walking and Matt grabbed my hand, pulling me outside on to the balcony.

"You're so beautiful" He said.

I looked away and closed my eyes.

He started sliding his hand toward my hip and behind me but I tensed up.

"Why so tense" He said in my ear.

I looked at his hand and grabbed it.

"Come on, show me a little something" He said, trying to lift my leg and wrap it around him.

"Matt" I tried saying.

He took my waist and pulled me in, kissing me neck.

"I'm married"

"And tonight you'll be so drunk anyways, you won't remember what happened" He continued, kissing my cheek.

"Ma-" But before I could say it, his lips were smacked to mine, causing me to not breathe. I stood there, my heart beating 1000 times per minute.

I pushed him away and walked inside. I wasn't angry, or sad, or happy, or anything.

I walked down and outside and started running. I ran in the humid weather, stepping in a few puddles. I couldn't run any longer, so I sat down on a bench, a couple miles from my house. It was about 6 in the after noon by now, and the sun was setting. I couldn't believe I had spent a whole day there.

Cars had passed, some honked, some splashed water around, and one stopped to ask if I needed a ride.

Then one had come and slowed down, the windows tinted. I looked away, trying to signal for it to pass, but it didn't, and stopped right in front of me. I put my knees up and buried my head in my knees, scared for my life. I heard feet walking towards my way, and my body was shaking.

Just then, a hand was placed on my shoulder and I flinched, saying, "Please dont hurt me!"

"Scarlet" The voice said.


I looked up and there he was, looking restless.

"Niall" I cried, putting my head back in my knees.

He sat on the bench and pulled my body onto his, me sitting on his lap.

"Scarlet, where have you been. You've b-"

"Niall. You hurt me" I interrupted.

"Scarlet, you didnt even let me speak"

"Then tell me why you were cheating on me."

"Scarlet, I can't tell you that"

"Niall, what SECRETS are you keeping from me!"

"Scarlet, just forget about that, and you will find out."

I looked at him and tears came out even harder. He wiped them and grabbed my chin with his two fingers.

"Do you EVER think I would cheat on you?" He asked me.

I shook my head and he shook his too.

"I just thought that yo-" I started saying.

"Well, dont" He told me and kissed my jawline and I started crying.

He picked me up, bridal style, covering my head with the bottom of his chin, and put my in the car.

"Are we going home?" I asked.


"Niall, I have something to say" I said quietly.

"What is it"

"I kissed someone" I said quietly.

"YOU WHAT?" He demanded.

"Well, he kissed me, and was getting close and I couldn't stop it and I'm sorry" I said.

He stopped the car and just looked forward.

"Niall! Talk to me!" I let out a screech

All he did was look forward, look at me, then look back at the road...And that was it.

I sat there, tears quietly rolling down. He didn't cheat on me...I cheated on him

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