Chapter 87: Goodbye Niall

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Scarlets POV:

That morning we decided to go white water rafting and hiking on the trails. We found a waterfall by a blue lake, with a rope swing falling into the foaming water. I led Niall along  the trail, his hand in mine. We walked to the top of the waterfall and I over looked it, me squeezing his hand, making sure he wouldn't let me fall down the immaculate waterfall. 

Niall pulled my hand back and twirled me out and then into his arms, making me laugh

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Niall pulled my hand back and twirled me out and then into his arms, making me laugh. He tightly wrapped me in his arms, leaving soft kisses all along my neck. The feeling made me let out a squeak, then a moan. I turned around and put my lips onto his, wrapping my arms around his neck, and playing with his hair. He took me by my hips, and thrusted them gently onto his. I laughed and bit his lip. I then starting kissing around his mouth, but never touching his lips. 

"You little tease" He whispered and I smiled.

He twirled me out again and I starting walking down the trail.

Photo of Jay and Alexis; (they do not portray Niall and Scarlet)

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Photo of Jay and Alexis; (they do not portray Niall and Scarlet)

As I was walking, I heard less noise from behind me, but decided not to turn back, thinking Niall was still walking behind me. After 2 minutes I turned around to point something out at Niall.

"Niall! Loo-" I started letting out, but he was not behind me. 

I started walking back towards him and heard noises from the trees. 

"Niall?" I questioned but there was no answer.

"Niall, this isn't funny. Stop playing tricks on me!"

I walked into the trees, to hear scrambling in the trees. I pulled back a large palm frond to find him moving quickly out of it. He laughed in an unusual way and started walking.

"Niall? What the hell was that?" I said but he kept walking. 

I ran towards him and grasped onto his forearmdemanding him to stop.

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