Chapter 95: YOU DID WHAT??

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Nialls POV:

"We need to get on the next flight out...." Harry said running his hand through his hair, anxiously.

My heart was beating a thousand times per minute as I felt shivers down my back. Who was holding her hostage? Why did this have to happen...again? Why does everybody want her?

She really is the most beautiful, innocent girl in the world...and she can't defend herself.

We got to the airport and ran inside the private plane.

"Why her?" I said, moving my head side to side slowly

"She's close to perfect...I dont even know how you got so lucky" Harry said back.

"Well, all I know is we have to tell the people who run the release forms and contracts that she needs to be done. She's growing a freaking child in her stomach.... she can't go on...not with danger like this" Louis added.

"We can't tell everyone she's pregnant!" I said, widening my eyes.

"Lad, we have to... thats our reason right? For her safety and the childs' safety?" Louis said.

"Mates, we haven't even found her yet, nor know where the hell she is right now!" Liam said looking frustrated at all of us.

"Why do you look so mad Liam?" Louis asked.

"Because I have no idea how or why this keeps happening. She's in great danger, and wherever she goes alone, someone is always out for her! She can't live peacefully and thats what she was worried about the day she met Niall! Ever since she's been with us, she's been in danger! I can't deal with this anymore. She can't defend herself and one day, we're really not gonna be there for her. This needs to stop! I dont want Scarlet to be in any more trouble." Liam said angrily.

"Liam, we're all worried mate. And this will be the last time" Louis said trying to calm him down.

"Its all my fault" I whispered.

"Ni, none of this is your fault.... dont say that... if we hadn't even MET Scarlet, we wouldn't be on this plane right now. Right?" Harry said and pat my shoulder

"He's right, you found this girl of your dreams, the one you've been waiting for your whole life...and now you're saying its all your fault. Its not. We're going to find this girl, and never let her go. Okay?" Liam said and I nodded.

They were 100% correct. We had some small talk, my foot tapping so fast and hands sweating the whole way.

When we got off, we drove straight to where the office was that Simon and everyone on her tour were. We ran inside, panting... I thought I was going to faint.

"Listen, we have police, aircraft searches, people in boats... everyone on the lookou-" Simon started saying.

"Scarlet needs to be done. For good" I interrupted.

"I'm sorry, she has a contract. We are going to have full body guards 24/7, she will never have to leave her hotel room, we will do everyth-" He started saying.

"Do you think thats what she wants?! Do you think for the next FIVE months she wants to be living in a hotel room 24/7? Never gets to meet her fans? Has everyone doing everything for her? NO. Scarlet doesn't deserve that... EVER" I yelled at everyone in the room.

"Niall, she's on her tour, millions are going to be seeing her...she has to do this."

"And what about when something so terrible happens, and we never see her again. Simon, she has a child growing inside of her for goodness sake!!!!" I put my hands on my head, pulling at my hair.

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