chapter 12: everyones getting hurt

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Scarlets POV

I went to bed thinking about Niall and woke up thinking about him. He made me feel like a brand new person. I couldn't explain the feeling I get every time he touches me. I closed my eyes and next thing I knew, Niall was on top of me, covering me in kisses.

"Niall stop it's so early!" I laughed

"It's never too early" he said as he looked at me. I pulled his neck towards me and we kissed for a while longer. His body was so warm and he smelled like cologne still from last night. He got up and started taking his clothes off.

"Niall, not right now. Seriously, I-" I started saying.

"Scarlet, I'm taking a shower.. Chillax" he said and laughed.

I sat on the edge of the bed, just wearing one of his t shirts and my underwear. I stared at him while he was undressing. He looked back at me with his towel on him and raised an eyebrow. I looked away quickly and tried not to smile.

"Wanna join?" Niall said out of no where. It was and odd question, and I really didn't want to.. But I didn't wanna tell him that.

"Uhh, that's alright.. I'll make breakfast." I tried to say as innocently as possible.

I walked downstairs and pulled out a pan, some eggs, bacon, and decided to make some muffins. I turned on music (one direction obviously) and started cooking. I received a text message from a random number. It was a picture message from a blocked number and a picture of me through the window, making food. There was also another picture of Niall and I from...last night. I started freaking out. I was scared to look outside. I didn't want to freak Niall out and make him decide that we had to leave...but I was scared.. Scared for my life. The same number sent a text saying,

"If you kiss or touch Niall, bad things will are mine. You always have been and always will be"

I dropped my phone and my heart was beating. Faster than when my grandma died, faster than when I met Niall, faster than when the first time we kissed, touched, faster than when that man tried to hurt me, and when jay kissed another girl... Jay. I bet it was jay who followed us. He is jealous that we're not together and even more jealous now that I have moved on to dating Niall horan. I can't tell Niall. But I don't want to get hurt. I don't want to hurt Niall either. I can't kiss him or touch him. I had to tell Niall. Or the police.

Niall walked downstairs and was about to give me a kiss. I turned around and finished making breakfast.

"You look adorable" he said and I tried not to smile. He took my phone and started to turn it on. I grabbed it from him and he looked at me with a strange look.

"What's wrong?" He asked

"What? No-nothing" replied, swallowing dry spit in my throat. I turned back around and started making food again.

"Scarlet" Niall said in the most strictest voice I've ever heard.

I pretended I didn't hear.

"Scarlet" he said again

"Y-yes?" I tried not to cry.

"What is wrong? You were perfectly fine. Would you like to tell me what is wrong right now?"

"Niall...I... I can't. I can't hurt you. You can't touch me. Just trust me" I said and started crying. Niall was off his seat, walking towards me now. I backed away and ran my back into a corner.

"Niall! Back away!" I said

"What is happening" he demanded.

I just gave him my phone and he unlocked it to see the text messages.

"We have to go" he was freaking out.

"No! We can't! He'll hurt you. " I said

"Get in the car" I was crying so much.

He grabbed his keys and we drove as fast as possible.

Niall started dialing a number on his phone.

"Wh-who are you calling? " I quietly said

"The cops"

"No! You can't! You'll get hurt"

"Scarlet!" He yelled and I cried.

He called the cops and told them everything. As he was talking I saw a car following us. I tapped Niall and pointed at the car.

"It's following us" Niall said into the phone.

"Sir, can you read the license plate?" A lady said.

I read it and Niall repeated.

"Thank you. We'll be on it" the last said.

Niall sped up and so did the car. We pulled into a nearby police station and stayed there for a little. I was scared for my life, Niall  was probably too, but he was showing no emotion

"Niall, I'm so sorry" I said Into my knees.

"Scarlet, it's not your fault. We'll figure it out." He said reassuring me and rubbing my back. I just wanted this nightmare to be over.

Niall unbuckled his seat belt and hugged my whole body.

"You didn't have to hide this from me." He said

"I know, I just didn't want to hurt you" I said wiping my eyes.

"You couldn't hurt me in any way, shape, or form even if you tried." And just then, there was a tap on the glass. It was a man I had never seen before. I reached for the door handle and Niall slapped my hand away.

"Don't you dare touch that door" Niall said

"Niall he's gonna hurt us. He wants me, not you" I opened the door, and the man pulled me out, throwed me over his shoulder and tossed me in his car. Niall yelled for help and chased after us in the car. The man had a huge truck and slammed into Nialls car. I screamed as I saw him lose conscious and the car flipped over.

"NIALL!" I yelled from the top of my voice

"He's not coming for you. I'm taking you forever you little brat" he said

"Who are you? What's your name and why do you want me?" I yelled

"Stop yelling and I won't kill you. I'm Josh, Jays friend. " and with that, I knew I was in serious trouble.

"I was sent to bring you back to him" he continued

"I don't want to see him. Never ever again after what he did. And now what is he gonna do to me?" I said rudely

"Listen scar" he started

"DO NOT call me that. Don't even try" I hissed

"Calm down, I'm not the one who wants you. I would help you, but he's giving me money, and he would hurt me. So I have to play along. I want to help you though...get back go Niall. You don't deserve this"

"Then take me back" I demanded

"No! He will hurt both of us"

"What does he want from me."


I froze... This is not happening

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