Chapter 39: A plethora of big events

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Scarlets POV:

That afternoon, Niall and I drove to the studio.

Simon was waiting for us. He opened my door and shook my hand.

"Good to see you again" He said and I nodded.

"You too Niall, how are you feeling?" He asked Niall.

"A lot better lad" He said.

Simon walked us in. We arrived in the recording studio. There I met my band members, Scott, Neil, Jacob, and Conner. 

"Hi guys! I'm Scarlet." I said to all of them.

"We have heard many things about you." Conner said.

"Good things I hope" I said and laughed.

"All good things" Jacob said to me.

I saw Scott nudge Neil and said something to him. Neil raised his eyebrows and whispered,"she's hot too".

 I looked at Niall out of the corner of my eye and he was staring at the two of them. 

"What? It wasn't about Scarlet of course. Psh, it was a different Scarlet" Scott said.

"Yeahhhh" Neil tried to say without smirking.

I could tell I was going to like them.

I grabbed Nialls hand and Simon led us into the booth. Niall sat outside and listened with Simon.

He gave me lyrics and let me listen to the beat several times for each song. I started singing along and was hitting all the notes.

 I looked at the lyrics, and they were about a boy falling in love with me.  I was totally in love with him, but didn't know it. Until one day, it hit me, and I couldn't stay away from him. Then, I lost interest and fell in love with another boy. I soon realized it wasn't meant to be, but never did anything about it. Years passed and I soon realized I missed the boy I was first in love with. The boy who never fell out of love with me. Time past, and the boy found another girl. A girl who he though loved him. Several years later, the two original lovers forgot about what they had, and just let their lives between them vanish.  I stopped singing.

"Is everything okay?" Niall asked. I looked up.

"Umm, yeah. Sorry" I said, I was so confused.

Were these lyrics supposed to mean anything about me? About Niall? Did Simon think that I was going to forget everything and fall out of love? Did he not believe in us? 

I kept singing, but something was off. Simon stopped me.

"Scarlet, thats off. Are you feeling alright?" Simon stood up.

"Seriously, yeah...Its just...these lyrics...are they supposed to be about Niall and I? Do you believe that I am going to leave Niall? Because I can't sing this song if its-" I started saying.

"It's about me. Scarlet, please step out" He said. I walked up to him and stood next to Niall.

"Scarlet, this girl and I used to be madly in love. We were inseparable. Until one day, something happened, and she left. We went our separate ways. I just lost her." He said and I grabbed onto Nialls hand; squeezing it very tight.

"Im so sorry. I didnt know" I said and shook my head.

"Its over now, she doesn't even remember me probably" Simon started frowning. Ive never seen him like this.

I stood up straight and he looked at me.

"Were gonna find her. You're in love, and love is most important in life. She's yours, I just know it. She still loves you and were going to get her back." I said and looked at Niall.

"Im in" Niall stood up and said. I smiled. He put his hand around my waist.

"What do you say? I think I'm ready for this concert. I mean how hard could it be to sing? Lets go find her" I said with a huge smile.

"Diana." He said.

"Well, what are we waiting for?" Niall said and we walked out.

This was like one of those old movies where the guy searches for the girl and finds her and she tells him she never really fell out of love. She was waiting for him, because she knew fate would bring them back together. I heard of a Diana at the small diner Niall and I went to. She was beautiful; in her 40's. She looked glum. I know its her.

I drove us to the diner and parked.

"Ooh are we getting food?" Niall asked and I rolled my eyes, laughing.

"Go get her" I told Simon.

"How do you know she's here?" He asked.

"I just do" I said and unlocked the doors.

He walked in slowly, creeping his way in. I looked around the diner; there she was, serving drinks behind the bar. Simon sat down, not realizing it was Diana. It really had been many, many years.

Diana looked up and stared at Simon.

Simon stared back. 

He sprung up and Diana ran towards him. He picked her up and twirled her around, just like Niall does to me. They smiled, laughed. Diana took off her small apron type of work clothes and they ran to the car. 

They jumped in and Niall and I both smiled.

"Where to?" Simon asked.

"Home" She responded. 

I drove them to Simons and they quickly got out, hand in hand. Before I knew it, they were inside.

I sat back and looked over to Niall, who was already looking at me.

"You did it" He said.

I laughed and brought his lips toward mine, pecking a quick kiss.

"Lets go back home" I said.

We arrived home 10 minutes later. The house was quiet, but the boys were probably just watching a movie. 

We snuck inside and to our room. I laid down on the bed and got right under the covers, Niall joining me.

He wrapped his arms around me and we turned a movie on.

"Your concert is tomorrow" Niall said. I didnt look at him.

"I think I'm ready." I told him.

"I know you're ready" he said. I turned my face towards his and kissed him.

"Scarlet, after your concert, I was thinking maybe we could catch a flight to Ireland. I want you to meet my mum and dad" He told me  and I smiled.

"Ooh, the famous Maura and Bobby. I would love to"

"Well, lets do this then" He said and I laughed. 

 Tomorrow was a big day for me. I couldn't believe this was happening. 

I thought about my mom. I haven't talked to her in a couple weeks. She hasn't called me though. I pondered what to do and decided to call her briefly tomorrow.

Niall fell asleep, his arms around me. I turned the tv off and laid my head in his chest, falling asleep peacefully.

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