Chapter 77: I'll be home soon

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Nialls POV:

We went out to the taxi after breakfast around 10 AM. I sat in the far back with Scarlet who climbed over and sat pretty much on top of me. I kissed her neck and she tilted it back my way. She turned her head and look into my eyes, playing with me hair.

"Where are we going?" She whispered.

"I told you, a show." I answered.

"I know that, but where Ni?"

"You'll see. You're going to love it"

I was taking her to a show that was put on my children ranging from 9-18 years old. It was sort of like a black swan, and princess nutcracker kind of show...another one of her favorite movies.

We arrived at the theater and it was dark inside. The seats were filled up, thousands of people. The boys managed to get us front row seats. This was mainly Harrys idea because Hannah loves performances.

We sat down and the curtains opened with little girls dancing across the stage. They were all in sync and amazing. I looked over at Scarlet who was sitting off he edge of her seat, smiling. I grabbed her hand and she looked at me, her eyes sparkling.

I could imagine us having a child. One she would smile to every day, and hug, and love. One that she can pick out the outfits and put together a room. One we can make breakfast for in the morning before school, and buy greats gifts for. Then another just as great. Two kids we can keep heathy and watch them open their Christmas presents and run up to us, jumping in joy.

I can just see it....And I can't wait until that day.

After the first act, there were older girls that did amazing tricks. Scarlet was smiling the entire time and I couldn't help but laugh.

There was something Scarlet did not know though....When we go back tonight the lads and I have to go off. We have an interview in the morning which is in California. We have to go back to Scarlets house and I have to say goodbye to her for a couple days.

After the show, we left first so no one would see us and we got into the taxi. The driver had gone back and collected all of our bags, then drove us to the airport.

"Where are we going?" Scarlet asked.

"Home" I replied, looking out the window.

"Oh...alright" Was all she said quietly.

We boarded the plane and she sat next to me. The seats were connected with a soft, velvet cover and foot rests. Scarlet sat on the window side and watched as we took off.

"Niall, it was amazing" She said and turned her head towards me.

I leaned in a kissed her, and she put her hand on me. She was so touchy.

"You're so close and touchy today! I like it" I told her and smirked.

"Well, you know..." She said and smiled innocently.

How could she be so innocent and bad at the same time.

"Scarlet.." I told her and grabbed her hand

"Yes?" She said looking into my eyes.

"I have to tell you something"

"What is it?" She shook her head.

"The lads and I cannot stay tonight. We have to be in California later on. A show and an interview." I told her and she shook her head.

"No! No! No, Im coming with you!" She said to me.

I squeezed her hand harder.

"No, Scarlet."


"Because you are not allowed to" I told her.

"But why not?"

"I dont know. I asked, I begged. But they said no. Its only for a couple days okay?" I told her and kissed her hand.

She stared at me for a couple seconds and looked down.

"Okay" She whispered.

"Hey, look at me" I said to her.

She raised her head and looked at me.

"Dont ever look down okay. Everything is amazing right now, right? I have you, you have me, and its good." I said.

"Yes, it is" she replied.

"And you know what I was thinking?" I asked.


"You, and our future. Our kids that will be running around and climbing and playing. And you'll be there, smiling and laughing" I said and she smiled.

I kissed her and she shut her eyes, laying on me. I played with her hair and felt her breathing slowly.

We arrived to the airport and got our bags, then called a taxi to take Scarlet and Hannah to Scarlets house. Scarlet got out and I followed her. She got to the front door and unlocked it, then didn't take a step inside.

"Scarlet" I said grabbing her hand and pulling her in close to my heart.

"Ni-all...Do y-ou ha-have to go?" She whimpered into my shoulder.

"I'll be back in a couple days okay? Be safe. No boys. No partying. No boys. No drinking. No boys. No going out late. No causing trouble. And NO boys, okay?" I told her raising her head inches from mine.

She nodded and I kissed her.

"I love you Niall. Be safe." She said.

"I love you more, more than you can imagine" I told her, as I turned around, watching a few tears escape her eyes.

She waved and walked inside.

I'll be back in a couple days...


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