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Never make me cry that hard

never make me that angry.

Don't threaten me the same way

over and over again

because you know that's the way to get at me.

If you proclaim to me that you control my boyfriend

that's when you really don't

and I know you can't

because love is stronger than anyone.

Even you.

I hear what you told me

long after it's been said.

It's quite painful to hear

but worse how it sticks in your mind.

One day I'll be free

of sabers that maim but never kill.

Things will be made right

and those who suffer

will be lifted out of that suffering

and into comfort

into gaining what they have lost

their trust in you

their love for you

and maybe even their following you.

Thirst for righteousness will be sated

it is said in the Bible

at Matthew 5 verse 6

and mine will be too

it will fall on the deserving head

and my thirst

will want no more

never will I thirst.

Mini Poem Book I: Poems of My SoulWhere stories live. Discover now