It's not you
It's me.
I'm the one
with something wrong.
Heart pounding
pulse erratic
chest heaving
it's taking me over
it's crushing me
I practically hunch over.
I'm stuck with it
a slave to its whims
there's nothing you can do.
It gets better?
Then why do I
have to hide now?
It's in the
corner of my gaze
seeks out every
sight greedily
calling for more.
Why can't I control it?
giving it something to worry about
nothing works.
It makes a monster of me.
I sicken myself.
Everything is a
fight for control.
I wish it would
It's hurting me inside.
It will hurt me if
I let it loose.
And it makes the
thought of future
all the more painful.
You can see how
it's torturing me.
I'm tortured inside.
I'm caged.
It's so final.
There is no key
in my hand
someone from the outside
must free me.
But I might even
never leave
not even at the sight
of the cage door
open wide for me.
Fear what ills we know not of,
thus conscience makes cowards of us all.
Mini Poem Book I: Poems of My Soul
PoetryMini Poems: poems that don't take up more than a wattpad page. This is a book of mini poems, with topics that include: -tortured love -one-shot imaginations -a description of the little things in everyday life -confessions of what bothers my mind...