Chapter One

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Hey guys :) so this is just an idea I had, again I don't own any of Star Trek, but I would love feedback :)

Enjoy :)

*Spock's POV*

I slowly sat down on my bed and pulled my knees up to my chest, wrapping my arms around them.

I cast a eye around my messy room in distain, a suitcase lay open in the middle of the room and most of my clothes along with my few personal belongings were spread across the floor.

Tomorrow I leave Vulcan to attend my third year at the star fleet academy on Earth.

Tomorrow I leave the safety of my home to go back to the taunts and the beatings, on top of the workload that was sure to increase as the year proceeded.


Humans are so illogical, instead of concentrating on passing their classes they feel the need to make others suffer. Although, it wasn't just humans, other Vulcans thought of it as a game, always trying to make me show my emotion, finding amusement when I failed to keep myself under control.

I felt an ugly feeling rising inside me, anger, mixed with pain and sadness.

I scolded myself and closed my eyes as I attempted to push the emotions away.

I sunk into meditation, a way my father had suggested to help me keep my stronger then normal emotions under control.

Blissfully the emotions disappeared as I sank deeper in to the sanctuary of my mind.


*Jim's POV*

I heaved the last of our boxes into the car and wiped at the patch of sweat that had gathered on my forehead.

"That's it!" I yelled in the direction of the house as I latched the doors shut.

"Yes we have to move, you know why!"

"So? it's not my fault he's a stupid prick!"

I rolled my eyes and strode towards the open door leading in to what used to be our kitchen.

The house looked strange without our things cluttering up every surface. It no longer has personality, it's too cold and empty. I can't wait to leave it behind, along with the tiny little academy I have attended for the last two years.

And hopefully leave Frank behind as well. I glared at my step-father as he continued to yell at my mother.


I straightened up at the insult towards my father and clenched my hands into fists, narrowing my eyes at Frank.

"Don't insult either of them" mothers voice had gone quiet, deadly quiet. The kind of quiet that would have sent me running with my tail between my legs if she had been speaking to me.

Franks face twisted in to an ugly scowl "don't defend them you whore" he snarled and raised a hand to hit her, but I had started moving as soon as he insulted her and punched him in the face before his arm got half way up.

Caught by surprise he reeled backward, blood dripping from his broken nose.

I heard mother gasp in shock from behind me, but all my concentration was on the evil man in front of me.

"Wait in the car mother, I will deal with this" I told her firmly, never taking my eyes off my as opponent.

I felt her hurry away as Frank began lumbering towards me.

He swung a massive fist at my face, and it was clear he had been drinking again. I easily grabbed his wrist and swung a leg into the back of his ankles, tripping him over.

He went down and I followed, punching his face once, twice, three times.

"We are going now. Try to follow us and I will kill you" I growled, a dangerous glint in my eyes.

"Good riddance! I'll be glad to see the back of you and that whor-" I punched him again and his head hit the ground, unconscious.

I wiped my hands on my shirt and walked out to where mother was sitting in the passenger seat of the car, trembling.

I jumped into the drivers seat and started the ignition, before reaching over and gripping her shoulder gently. "We will be alright, you never have to see him again"

She gave me a watery smile in return "thank you Jim, I'm sorry, you never should have had to deal with him"

"Come on" I turned my gaze to the road and started down the long dirt drive "a new start, for both of us"


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