Chapter Fifty Six

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*Jim's POV*

I had only been working out for 20 minutes or so when Kevin came up and clapped me on the shoulder.

I jumped up to face him and he grinned at me. "Up for a sparring match Kirk?"

"Up for kicking your ass you mean?" I laughed and he gestured to the sparring mats across the room.

"We'll see," he grinned wickedly as we moved in that direction and put our sparring gloves on before taking up defensive stances.


"Let's go," I immediately jumped to the side to avoid his abrupt charge. I was familiar with his style so it wasn't that hard to predict what he would do next.

Unfortunately he was just as familiar with my style, so for the first few minutes we just danced around each other - neither of us managing to land a hit.

He finally got me in the stomach and the force of it sent me reeling back slightly.

He took advantage of my stumble and pushed me back, which resulted in me falling on my ass.

My communicator beeped loudly several times and I glanced over at it briefly.

My mind was taken off of it as Kevin approached me again. I kicked upwards and used the momentum to get upright.

Kevin had to move back to avoid getting kicked so I took the opportunity to advance, blocking all of his attempts to punch me.

I managed to get him outside the boundaries and he slumped in defeat. "God dammit, it's the lines every time."

I grinned, "Sure, sure. Wanna go again?"

His reply was cut off by my communicator buzzing persistently at me.

"That important?" Kevin questioned dubiously with a raised eyebrow.

"Maybe," I replied, abandoning my sparring gloves and grabbing the loud device. I turned it on and groaned when I saw I had a dozen new messages.

I opened the most recent one, which was surprisingly from Pike. I winced internally when I realised nine of the new messages were from him.

I read down the list, my apprehension growing.

Jim, I think there might be another victim
- Pike

Well, we don't have that much evidence but I was talking to someone and when I mentioned motive they said he had beef with you

We're not positive but we think he was murdered

Well, he was dead when we found him at least

Anyway can you come to medbay?

To take a look and see what you think?

Are you there?

Jim, think is an urgent matter. Please respond


Just got ur text I'll be there ASAP
~ Jim

"Sorry I gotta go Kev, see you around." I shot over my shoulder as I walked towards the change rooms.

He muttered something unintelligible back but I ignored it, going back to check my other messages.

Spock's name was now top of the list of new messages so I tapped on it to view them.

Jim, I heard about the recent 'victim'. I shall meet you at medbay.
- Spock

Jim? Are you alright? I have not yet received a reply. Please respond.

Hey sorry love I'm on my way now xoxox
~ Jim

I quickly changed and left the gym, waving to Kevin on my way past and opening my last message, from an unknown number.


I'll admit I'm a little sick of Starfleet reading all our messages, it makes it feel so......Impersonal? I guess that's one word for it. Only you will receive this, and only I will receive your reply. You don't need to worry about the regulations preventing you from talking to me - or precious little Spock finding out. I wanted you to know I have a little gift for you, you'll get it soon enough. Things are going to change my love, things are going to change soon. We'll be together and it will be like nothing you have ever experienced. I will shower you with love and gifts, everything you deserve. Tell me darling, what does Spock ever do for you? Unlike him I'll let the whole world know that you are mine. Soon my love, soon. I await it, I await you.

Yours always,

I had stopped in middle of a pathway and the people passing blurred together as I stared at the screen.

Not again. How did they find a way to block Pike from intercepting it?

This reminded me why Pike wanted me in the first place and I felt sick. Had they killed someone because of me?

I shook myself violently and shoved the device back into my pocket, continuing on my way to medbay.

There was only one way to find out.


The first thing I heard as I approached medbay was raised voices. They weren't yelling exactly, however the conversation was clearly heated.

"Why did you tell him to come?!? He doesn't need to see this!"

I leaned against the wall just inside the room and took in the scene. No one had noticed me coming in.

Spock was standing silently with a dark haired woman and an older Vulcan. The three were watching Pike arguing with - surprisingly enough - Winona Kirk.

Pike looked relatively calm as he explained. "He needs to be here to discuss it. I'm pretty sure he can handle a dead body. We both know he's seen worse."

"This is different!" Winona hissed, looking furious. "He hasn't just been killed, he has been absolutely mauled! I don't want my son here and that's final!"

"Jim has as much right to be here as the rest of us, if not more." Spock interjected calmly and she swung around to face him, glaring.

"Oh really? And who the fuck are you?"

"Mother! That's enough!" I scolded and everyone turned to face me.

All the colour drained out of her face and she took a step forward. "James? How long have you been standing there?"

I straightened up and crossed my arms. "Long enough."

She stepped forward again. "I think you should leave," she suggested calmly and I glared at her.

"No, I don't think I will. Perhaps if the situation is bothering you that much you should leave."

She looked around for support, and when she didn't find any her face darkened.

"Fine. I think I will." She walked past, but paused in the doorway to glare at me. "We'll talk about this later."

"Fine," I replied and she scowled one last time before leaving.

Pike sighed and shook his head slowly. "Thanks Jim, I remember Winona being argumentative but I don't remember her being that unreasonable.

I rolled my eyes and walked towards the four. "She's not usually that bad. She's just been drinking, she'll be fine in the morning."

Pike frowned. "Drinking? Huh, I thought she stopped. Does she drink often?" I shook my head. "Nah, not much. Anyway, who's the victim?"

Pike shrugged and drew the sheet away from the body laying on the biobed.

"Winona never actually said who he was, only that she knew him and you had a lot of trouble with him."

I didn't fully take in his words, too focused on the face of a man who was once familiar. His body was so destroyed that he was barely recognisable, but I still knew him.

It was Frank.

I'm sorry, I know I'm doing a pretty crap job of Winona so far - I'll try to write her a bit better next time she shows up :/

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