Chapter Fifty Nine

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*Jim's POV*


You have no idea how much joy your message has brought me. As for the answer to your query, I am your soulmate. I am your future. Soon my love, soon.

Yours always,

I scowled at the message for the hundredth time in less than a hour, disgusted.

Soulmate? Future? Not exactly the answers I wanted. I shoved my communicator away and continued on my way.

We had to get up early today because Pike wanted to get together and talk about what our next move should be.

Spock had muttered something about having errands to run and disappeared not long after we woke.

I was worried about him.

He said that he was fine, but the amount of mental pain that he must have been in.......

I tried to shake the horrible thought. I would see him again soon. I had around 30 minutes before I had to meet the others, and there was something I wanted to get for him first.

I was a little nervous, I don't know how he'll take it, but I still want to do it.

I paused outside the door, considering the little shop. I checked my communicator, 28 minutes to go.

I shook myself and walked in, pausing briefly as my eyes adjusted to the change in light.

I walked around the small room for almost ten minutes until my eyes were drawn to a particular shelf.

I smiled to myself as I picked the object up - it wasn't much, but it was exactly what I had in mind.


Pike had chosen to have their meeting in a public cafe, supposedly to avoid suspicion.

It seemed Starfleet had decided to keep the details hushed up. Pike was in charge and only a few people were aloud to be in on it.

I thought it was a little ridiculous to be honest, the more people tackling the problem the quicker it would be solved, but I guess this way it would be harder for secrets to leak.

Starfleet does prefer to avoid mass panic after all.

I walked in and immediately saw Winona sitting at a booth with her head buried in her arms.

I grimaced in sympathy, hangovers were the worst.

I was feeling nice, so I went over to the counter and brought her a coffee - taking it over and putting it in front of her quietly.

"Drink this," I told her and she looked up, squinting slightly and blinking against the light.

Her eyes fell on the coffee and she smiled softly. "Thanks."

I sat opposite her and we waited in silence for a few minutes before she buried her face in her hands again.

"Sorry I was such an asshole yesterday." She mumbled and I chuckled quietly.

"Hard week?"

She groaned slightly. "More like hard couple of months. I didn't want to worry you so I didn't say anything but I've been back in space. I almost forgot how stressful it is."

"You love it though, don't you?"

She nodded and leaned back, stretching. "Yes. I do."

"Morning Winona, Jim."

Pike sat next to Winona and pulled out his PADD, bringing some documents up.

"Ambassador Sarek and Lady Greyson should be here soon. I don't know where Spock's at though."

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