Chapter Thirty Three

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*Spock's POV*

I woke to an empty bed.

I was still half asleep and could not stop the little whimper that left me when I realised that Jim had left while I was still sleeping.

Illogical. After yesterday's destruction there are many tasks that need to be completed, of course Jim would not waste time with me when he could be helping.

Therefore I was extremely startled when I felt a warm arm slip around me and Jim's familiar, warm body settling against my back again.

"I'm sorry love, I didn't want you to wake up alone. I just had to pee" he whispered and I had to push down an illogical urge to giggle.

"That is alright, I assumed you had left to help again - I would have understood, there is still a lot that needs to be done" I replied honestly, I did not like the thought of him leaving, but I also know that Jim could not be idle when people needed him.

Which left me very confused as to why he is still here.

"I know Spock, but remember - you're my top priority, always. Is not like its life or death at the moment, just cleaning the mess up. It can wait - and I'm not leaving you alone again." Jim seemed to guess exactly what I was thinking.

I felt my insides warming at his words and I turned around in his arms to face him.

"I love you" I told him and his mouth stretched into one of those breathtaking smiles.

"I love you too" he replied and kissed the tip of my nose. "We should go help" I informed him, brushing his cheek with the back of my hand softly.

"We should." He agreed, catching my lips with his irresistibly soft ones and kissing me gently.

I kissed back, winding my arms around him as he slid a hand under my shirt and started tracing patterns on my back with his gentle fingertips.

Jim traced my bottom lip with his tongue, gently urging for the kiss to deepen for the first time.

I hesitated, but I do not wish to disappoint Jim so I allowed him to continue.

I don't know what I expected him to do, maybe something similar to what Stonn used to do and shove his tongue roughly down my throat.

So I was pleasantly surprised when he started exploring my mouth gently, using one ever careful hand to tip my chin up and give himself more access.

It wasn't gross and painful like all the other times I had been kissed like this - it was blissful, loving.

He stopped and pulled back, touching my lips with his fingertips. I kept my eyes closed and tried to steady my uneven breathing with little success.

"Was that okay?" he asked and I opened my eyes to see him peering at me with a concerned look.

I just gazed at him in wonder and he dropped his hand, looking embarrassed. "I'm sorry Spock, I got a little carried away." He apologised and some part of my mind recognised that he thought I did not enjoy it, that it had made me uncomfortable.

But the part of my mind that was still capable of analysing things logically was only small, and my eyes slid from his worried eyes to his pink lips, slightly swollen from the kiss.

I reached out like he had done and touched them gently, marvelling at their softness.

"Spock?" he frowned and I shivered in delight at the sensation of his warm breath hitting my sensitive fingers.

I swapped my fingers for my mouth and clumsily attempted to copy what he had done, although I do not think it was nearly as good.

I can feel him smiling though, I think that is a good sign.

"So it was okay?" he asked teasingly as we broke away again. "Very much so" I replied seriously, trailing my fingers lightly over his collarbone.

He chuckled and I glanced up to see him grinning fondly at me. "You're not often this relaxed. Its nice to know you're getting more comfortable" he answered my unasked question.

"We really need to go help." I sighed and his eyes suddenly widened "crap, when's that meeting thingy?"

I glanced past him at the clock. "We still have 1.34 hours, it would be logical to go down earlier though." I suggested and he relaxed a bit.

"Good. Yes, we'll do that in a second" he muttered and closed his eyes again.

I pulled myself out of his grasp and stood up, stretching and ignoring his complaints.

"Sppoooocckkk" he groaned but followed suit, coming over to me as I began rummaging around for something to wear.

"Wait, Spock" the playfulness left his voice and I tuned around to see what had gotten him so serious.

His hand slipped under my shirt and lightly skimmed my stomach. "Does it hurt?" he whispered and I shook my head.

"No" I muttered and he sighed, not sounding very reassured but letting it go.

He touched our fingers together in a Vulcan kiss and rubbed them gently, making me close my eyes and sigh softly.

How does Jim always know exactly what I need?

"Wear this" he said, handing me my favourite black sweater and I nodded in agreement, going into the bathroom to get changed.

It should prove interesting to see what they have to say about this whole situation.

Hey guys, so its really stormy at the moment. I don't know why I'm telling you this but it is. Yesterday all of SA lost power, surprisingly we've been fine all of today, and they said today would be worse then yesterday but it hasn't been that bad, except for now.

Anyway, have a good night. Or day, I guess it depends on your time zone.

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