Chapter Fifty Four

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*Spock's POV*

I was walking with my head down, my eyes scanning the words on my PADD rapidly.

It was a fascinating article about how the matter/anti-matter reactor worked in warp cores, recommended to me by Scotty not long after Jim left - which was several hours ago now.

I was so immersed in the text that I didn't hear my name being called until my arm was grabbed.

I looked up and felt my eyes widening in shock. "Mother?" I asked incredulously and she let out a quiet laugh.

"Spock, sorry, I didn't mean to startle you."

"It is not an issue." I slipped my PADD away and looked at her, frowning in confusion.

"Why are you here?"

The soft smile left her face and a barely noticeable trace of disappointment flickered in her eyes.

That startled me, normally Amanda's emotionless mask was almost as good as a Vulcans.

After another split second of thought I concluded that nothing about her had changed, it was me.

Before I met Jim the chances of me noticing something that small would be only 18.73%. However Jim was also quite skilled at hiding his emotions when he wished to, therefore I had become accustomed to reading even the smallest changes in human expression.

Now the chances of me noticing a subtle shift in a human that I was familiar with sat at approximately 74.93% (with Jim it was obviously higher, approximately 93.46%).

"I am pleased to see you, I am simply surprised. I was not expecting to see you so soon." I amended quickly and her eyes shifted from something over my shoulder to my face again.

"So soon? Spock I haven't seen you in months and its been weeks since I even heard from you."

I felt a small pang of regret, it was true that I had not found much time to keep in contact with her lately.


She shook her head. "You don't need to apologise, I know you're an adult now. I am here with your father, I don't know how much you know about the..... difficulties, Starfleet had been having lately. Sarek was asked to come and give his opinions. He didn't know how long he would be on Earth and I thought it would be nice to see you, so here I am."

"It is, nice to see you." I offered after a moments silence and her smile returned. "Really? That's good to hear. You look well, better than you sometimes do during your time here."

She said the last part hesitantly and I immediately knew that she was referring to my lack of noticeable injuries.

I looked away and took a deep breath in. "Things have been, better." I admitted. I have never openly talked to her about my problems, however she has always seemed to know.

"That's great honey," she was beaming now and I was positive that had we been alone she would have insisted on a hug.

She was however aware of my limits as a Vulcan so she refrained. Instead her eyes drifted over my shoulder again and she frowned slightly.

"What is wrong?" I questioned, glancing back but not seeing anything that could be worrying her.

"Oh, its probably nothing." She paused but quickly continued when I raised a disbelieving eyebrow. "There is a boy over there that keeps staring at us strangely"

I understood her hesitance. She hid her discomfort well but Sarek and I both knew how uncomfortable she was on Vulcan when people stared at her. Something about her feeling out of place. I understood the sensation well.

On Vulcan she was an emotional human that had no place, and on Earth she was the human that married the emotionless Vulcan ambassador.

I looked back again and my eyes locked with Jim's. He grinned and waved slightly. I examined him and the cadet he was standing with, Kevin Riley, for a moment before turning back to Amanda.

"Do not worry about him. He is simply curious." I informed her and she seemed to sense my discomfort.

I had not yet found the time to inform her of our relationship, or even that I had a T'hy'la.

Her eyes went back to Jim and her breath caught slightly before she let out a quiet laugh.

"Spock, I think..... I think he's... You know, into you! You should see the way he's looking at you!"

I felt myself going slightly green. "Mother....." She cut me off. "Oh no, I'm certain of it. He's cute, don't you think?"


She suddenly gasped, her hand coming up to her mouth as something occurred to her.

"You like him too, don't you? Oh Spock this is too perfect!"

I closed my eyes in embarrassment, an embarrassment that only grew when Sarek joined us.

"Sarek! Look at this, see that boy over there? He likes Spock and Spock likes him back!"

Sarek didn't look as excited as his wife, however he did appear intrigued. "You are aware that we have not yet found you a suitable bondmate, are you compatible with him?"

This was too much. "Mother, Father, is this really necessary?" Amanda looked even more excited. "Well? Are you?"

I am certain that if I was human I would have groaned, and perhaps rolled my eyes. Maybe even go as far as dying of embarrassment.

I took a steadying breath before blurting it out. "We are T'hy'la."

I do not know what I expected this to be met with, perhaps some illogical squealing from Amanda and quiet approval from Sarek.

Instead it was met with a long stretch of silence.

"Are you certain?" Amanda asked hesitantly and I nodded immediately. Of course I was certain.

My parents exchanged an uneasy look and I felt myself growing nervous. "Son, you are aware that a bond of that depth..... A human may not welcome it. You are aware that since you have found your T'hy'la, you will no longer be able to bond with another, we must approach this matter very carefully."

I felt myself relax. "I have already discussed it with him." I informed them and Amanda looked confused.

"He knows? What did he say?"

"He did not appear disturbed by it, if anything he welcomed it." Amanda's face froze. "You are already together aren't you?" I nodded, I believed that to be obvious.

"Why didn't you say anything?" Thankfully Sarek stepped in so I did not have to answer. "I am certain that he would have mentioned it when he deemed it necessary."

Amanda sighed but nodded. "Very well. When will you introduce us?"

"Soon," I promised as I looked back at my T'hy'la fondly. More people had joined him and Kevin and he was laughing at something, a massive grin stretched across his face.

"I'm sure we will love him!" Amanda gushed and I nodded. "You will, as he will love you."

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