Chapter Twenty Five

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Hey guys, a slight rape warning for this chapter, I will put **** before and after so please skip over if it is likely to trigger you xxxx

On a less serious note, I saw this ^^^^^ and it just cracked me up, I can so see Spock saying it (hopefully the link works).

Enjoy the chapter, and please don't hate me. Please, I love you.

*Spock's POV*


I felt someone ripping my shirt off violently and my eyes sprung open in panic.

Jim was kneeling over me with a wicked glint in his usually kind eyes.

"Well good morning" he purred, his voice low. I tried to squirm away but he held me still, laughing at my struggles.

"What are you doing!?!" I asked frantically, still desperately trying to push him away.

"You should be more thinking about what I'm going to do" he smirked, his face covered in malice as he leant down to whisper in my ear. "I'm gonna fuck you so hard you won't be able to walk for a week, and you're going to love it"

"Jim, please, don't do this" I begged, but no matter how hard I struggled I could not get away from him.

"Oh but you know you want it, like you always wanted it" he gripped my hair tightly and gave it a tug, causing me to yell in pain.

I don't understand, why is he doing this?

Then his face twisted and changed as he turned into Stonn, one of my Vulcan tormentors.

He grinned wickedly "miss me Spocky?"

"This isn't real" but oh it felt real, I continued struggling but nothing I did could move him.

"Perhaps not, but it will feel real"

I closed my eyes and desperately tried to escape my mind................


My eyes flew open and I sat up, breathing heavily as I attempted to lower my heart rate.

I glanced nervously at Jim, who was propped up against the bed head, fast asleep with a soft smile on his face.

It was just a nightmare, it wasn't really him. He wouldn't really do that. Would he?

I climbed out of bed, careful not to disturb the sleeping human as I headed into my bathroom, still shaking from the nightmare.

I gripped the edge of the sink and leaned over it until my shaking subsided, some ten minutes later.

I splashed my face with cold water and shook myself, trying to rid my mind of memories from the nightmare, but they were fresh and impossible to dislodge.

I exited the bathroom and threw one more glance at Jim before opening the door and slipping outside.

I sat on the ground and breathed in lungfuls of cool night air, unable to banish the doubt from my mind.

How can you be sure he won't do that to you? You barely know him. He's probably just waiting for you to trust him. Why else would he want you? You're not smart, you're not interesting and you're certainly not good looking.

I suddenly felt a dropping sensation in my stomach, like I had just plummeted off a cliff.

He actually never said he wanted me, not as more then a friend - he just hugged me, for humans that's not really a big deal - friends hug all the time.

Maybe he just said that he thought he had kissed me so that it wouldn't be awkward between us anymore. As in he had accidentally tilted his head too much and didn't mean to, but didn't blame me either.

But he did say he wanted to kiss me.

The sick feeling in my stomach increased at the thought, because actually he didn't say he wanted to kiss me.

I asked him if he had wanted to kiss me, but he never replied, he just hugged me.

He certainly didn't try to kiss me again, or really touch me at all after the hug. I grabbed his hand and I begged him to stay. He must think that I am so weak. Pathetic.

I closed my eyes and put my head down, letting tears leak out freely. They were right, the other Vulcans. I am weak and emotional, at least right now nobody can see me breaking down.


*Jim's POV*

Something is wrong.

My eyes flew open and I immediately noticed Spocks absence.

I felt the spot where he had been lying and it was cold, although it was a cold night so that wouldn't have taken long.

I got up and quickly checked the bathroom, which was empty.

Where is he? I checked the time, 4am, he doesn't really have anywhere he could go at this time.

I started to get worried, what if he went out and got hurt? I will have to find him, fast. It is freezing tonight, and Vulcans feel the cold more then humans.......

In my panic I ripped the door open with much more force then was needed, scaring the shit out of Spock, who was sitting just outside.

He flinched away and my relief turned back to panic when I saw how terrified he looked.

"What happened?!?" I asked anxiously, crouching next to him.

"N-Nothing" he stammered, clearly lying.

I touched his arm gently, it felt like ice "Shit Spock, you're freezing! Come inside" I tried to be gentle considering he was obviously upset, but he's going to get sick like this!

He flinched away from my touch and I felt my dismay growing, what on earth has happened? I wasn't asleep that long.

He did come inside though and I gestured for him to sit on the bed while I hunted for a blanket.

I got the thickest one I could find and wrapped it around him carefully, wincing internally as he continued to avoid touching me.

"What happened?" I asked again, my tone soft but firm.

He started shaking his head, leaning away from me and huddling into the blanket.

"Spock, tell me what's wrong" I demanded, I don't want to frighten him, but I can't help if I don't know what's going on.

I instantly regretted it when I saw intense fear flashing in his eyes, but slowly he began talking in a stammering whisper..........

Hey guys, I need your opinion on something. For the next part of the plot, would you prefer it to be shorter with more action (it would be shorter because everything would be moving along faster) or longer, more suspenseful (which would have a lot more fluff and feels).

Comment or message me your preference!

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