Chapter Forty Five

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Have a great Christmas Eve everyone!

*Spock's POV*

The next morning we didn't talk about what had occurred the previous night.

I nuzzled Jim's neck and kissed his warm skin softly as he woke, then we simply lay there in silence for a while.

"Do we have an exam today?" Jim mumbled sleepily against my hair. "Negative" I replied softly and he mumbled a savage, "good".

"Exams are essential to education," I reminded him gently and he grunted in annoyance.

"Stressful. Don't like," he mumbled with another yawn. "Much prefer this," he added, stretching against me before snuggling closer and pressing kisses against my hair.

I secretly agreed with him as I felt my heart flutter against my side at his gentle touches.

It really is quite fascinating, despite the amount of times we have laid together like this, and the length of time we have been engaged in a romantic relationship, Jim never fails to draw these strange sensations from my body.

They were strange feelings indeed, but I could not help enjoying them. The way my heart sped up and my stomach flipped when he touched or looked at me and the way my skin tingled when it came into contact with his were my favourites.

He touched his fingers to mine in a kiss and I nuzzled his neck, humming softly in appreciation.

He pulled away enough to look at my face, giving me a smile that could melt even the coldest heart as he brushed my cheek with his fingertips.

The moment was broken by his communicator going off wildly. He grimaced and reached back to answer it, his expression quickly becoming confused.

"What?!?" He exclaimed, bolting upright. I sat up with him and watched anxiously as several emotions ran across his face. Anger. Fear. Determination.

"Of course, we'll be there right away." He hung up and got out of bed, hurrying over to find some clothes.

"That was Pike, he said something's happening. We're meeting him in his office." Jim informed me and I felt a jolt of surprise.

After finally revealing the initial message, Jim had shared all his thoughts on the matter of the attacker with me, including all further messages, but this is the first time I have really been included.

"Pike asked for me also?" I asked uncertainly and Jim paused, his eyebrows furrowing.

"Well, not exactly. But I would like you there. If you don't mind of course." Doubt clouded his voice and I walked over and put a reassuring hand on his shoulder.

"Of course I don't mind. If you ever need something from me, know you need only ask." I told him honestly and he gave me a quick hug.

"Thank you Spock, it really means a lot. And the same goes for you, you know that right? I would do anything for you." He told me seriously and as I gazed into his intense eyes, I realised he was being truthful.

Jim really would do anything for me. Honestly the thought terrified me, yet it is quiet pleasant knowing that I can completely rely on someone, especially someone as perfect and capable as my T'hy'la.

"I know" I replied softly, kissing him quickly. "We should make haste. Captain Pike will be waiting for us."


It did not take us long to arrive at Captain Pike's office. Jim didn't bother knocking, he just walked in and I followed uncertainly.

"Ah Jim, Spock" Captain Pike leaned back in his chair and motioned for us to sit too.

We sat and the Captain ran a hand through his hair in obvious frustration.

"There have been more attacks, a lot more." He started grimly, not wasting any time on pleasantries. "Whoever this is, they know what they're doing. And they must have connections, over the last couple of hours every Starfleet related place on earth has been attacked, save a few. We believe they will be next. In Starfleet all lives matter, we cannot simply leave the victims. So we're bringing everyone here. We are stronger as a whole, no one gets left behind."

Pike sighed heavily as he finished and Jim leaned forwards, resting his elbows on the desk.

"So the person responsible will end up here too."

I felt my insides freeze up, that particular fact completely escaped my notice, and if they are here....

"We shall be giving them exactly what they want, an opportunity to be near Jim again." I concluded numbly and Pike nodded.

"It's not ideal, but we can't do nothing. I suggested that we place everyone from your last academy somewhere else, but that would be pointless. We looked up your file, seriously, are there any academies that you haven't attended? There is no telling which one they came from."

Jim's head flopped on the table with a dull thud. "Shit, I didn't even think about that, I just assumed they would be from the last one. It could be anybody." His voice sounded very close to despair and I rested my hand on his thigh in comfort.

He put his hand over mine and gave it a thankful squeeze, listening intently as Pike began explaining how most people would be arriving by shuttle throughout the day tomorrow.

"I guess you'll just have to watch carefully, if anyone acts suspiciously, even if they're your best friend, inform us immediately. We won't do anything until we are sure, but we can at least keep a closer eye on them."

Jim nodded "Will do, was there anything else you wanted to discuss?" Pike shook his head and we all stood.

"Just, be careful, okay? Both of you, they will also likely target you, Spock, while they're here. I'll let you know if anything else comes up."

Jim closed Pike's office door behind us and stood there for a moment with his eyes closed.

I touched his arm briefly before pulling him into a tight embrace. "It is okay, Jim. It is going to be okay"

The tension left him and he sagged against me. "I know it will be. As long as you're here."

"Always" I promised sincerely.

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