Chapter Nine

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*Jim's POV*

I was walking to the coffee shop for some much needed caffeine after basic tactical training when I noticed the brown eyed Vulcan boy, Spock, walking a bit in front of me.

I sped up a bit, catching up to him and touching his shoulder to get his attention. He flinched violently as he turned, then relaxed when he saw it was me.

Whatever I was going to say died in my throat as I saw the bruises covering his face, and the ones I could just see peeking above his collar. They looked fresh.

I clenched my jaw and fought down a wave of irrational anger. "Who did this to you?" I got out after a pause, completely ready to go kick some ass.

He frowned at my reaction and his eyes dropped to my clenched fists, eyebrows rising.

"My injuries occurred during basic hand to hand combat" he replied, turning back to look straight ahead.

I hurried to keep up as he increased his pace. "Don't they measure your combat level and put you against people you have a chance with?" I asked, now I had been smashed in a few hand to hand combat classes at my old academy, but never this bad.

He was looking firmly ahead, but I could still see the green flush making its way across his face.

"Even the lowest level person in the class is much better then me" he replied stiffly, his tone frosty.

"Well why don't you ask someone to tutor you?"

He gave me a hard look "who do think would do that and not use it as an opportunity to make thing worse?" his voice was still cold and I realised too late my words probably insulted him.

"I could" I offered, making sure my voice was more gentle this time. His flush deepened "I cannot accept" he replied, although his voice had gone back to neutral.

I frowned, the confusion evident on my face "why not? I would be happy to help and no offence but you need it"

He sighed in what sounded like frustration "I can only accept your help if I can offer something of equal value in return"

I thought for a second, "wait, your in advanced tactical training right?"

He regarded me warily as we came to a stop in front of the coffee shop "I am" he confirmed "well, i'm crap so you tutor me in that and I'll teach you how to fight" I offered.

He considered this as we ordered coffee "that would be.... acceptable" he replied at last.

"Awesome, so tomorrows Saturday, do you want to meet in that clearing at 1300? It's behind the gym, in the forest, no one really goes there"

He nodded in agreement "yes I know the one, after you can come to my room or we could go to the library for tactical training"

"Sounds good" I smiled after him as he left the shop. I feel for him, I remember how terrifying it is when someone is beating you up and there is noticing you can do about it, when they are too big and strong for you to even fight back.

I recalled with a scowl how Frank used to come home drunk in the middle of the night and beat me up simply because he could, when I was only 8 or 9. Mother would try and stop him, but he just hit her aside and continued, aways laughing at our useless attempts to calm him.

I took a deep sip of my coffee, no point dwelling in the past, not when you can do something now.

I walked to the library where I was meeting my friends, thinking about what I can teach Spock tomorrow.

I think defence will be a good place to start.

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