Chapter Thirty Five

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*Spock's POV*

Almost three weeks passed without another incident.

Classes have resumed and exams are approaching fast, adding stress to an already exhausted community.

The academy has never been so busy, security has more then tripled since the attack, but there are still no leads as to who is responsible.

Rumours are spreading faster then wildfire - who they are, what they want.

Some people are saying they are insane and don't have a real agenda, they just want destruction and pain.

Others say that they want revenge, that Starfleet had wronged them and they wanted to settle a dept of some kind.

Another revenge theory - which was the most popular among the female cadets - was that it was someone doing it for love. A scorned lover or something.

These things are illogical. They are based purely off speculation with no facts - really more people should be concentrating on the upcoming exams next week.

I frowned slightly with my fingers hovering above my PADD. Yes, these thoughts are illogical, yet they still managed to distract me temporarily.

I am already behind on my study schedule, not surprisingly I have found myself with an increased urge to spend time with Jim over preparing myself for the exams.

Stupid, illogical. Once over I cannot improve an exam score, however I can always spend time with my T'hy'la after exams are completed.

"Oh look, it's Spock. The halfbreed faggot"

I stiffened at the insult but didn't turn around to see who had uttered it. It didn't really matter, one tormentor made little difference to another - unless of course it was Stonn.

Luckily I didn't need to turn around to know that the male standing behind me was not Stonn, he would never let that much disgust into his voice. It would be too human.

"I bet he loves it when Kirk fucks him." Another chimed in with a sneer clear in his voice.

I continued my work, if they wanted to just stand there and insult me then I wouldn't give then the satisfaction of an emotional response.

"We're talking to you fag!" the first guy growled and spun me around with a hand.

I jerked away from the touch that wasn't Jim's and both the guys smirked at finally getting a response out of me.

"Where's your fuck buddy, eh halfbreed? why isn't he here to protect you if he loves you so much?" One taunted while the other laughed.

"Loves him? You think James Kirk actually loves him? He probably just wants sex and found an easy source. Don't tell me this guy wouldn't be begging for it." He laughed.

I froze inside at his words. Not true, of course Jim loves you. Part of my brain whispered reassuringly while the other part screamed that these humans were right, if Jim wanted easy sex I would be the perfect source - I am helpless to anything Jim desires.

"Come on guys! Stop wasting your time with that little bitch!" Some of their friends laughed from ahead.

"Yeah, let's go. See you around Vulcan" they laughed and started heading away. One of them stopped at the last minute and threw a fist at me, catching me off guard.

It caught me on the jaw bone and I stumbled back, causing then to laugh even more.

I scowled at their disappearing backs and turned back to my study with a heavy heart.


I was too distracted to achieve much for the rest of the afternoon, and was starting to think about just going back to my room and waiting for Jim to come home when I was interrupted again.

"Spock" Uhura dumped her stuff opposite me and plonked down with a sigh.

"Damn, exams are exhausting times. I've been wanting to talk to you for a while...... What happened to your face?" She barely took a breath between reaching me and her question, looking curious for my answer.

"Um, nothing. I tripped. What did you wish to discuss?" I asked, trying to brush it off but internally wincing. There must be a bruise, there is no way Jim will miss it and he will not believe that I simply tripped.

"Oh, ok - you look like someone punched you. Anyway, I wanted to talk about you and Kirk of course" she practically squealed and I felt my eyes widen at her enthusiasm.

"Why?" I was completely bewildered, why did she wish to discuss my romantic relationship?

"Because I'm curious" she replied in a duh voice "What's he like? Is he good to you? Is he sweet or passionate? Have you kissed yet? Oohhh have you had sex yet? Is he any good?" She blasted questions without giving me time to reply and I felt overwhelmed by this girl that I barely know, wanting to talk about my relationship.

"I don't know if this is an appropriate conversation topic" I am quite positive that my ears have gone green by now and she confirmed this by giggling.

"Oh my god, you're embarrassed. And come on, we're friends. Now spill." She demanded.

I was surprised with her announcement that we are apparently friends, but I feel like I can trust her. So after a brief pause I started to speak.

"Jim is very caring and considerate. He is sweet, we have kissed and yes he is good at it. We have been engaged in a romantic relationship for less then a month so no, we have not yet had intercourse" I gave her the facts as quickly as possible, quite embarrassed about how much information I was giving her.

"Never?!? And you've been together a whole month?" She asked, her eyes wide.

"Almost a month" I corrected her, my unease growing. "Is that unusual for a human?"

"Not massively, but I mean - have you seen Jim Kirk?" she fanned herself in exaggeration. "I bet he's no virgin - I heard he used to sleep around a lot before he moved here. So for someone like that, yes it is a little unusual."

I felt myself bristling at the implication that she thought my T'hy'la was attractive (even though he is - but I'm the only one who can think of him in that way) and at the thought of him with another.

I guess it shouldn't surprise me, I did note when I first met him that he flirted a lot and he did seen very comfortable with... everything.

"Spock? I'm sorry I didn't mean anything" Uhura seemed to realise that what she had said probably wasn't the best thing.

"I mean, from what I can't tell he seems to be a relatively decent guy, and he clearly loves you." She persisted when I stayed silent.

"Indeed. I must leave now, good day Uhura" I stood with my things and bowed my head slightly to her.

She stood with me "I'm sorry Spock, I really need to start thinking before I speak" she apologised but I waved it off.

"It is of little importance. It was pleasant talking to you" I started walking away, unsure where to go from here.

I want to see Jim of course, but I think it might be better if I think over what I have heard first.

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