Chapter Seventy Two

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*Jim's POV*

I stared at Pike blankly. "You think Kevin's responsible?"

Pike nodded, sighing and running a hand through his hair. "We traced the messages back to him. It has to be."

"What if it's a set up?" I asked, panicking. It can't possibly be Kevin.

"We will keep looking into it, but right now he's our only lead on Carol and Spock. Will you try to talk to him?"

I nodded. "I'll ask if he knows anything. But I don't think he will, Kevin's not that kind of person. I don't think he's capable of that much destruction. You don't know him like I do."

Pike sighed again. "Jim, be realistic. We already know they're good at covering their tracks, the Kevin Riley you think you know could just be a mask."

I bit back my response because I know he could be right. I still won't believe it until I see it, but if he knows where Spock is.......

"Okay let's go talk to him," I muttered angrily and Pike nodded, leading the way without another word.

Kevin was being held in one of the few cells in the academy, and apart from half a dozen security officers he was there alone.

His eyes widened when he saw me and he rushed to the edge of the cell.

"Jim?!?" He asked, panic evident in his voice. "What's going on?"

"They just have some questions," I soothed, sending Pike a glare.

Kevin glanced around doubtfully at all the guards and shrank back. "I've already told them, I don't know what happened to Carol and Spock!"

"Okay, what about the messages?" Pike pressed and more confusion spread across Kevin's face. "Messages? What messages?"

"The messages to Jim," Pike continued, sounding exhausted. "The stalking. The attacks on Starfleet."

"Stalking? Attacks? I have no idea what you're talking about! Jim, I swear, whatever's going on here, I'm not involved!"

I glanced at Pike uncertainly before looking back at Kevin. "If you're innocent you'll be out soon," I told him quietly, trying not to think of the alternative.

If he was found guilty, he would never be free again.

Pike motioned for us to leave and I glanced back at Kevin one last time before following him out.

"I really don't think it's him," I pressed as soon as we were out of earshot and Pike sighed.

"I just don't know Jim," he replied tiredly and I felt a wave of pity for him rush through me.

Everyone was expecting him to solve this, to find who was responsible and make things right again.

He was just as lost as us, but he didn't have anyone to turn to who could help him.

"We'll figure it out," I said quietly and he nodded. "Yeah. We'll get there. We have to."

He began heading back to his office just as Gary rushed up to me. "Where's Kev?!? I saw a couple of red shirts dragging him away a while ago, what's going on?!?"

I sighed, sitting down. "They think he took Carol, and maybe Spock too."

Gary froze. "Bullshit," he stated. "We are talking about the same Kevin here right? He wouldn't hurt a fly. Why do they think it's him? Where's their evidence?"

I shrugged. "They found some messages that traced back to him. I don't know what to think. Spock would know......" I sighed and buried my head in my hands.

"We'll get him back. Carol too," he comforted me, sounding sad and I looked up at him. "I'm sorry, I know you're worried about Carol."

He nodded looking away. "I feel so... Empty, without her. She's been gone so long Jim, sometimes I start to wonder if I'll ever see her again."

"You will. I'll find them Gary, I swear if it's the last thing I do....."

We were silent for a while before he got up. "I have to go, I'm supposed to be meeting with Christine. I'll see you soon okay?"

I nodded and he left, although he was quickly replaced by Janice, who was looking sad.

"I'm sorry," she said quietly. "I heard about you and Spock breaking up, and him going missing."

I groaned slightly. "Geez, does everyone know everything?" I asked the sky and she shrugged.

"Things get around, I just came to let you know I'm here if you ever need me," she put her hand on my arm and I struggled not to flinch away.

"I could make you forget about everything for a while, I could make you feel good," she said softly, moving closer.

Spock's face flashed in my mind and I jerked away, my skin crawling. "That's enough Janice! How many times do I have to tell you, I'm. Not. Interested. Leave me the fuck alone!" I growled, spinning away and stalking off without waiting for her reply.

How could she think that she could ever make me forget Spock? Did she really think I'd go to her, just like that, the second Spock and I weren't together? The second he wasn't around?

Just because we aren't together anymore doesn't mean I'm not still completely his.

Just because he doesn't love me anymore doesn't mean I will ever stop loving, wanting or needing him.

"I will find you Spock, I swear." I whispered to the sky, praying I find him before it's too late.

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