Chapter Two

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*Spock's POV*

I stood in the door way of my room, casting my eyes over it one last time before walking in to the living room, wheeling my suitcase behind me.

"Farewell Spock" my father said from across the room, raising his hand in the traditional Vulcan farewell.

I returned the gesture, nodding to him as I made my way towards my mother.

"Goodbye Spock" she whispered, her voice catching slightly as she hugged me. "Be good, and don't let them get to you"

I stroked her hair gently "I shall think of you often mother, I will be home for the holidays"

"Until then" she drew away and smiled softly. "I will miss you my son"

"And I you" I pushed my emotions deeper down so they would not distract me further, gave her one final hug, nodded to my father again and left my home once more.


I gently placed my final belonging, a photo of my family, on my desk and sat on my bed.

Thankfully I was one of the lucky people in the academy who got a room to themselves, and so far I had avoided everyone in my year.

I pulled my timetable out to see what my first lesson for the year would be, Advanced Tactical Training. Not too bad.

I lay back and evaluated. Maybe, if I keep my head down, no one will notice I came back this year.

I calculate that I have a 27.84% chance that will happen. The odds could be worse.

I sighed and ran hand though my ink black hair.

Along with Advanced Tactical Training, this year I am taking Survival Strategies, Flight Control and Basic Hand-to-Hand Combat.

I sighed again and decided I might as well go get some coffee while I wait the day away.


I opened the door to the best coffee shop in the academy and was hit with the comforting smell of freshly ground coffee beans along with a blast of warm air.

I walked in, letting the door swing shut behind me with a soft click. There was only one other customer in the room, I recognised him as another third year, I believe his name is Sulu, one of the few people who isn't a complete jerk to me.

I walked over to the counter just as Sulu turned around, having finished ordering. I saw a flash of surprise, and maybe something else in his eyes when he saw me, he probably didn't hear me coming in. He nodded to me but didn't make eye contact as he moved away to wait for his coffee.

I quickly ordered my usual latte and stood back while the barista made it.

"Spock?" a quiet, hesitant voice came from behind me.

I turned in surprise, people rarely addressed me by my name.

"Yes Sulu?" I hardened my resolve, pushing all emotions down as I took a logical guess at what was coming next.

"I'm sorry." he mumbled, looked very uncomfortable.

Well, not what I was expecting, "for what?" I inquired, curious as to what he had done.

"For not standing up for you, I just don't want to be next" now he looked very guilty, and I identified that as the other emotion I saw in his eyes when he saw me walk in.

I considered this information for a second, it was the most logical thing to do.

"That is quite alright Sulu, in your place I would probably do the same" I nodded to myself as I came to this conclusion.

"Oh, okay" he sounded unsure "so you don't hate me?" he fidgeted nervously.

"Of course not that would be illogical, you haven't done anything to me"

"Okay" he picked up his coffee "hey just remember, even though I might not show it, I'm on your side" he smiled faintly as he left the shop.

I was speechless, maybe despite my calculations this year would be better than the previous ones.

I absentmindedly picked up my coffee and left the warm shop, walking straight into Hendorff and his gang.

"Watch where you going freak!" he yelled and shoved me backwards, spilling the hot coffee all over me.

"Oops" he and his friends laughed and walked pass me, the last one shoving me again for good measure.

"Or maybe not" I said miserably to myself as I threw my now empty cup into the bin and headed back to my room.

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