Chapter Eighty Three

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*Jim's POV*

It didn't take us long to find Spock's discarded communicator.

I let out a shout of frustration, kicking the nearby rock wall with as much force as I could muster. This only resulted in a sore toe and Pike shaking his head at me.

"Concentrate Kirk. You know Gary, is there anywhere you can think of that he might have taken Spock? A hideout or something?"

I scowled. "He could have gone anywhere. I'm not losing Spock, not again."

I pulled my communicator out and punched in Gary's number.

It's over. Where is he?

It was only a few tense minutes before his reply came through.

I'm sorry, I truly am. I didn't want you to find out this way. Do you remember the day we met? I think I fell in love with you right then and there, all those years ago. I can't help it. Come to our spot, I'll be waiting for you. If you value Spock's life, you'll come alone.

-Yours always, Gary.

Pike frowned, having read the message over my shoulder.

"What's your spot? Does that make any sense to you? Do you know the place he's talking about?"

I nodded, already heading in the direction of the academy's shuttles.

"Iowa. We grew up there together- there used to be an abandoned warehouse about half an hour away from the main town. We used to go there all the time when we were kids, that's where he must've taken Spock."

Pike nodded, typing frantically on his communicator. "We'll surround the place, he won't escape. We'll get Spock back, don't you worry."

I shook my head. "I have to go alone, I don't doubt he'll kill Spock if he thinks there are other people around."

Pike chewed his lip as he considered this. "I agree, he has already proved himself to be a ruthless killer. Do you think you'll be able to talk him out of it? We can still have the warehouse surrounded from a distance and keep everyone on standby?"

I thought for a second, then nodded. There was no way Pike would let me go without any back up.

"Make sure they keep plenty of distance. Gary's usually reasonable, I'll try talking to him. He can't have any indication that I didn't come alone  though."

"Agreed" Pike said as we reach the shuttles.

He led me to the smallest one and started it up. "Are you capable of co-piloting? Otherwise we'll have to find someone else."

I nodded and he sent one final message out before we took off.

"Everything will be in place by the time we get there."


Less than 40 minutes had passed when we finally landed in Iowa's shipyard. It felt like an eternity.

There was a hovercar waiting for us and we sped off, Pike pushing the small vehicle to it's limits.

At that speed it only took us 10 minutes to reach where starfleet officers were waiting, their phasers aimed at the barely visable warehouse.

We stopped and climbed out, quickly greeting the tense officers.

Pike quickly ran over the plan again, giving me a small switch.

I would go into the warehouse and try to talk Gary into letting Spock and I go. If that was successful we would get out of range and the reinforcements would try to capture Gary. If it was unsuccessful I would flick the switch and the reinforcements would come in to help us, hopefully distracting Gary long enough for me to get Spock to safety.

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